all truth
Abril 30, 2008 (14:00)
Father tells us how to prepare ourselves to accept all the truth that the Holy Spirit wants us to have.
the paraclete
Abril 29, 2008 (14:00)
Father explains what the Paraclete is.
Abril 28, 2008 (14:00)
Father shows us how exciting it is to live a Christian Life!
Abril 25, 2008 (14:00)
Father talks about humility using the gospel reading for the feast of St. Mark.
Abril 24, 2008 (14:00)
Father encourages us to complete obedience.
complete joy
Abril 23, 2008 (14:00)
Father shows us in scripture how God given Joy can overcome any suffering.
shalom peace
Abril 22, 2008 (14:00)
Father explains the gift of peace that Jesus gives us.
Abril 21, 2008 (14:00)
Father explains today's gospel and shows us the invitation to be Trinitarian.
preaching in the early church
Abril 18, 2008 (14:00)
Father gives us instruction on how to preach using scripture.
the judas's in our lives
Abril 17, 2008 (14:00)
Father explains today's gospel of the washing of the apostles feet, especially in respect to Judas.
the making of a mission
Abril 16, 2008 (14:00)
Using scripture Father shows us how to develop our own evangelical mission.
half baked?
Abril 15, 2008 (14:00)
Father challenges us not to be a half baked Christian. We may be and not know it!
do you hear god?
Abril 14, 2008 (14:00)
Father encourages us to listen to God. He really does speak to us.
Abril 11, 2008 (14:00)
Father encourages us to take a part, any part, of helping others be converted.
the father is calling us
Abril 10, 2008 (14:00)
Father shows us how God the Father calls us to Jesus.
philip's secret
Abril 9, 2008 (14:00)
Father shows us St. Philip's secret to spreading the Gospel.
i am the bread of life
Abril 8, 2008 (14:00)
Father explains the many ways Bread is given to us by Jesus
how to know we have met the christ
Abril 7, 2008 (14:00)
Father tells us how, by what actions, we will know that we have met the risen Christ this Easter.
the foolishness of fighting god
Abril 4, 2008 (14:00)
Father tells us that when we sin we are really trying to fight God.
Abril 3, 2008 (14:00)
Father explains what arch-obedience is and why we are called to it.
unlock the jail
Abril 2, 2008 (14:00)
Father encourages us to accept the 'key' God gives us to evangelize.
call to christian community
Abril 1, 2008 (14:00)
Father shows us that our strength is in working together in order to evangelize effectively.