how to be a masterpiece
Julio 31, 2008 (14:00)
Father encourages us to work toward being the masterpieces God intended us all to be.
are you a disqualified prophet?
Julio 30, 2008 (14:00)
Father tells us how to be the 'mouth piece' of the Lord.
why do good things happen to bad people?
Julio 29, 2008 (14:00)
Father gives us five reasons why things sometimes seem so unfair.
every detail matters!
Julio 28, 2008 (14:00)
Father shows us how Jesus knows everything about us and that every thing we do, no matter how 'insignificant', matters!
the power of redemptive suffering
Julio 25, 2008 (14:00)
Father talks today about the benefits of suffering.
discerning leadership
Julio 24, 2008 (14:00)
Father shows us how to determine a good leader to follow according to scripture.
Julio 23, 2008 (14:00)
Father explains exactly what prophesy is and how it operates.
how to relate to jesus
Julio 22, 2008 (14:00)
Father uses St. Mary Magdalene as our example of how to respond to the saving power of Jesus.
what does god want?
Julio 21, 2008 (14:00)
Father teaches us that there are only three things we need to do to pass judgment.
nothing is impossible for god
Julio 18, 2008 (14:00)
Father uses different scripture passages showing the omnipotence of God.
apart from god - nothing
Julio 17, 2008 (14:00)
Father uses his own life experience to demonstrate our total dependence on God.
be child like
Julio 16, 2008 (14:00)
Father tells us what we must do to receive all the revelation Jesus wants us to have.
timed prophecies
Julio 15, 2008 (14:00)
Father uses today's scripture to speak about prophecies with specific times attached to them.
healing families
Julio 14, 2008 (14:00)
Father shows us how Jesus must sometimes 'break' families before He can fix them. Father also gives us steps to follow.
sin traps us
Julio 11, 2008 (14:00)
Father shows us what sin can do to us and what we can do about it.
Julio 10, 2008 (14:00)
Father explains what a proper life style is.
Julio 9, 2008 (14:00)
Father shows us how we are in danger of being spoiled.
Julio 8, 2008 (14:00)
Father continues to encourages to 'keep our eye on Jesus'.
Julio 7, 2008 (14:00)
Father encourages us to know Jesus. It is the key to receiving Faith.
spiritual famine
Julio 4, 2008 (14:00)
Father explains the many ways people are starving for the food we need that only God can provide.
the mercy of god
Julio 3, 2008 (14:00)
Father uses the life of St. Thomas to teach the incredible Mercy of God.
be aware of demons
Julio 2, 2008 (14:00)
Father reminds us that Jesus showed us how to deal with demons that still works today.
quiet the storm
Julio 1, 2008 (14:00)
Father encourages us to see the opportunities in all of our 'storms'.