liturgical year
Julio 31, 2009 (14:00)
Father shows us the purpose of the liturgical year in the church.
Julio 30, 2009 (14:00)
Father gives us many places in the Bible where clouds are used to show the magnificence of God.
too busy?
Julio 29, 2009 (14:00)
Father helps us to examine our lives to determine if we are too busy for God.
receive intimacy
Julio 28, 2009 (14:00)
Father speaks about the intimacy that is available to all of us with God.
grand parenting
Julio 27, 2009 (14:00)
Father teaches us today that grand parents need to continue focusing on their adult children more than on the grandchildren. - 17th week in Ordinary time
the ten comandments
Julio 24, 2009 (14:00)
Father goes through each of the Commandments and shows us how they make us free.
fear of the lord
Julio 23, 2009 (14:00)
Father explains what 'Fear of the Lord' really is and why we need it.
our daily bread
Julio 22, 2009 (14:00)
Father takes today's scripture reading and gives us a wonderful understanding on the necessity of daily Mass.
are you family?
Julio 21, 2009 (14:00)
Father teaches us today from scripture that when we do the will of God we are Mothers and Brothers of Jesus Christ.
stay free
Julio 20, 2009 (14:00)
Father talks today about how to stay free from sin. - 16th week in Ordinary Time
the lamb
Julio 17, 2009 (14:00)
Father explains how the lamb at the first Passover is related to the Lamb of God.
understand exodus
Julio 16, 2009 (14:00)
Father teaches us how important it is to understand the book of Exodus in order to really understand our freedom from sin.
weak and lowly?
Julio 15, 2009 (14:00)
Father uses today's reading to teach us that no one is beyond God's at any time.
Julio 14, 2009 (14:00)
Father shows us that when anything is done well and for God it is never useless.
be pro-life - evangelize!
Julio 13, 2009 (14:00)
Father encourages to be pro-active in the pro-life movement by evangelizing.
15th week in Ordinary Time
get the word out
Julio 10, 2009 (14:00)
Father wants us to pay attention to today's martyrs and get the word out about them.
be reconciled
Julio 9, 2009 (14:00)
Father encourages us to take responsibility to make reconciliation. It's a mission.
a new spring time or….
Julio 8, 2009 (14:00)
Father teaches what we are going to need to chose The New Spring Time over barbarism.
vocations crisis
Julio 7, 2009 (14:00)
Prayer and Obedience is the answer to the vocation crisis according to Father.
stairway to heaven
Julio 6, 2009 (14:00)
Father shows us the similarities between Genesis 28 and John 1.
Year 1 - 14th wk in Ordinary Time
do not fear
Julio 3, 2009 (14:00)
Father shows us how a fearful church leads people into doubt.
Julio 2, 2009 (14:00)
Father gives us a good understanding of the sacrament of Reconciliation.
Julio 1, 2009 (14:00)
Father describes the situations we have to discern when to leave and when not to leave.