out of the world
Diciembre 30, 2011 (14:04)
Father teaches us what is wrong with being in love with the World.
Diciembre 29, 2011 (14:06)
Father shows us many day to day ways that we reject Jesus.
what do we have in common with children?
Diciembre 28, 2011 (14:06)
Father uses today's reading to talk about children and how they are treated in the world today and how to fight for them.
christmas immersion
Diciembre 27, 2011 (14:06)
Father tells us that if we really want to get to know Jesus get immersed in the Word.
a persecutable christmas - 1st week of christmas
Diciembre 26, 2011 (14:07)
Father uses the beatitudes to show us how to have a persecutable Christmas.
Diciembre 23, 2011 (14:04)
Father shows us in scripture how we need to become purified for Christmas.
mary christmas
Diciembre 22, 2011 (14:06)
Father shows us how Christmas changes the world.
fruits of the spirit
Diciembre 21, 2011 (14:06)
Father talks about the fruits of the Holy Spirit and how they relate to Christmas.
the annunciation
Diciembre 20, 2011 (14:06)
Father explains this first Christmas Mystery and the power of the Holy Spirit .
vows - fourth week of advent
Diciembre 19, 2011 (14:06)
Father uses today's reading to explain how vows give us strength.
Diciembre 16, 2011 (14:04)
Father teaches us that time is important for Christains.
time to rebuild
Diciembre 15, 2011 (14:06)
Father encourages us to expand and be hopeful.
Diciembre 14, 2011 (14:06)
Father teaches us that Jesus gives us signs to show that He is who He is.
be humble
Diciembre 13, 2011 (14:06)
Father shows us how to be humble in imitation of Jesus and gives us ways to know if we are proud.
focus on the pregnancy - third week in advent
Diciembre 12, 2011 (14:06)
Father shows how to prepare for Christmas by watching how an expectant Mother prepares.
open the door
Diciembre 9, 2011 (14:04)
Father tells us what will happen if we open ourselves to what God wants to give us.
the feast of the immaculate conception - miracle after miracle
Diciembre 8, 2011 (14:06)
Father reminds us that Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception is the Patroness of the United States. We need to pray to her now more than ever.
the christmas blues
Diciembre 7, 2011 (14:06)
Father talks about why so many of us feel blue at Christmas.
new evangelization - try
Diciembre 6, 2011 (14:06)
Father teaches us how important it is to keep trying to reach our fallen away brethren.
confession - the second week in advent
Diciembre 5, 2011 (14:06)
Father encourages us to make the best confession possible and instructs us how to do this.
great expectations
Diciembre 2, 2011 (14:04)
Father explains what Christian Hope is and what it gives us this season.
Diciembre 1, 2011 (14:06)
Father encourages us to make this Christmas the foundation of our Faith.