what is sin?
Septiembre 30, 2011 (14:04)
Father expounds on the definition of Sin and how we need to look at it.
the power of our archangels
Septiembre 29, 2011 (14:06)
Father shows us in scripture shows us how the Archangels fight demons in heaven and now here on earth.
godly sorrow
Septiembre 28, 2011 (14:06)
Father teaches us today about unselfish sorrow and contrition and how to have this holy disposition.
are you catholic? really?
Septiembre 27, 2011 (14:06)
Father asks us today if we are truly Catholic or are we Catholic in name only.
be little - 26th week in ordinary tiime
Septiembre 26, 2011 (14:06)
Father uses today's scripture to explain how Jesus does not want us to be a big deal.
take courage!
Septiembre 23, 2011 (14:04)
Father encourages us to be encouragers. We all need to be encouraged
are you working as you are called?
Septiembre 22, 2011 (14:06)
Father encourages us to Work for Jesus in our 'ordinary' occupations.
study the gospels
Septiembre 21, 2011 (14:06)
Father teaches us that we must study the gospels, begining with Matthew.
join in!
Septiembre 20, 2011 (14:06)
Father invites us to join our daily sacrifices with Jesus' once and for all sacrifice.
building the house of god - 25th week in ordinary time
Septiembre 19, 2011 (14:06)
Father shows us today that we must be the builders of the Church
root of all evil
Septiembre 16, 2011 (14:04)
Father speaks to us today about the love of money.
do you belive that mary is your mother?
Septiembre 15, 2011 (14:06)
Father talks about the Motherhood of Mary.
the triumph of the cross
Septiembre 14, 2011 (14:06)
Father cites several verses in Scripture that helps to explain this feast.
a teaching on biships
Septiembre 13, 2011 (14:06)
Father shows us how important our Bishops are to us today.
we are not worthy - 24th week in ordinary time
Septiembre 12, 2011 (14:06)
Father reflects on our worthiness to receive communion
you are your brother's keeper
Septiembre 9, 2011 (14:04)
Father uses today's first reading to show us that we are responsible for the acts of others.
to mary through jesus
Septiembre 8, 2011 (14:06)
Father speaks about True Devotion to Mary and that we can only get true devotion through her son, Jesus.
be put to death
Septiembre 7, 2011 (14:06)
Father shows us why we must die in order to Live and how to accomplish it.
break new ground!
Septiembre 6, 2011 (14:06)
Father gives us real life examples in his life where he had to 'break new ground' in accordance with the Holy Spirit.
do you want healing? - 23rd week in ordinary time
Septiembre 5, 2011 (14:06)
Father uses today's gospel to show that we may not want healing for ourselves or others!
jesus shows us how to fast
Septiembre 2, 2011 (14:04)
Father shows us in scripture the right way to fast and why it is so important.
put out into the deep!
Septiembre 1, 2011 (14:06)
Father shows us that this verse in scripture is a prophesy for us today.