visitation - ninth week in ordinary time
Mayo 31, 2012 (14:06)
Father shows us how we, like Mary, can bring Jesus to others like she did.
revere scripture
Mayo 30, 2012 (14:06)
Father teaches us that we must love scripture.
the lord is coming back
Mayo 29, 2012 (14:06)
Father tells us that there are many scripture passages that speak about the coming of the Lord.
the dangers of riches - eighth week in ordinary time
Mayo 28, 2012 (14:06)
Father shows us how possessions can keep us from obtaining salvation and how the church keeps us in check.
be open to love
Mayo 25, 2012 (14:03)
Father tells us he has no regrets except he wishes he had loved more. Can we say the same thing?
Mayo 24, 2012 (14:06)
Father shows us how the Holy Spirit unites us in all aspects of our lives.
gifts of the holy spirit
Mayo 23, 2012 (14:06)
Father shows us in scripture where to find all of the lists of gifts the Holy Spirit gives us.
are you willing to lead?
Mayo 22, 2012 (14:06)
Father encourages us to prepare ourselves for leadership to which we are all called to
humility & the gift of tongues - 7th week of easter
Mayo 21, 2012 (14:06)
Father shows us that our cultural resistance to speaking in tongues usually stems from pride.
pentecost novena
Mayo 18, 2012 (14:04)
Father explains why we need about nine days of prayer to make a novena.
radical decisions
Mayo 17, 2012 (14:06)
Father instructs us in how to make radical decisions for Jesus.
all truth
Mayo 16, 2012 (14:06)
Father tells us how to prepare ourselves to accept all the truth that the Holy Spirit wants us to have.
pray more!
Mayo 15, 2012 (14:06)
Father explains why prayer is so important.
leadership - sixth week of easter
Mayo 14, 2012 (14:06)
Father tells us that when there are problems it's time to raise up leaders.
we are chosen
Mayo 11, 2012 (14:04)
Father explains that when we begin to understand our choseness and begin to know our selves, then we will love ours. When we can do that then we can love others.
Mayo 10, 2012 (14:06)
Father encourages us to complete obedience.
submit to authority
Mayo 9, 2012 (14:06)
Father shows us that we must listen to our Bishops who are in union with the Pope.
shalom peace
Mayo 8, 2012 (14:06)
Father explains the gift of peace that Jesus gives us.
we need instruction - fifth week of easter
Mayo 7, 2012 (14:06)
Father teaches us that the Holy Spirit will be our instructor in all things.
preaching in the early church
Mayo 4, 2012 (14:04)
Father gives us instruction on how to preach using scripture.
are you passive or active?
Mayo 3, 2012 (14:06)
Father encourages us to be a co-worker in evangelization.
mission begins at home
Mayo 2, 2012 (14:06)
Using scripture Father shows us how to develop our own evangelical mission.
get into the word of god!
Mayo 1, 2012 (14:06)
Father encourages us today to read the scriptures.