the tyranny of time
Septiembre 28, 2012 (14:04)
Father discusses today's reading in Ecclesiastes regarding the relationship of time.
all things are vanity
Septiembre 27, 2012 (14:06)
Father teaches us from the book of Eclastis
the relationship between evangelization and lifestyle
Septiembre 26, 2012 (14:06)
Father talks about the life style of the those with the spirit of poverty.
hear & do!
Septiembre 25, 2012 (14:06)
Father explains what to look for to know if we are hearing and doing the Word of God.
turn on the lights! - 25th week in ordinary time
Septiembre 24, 2012 (14:06)
Father shows us, with examples in his own ministry, how when we know who we are what we can do!
are you working as you are called?
Septiembre 21, 2012 (14:04)
Father encourages us to Work for Jesus in our 'ordinary' occupations.
how great a sinner are we?
Septiembre 20, 2012 (14:06)
Father shows us how much each of needs forgiveness.
Septiembre 19, 2012 (14:06)
Father gives us examples in scripture of people who were selfish and what it costs us when we are.
Septiembre 18, 2012 (14:06)
Using today's first reading Father explains what charisims are and why they are important to have.
communion, not division - 24th week in ordinary time
Septiembre 17, 2012 (14:06)
Father explains today's first reading on Communion in the early church and what it means for us today.
the triumphs of the cross
Septiembre 14, 2012 (14:04)
Father shows us the many triumphs that resulted from the Cross.
how to draw the line
Septiembre 13, 2012 (14:06)
Father shows us how it is possible for us to cause others to sin and how to avoid this.
the practical bible
Septiembre 12, 2012 (14:06)
Father talks about the practicalness of the Bible.
to sue or not to sue
Septiembre 11, 2012 (14:06)
Father discusses the Christian attitude toward legal matters.
how to deal with siners - 23rd week in ordinary time
Septiembre 10, 2012 (14:06)
Father uses today's readings to show how to deal with sexual sin in today's culture of 'tolerance'.
jesus shows us how to fast
Septiembre 7, 2012 (14:04)
Father shows us in scripture the right way to fast and why it is so important.
go out into the deep
Septiembre 6, 2012 (14:06)
Using the encouragement of Pope John Paul II, Father encourages us to envangelize.
are you immature?
Septiembre 5, 2012 (14:06)
Father talks about spiritual immaturity and what happens when we receive the Holy Spirit.
be in the spirit!
Septiembre 4, 2012 (14:06)
Father talks about the many ways to be in the Holy Spirt.
are you pre-occupied? - 22nd week in ordinary time
Septiembre 3, 2012 (14:06)
Father speaks about his favorite subject, the Holy Spirit!