Abril 30, 2013 (14:06)
Father teaches us through the example of St. Paul that the Holy Spirit wants to make us courageous for the Church.
why we need the holy spirit
Abril 29, 2013 (14:06)
Using scripture Father shows us how to develop our own evangelical mission.
preaching in the early church
Abril 26, 2013 (14:04)
Father gives us instruction on how to preach using scripture.
Abril 25, 2013 (14:06)
Father talks about humility using the gospel reading for the feast of St. Mark.
mission begins at home
Abril 24, 2013 (14:06)
Using scripture Father shows us how to develop our own evangelical mission.
are you a christian?
Abril 23, 2013 (14:06)
Father shows us what it means to really be a Christian.
why we need the church
Abril 22, 2013 (14:06)
Father uses today's scripture to why we need the Church's authority.
Abril 19, 2013 (14:04)
Father encourages us to take a part, any part, of helping others be converted.
the father is calling us
Abril 18, 2013 (14:06)
Father shows us how God the Father calls us to Jesus.
come to jesus
Abril 17, 2013 (14:06)
Father shows us and scripture and encourages us to Come to Jesus.
i am the bread of life
Abril 16, 2013 (14:06)
Father explains the many ways Bread is given to us by Jesus.
work for the right reason - third week in easter
Abril 15, 2013 (14:06)
Father explains what our attitude should be toward our employers and co-workers in order to work for eternity.
do you fight god?
Abril 12, 2013 (14:03)
Father tells us what we do to fight God.
arch obedience
Abril 11, 2013 (14:06)
Father describes the total obedience that God calls us to.
do you feel jailed?
Abril 10, 2013 (14:06)
Father talks about breaking out of the jail that keeps us from evangelizing.
are you a powerful witness?
Abril 9, 2013 (14:06)
Father explains how to know if we are witnessing powerfully. The secret is community living.
feast of the annunciation - 2nd week of easter
Abril 8, 2013 (14:06)
Father encourages us to find our point of most resistance to the Spirit.
how do we know jesus is risen?
Abril 5, 2013 (14:04)
The proof is in the actions of those who believe in Him.
the weapons of war
Abril 4, 2013 (14:06)
Father shows how the main weapon in this war is the prophetic Word of God.
doing the right thing at the right time
Abril 3, 2013 (14:06)
With the help of the Holy Spirit we will find ourselves in the right place at the right time to effectively be a witness to Jesus.
opportunities all around us, but….
Abril 2, 2013 (14:06)
Father encourages us to pray for the discernment of the Holy Spirit so that we can see.
we are at war- 1st week in the easter season
Abril 1, 2013 (14:06)
Our Faith is based on the Risen Christ and the devil has declared war!