lessons from job
Septiembre 30, 2014 (14:06)
Father shows us how God will permit bad things to happen and why.
the power of our archangels - 26th week in ordinary time
Septiembre 29, 2014 (14:06)
Father shows us in scripture shows us how the Archangels fight demons in heaven and now here on earth.
the tyranny of time
Septiembre 26, 2014 (14:04)
Father discusses today's reading in Ecclesiastes regarding the relationship of time.
all things are vanity
Septiembre 25, 2014 (14:06)
Father teaches us from the book of Eclastis
the relationship between evangelization and lifestyle
Septiembre 24, 2014 (14:06)
Father talks about the life style of the those with the spirit of poverty.
hear & do!
Septiembre 23, 2014 (14:06)
Father explains what to look for to know if we are hearing and doing the Word of God.
turn on the lights! - 25th week in ordinary time
Septiembre 22, 2014 (14:06)
Father shows us, with examples in his own ministry, how when we know who we are what we can do!
our resurrection
Septiembre 19, 2014 (14:04)
Father explains today's first reading about the Resurrection of Christ and our own.
Septiembre 18, 2014 (14:06)
Father discusses why, and why not, to compare ourselves with others.
Septiembre 17, 2014 (14:06)
Father gives us examples in scripture of people who were selfish and what it costs us when we are.
Septiembre 16, 2014 (14:06)
Using today's first reading Father explains what charisims are and why they are important to have.
our lady of sorrows - 24th week in ordinary time
Septiembre 15, 2014 (14:05)
Father talks about redemption suffering as exemplified by the Blessed Mother.
get shook up
Septiembre 12, 2014 (14:04)
Father encourages us to examine our religious zeal and to stir it up if necessary.
how to draw the line
Septiembre 11, 2014 (14:06)
Father shows us how it is possible for us to cause others to sin and how to avoid this.
the practical bible
Septiembre 10, 2014 (14:06)
Father talks about the practicalness of the Bible.
to sue or not to sue
Septiembre 9, 2014 (14:06)
Father discusses the Christian attitude toward legal matters.
true devotion of mary -23rd week in ordinary time
Septiembre 8, 2014 (14:06)
Father uses the celebration of the Nativity of the Blessed Mother to encourage us to True Devotion to Mary.
jesus shows us how to fast
Septiembre 5, 2014 (14:04)
Father shows us in scripture the right way to fast and why it is so important.
go out into the deep
Septiembre 4, 2014 (14:06)
Using the encouragement of Pope John Paul II, Father encourages us to envangelize.
are you immature?
Septiembre 3, 2014 (14:06)
Father talks about spiritual immaturity and what happens when we receive the Holy Spirit.
be in the spirit!
Septiembre 2, 2014 (14:06)
Father talks about the many ways to be in the Holy Spirt.
are you pre-occupied? - 22nd week in ordinary time
Septiembre 1, 2014 (14:06)
Father speaks about his favorite subject, the Holy Spirit!