are you immature?
Agosto 31, 2016 (14:02)
Father talks about spiritual immaturity and what happens when we receive the Holy Spirit.
be in the spirit!
Agosto 30, 2016 (14:02)
Father talks about the many ways to be in the Holy Spirt.
a martyr for purity - st. john the baptist - 22nd week in ordinary time
Agosto 29, 2016 (14:02)
Father uses today's feast of the martyrdom of John the Baptist to show us how we can be similar martyrs today.
it is the cross that makes the difference
Agosto 26, 2016 (14:00)
Father teaches us what the crosses in our lives are and why they are necessary.
he is coming
Agosto 25, 2016 (14:02)
Father shows us that how we live should be focused on the coming of the Lord.
feast of st. bartholomew (nathaniel)
Agosto 24, 2016 (14:03)
Father speaks about the importance of apostolic succession.
waiting for the coming of the lord
Agosto 23, 2016 (14:02)
Father gives us an historical lesson on the second coming and what our attitude today should be.
what is normal church life? - 21st week in ordinary time
Agosto 22, 2016 (14:02)
Father tells us what people should say about the church we belong to. Can they?
them dry bones
Agosto 19, 2016 (14:00)
Father shows us how today's reading in Ezekiel relates to the state of the world today and what to do about it.
dressed for holiness?
Agosto 18, 2016 (14:02)
Father speaks about how God expects us to be 'clothed' and what His standards for holiness is.
an issue of leadership
Agosto 17, 2016 (14:02)
Father talks about choosing the right path of leadership we have been called to.
what you need to go to hell
Agosto 16, 2016 (14:02)
Father talks about what not to do to go to hell.
the assumption - 20th week in ordinary time
Agosto 15, 2016 (14:02)
Father explains what the Assumption is and how we can prepare
marriage & the four "d"s
Agosto 12, 2016 (14:00)
Father tells us about the four 'D's of vocation
Agosto 11, 2016 (14:02)
Father explains what rebeillion against God is.
feast of st. lawrence
Agosto 10, 2016 (14:02)
St. Lawrence was a great giver. Father uses his feast day to show how scripture encourages us to give what the Father has given us.
consume or consumer?
Agosto 9, 2016 (14:02)
Father explains that the decisions we make determines what we end up being consumed by.
do you have a foundational relationship? - 19th week in ordinary time
Agosto 8, 2016 (14:02)
Father uses the visions described in scripture to show how we must 'get' being Christian.
why did jesus save us?
Agosto 5, 2016 (14:00)
To make us disciples to all nations.
keep your focus
Agosto 4, 2016 (14:02)
Father shows us where to keep our focus when there is trouble in our lives.
restoration promises
Agosto 3, 2016 (14:02)
Father uses scripture to show how Jesus has promised us the restoration of His Father's plan for us.
discerning leadership
Agosto 2, 2016 (14:02)
Father speaks about knowing who to follow and how to lead.
cover-ups - 18th week in ordinary time
Agosto 1, 2016 (14:02)
Father speaks out about birth control and abortion.