antichrists - the octave of christmas
Diciembre 31, 2018 (14:04)
Father speaks to us today about the Antichrist.
feast of the holy innocences
Diciembre 28, 2018 (14:04)
Father uses todays feast to encourage us to continue our pro-life efforts
the word of god
Diciembre 27, 2018 (14:04)
Christmas teaches us that Christmas is an immersion into the work of God.
a blood red christmas
Diciembre 26, 2018 (14:04)
Father shows us how St. Stephen was like Jesus, and so should we.
within the holy spirit
Diciembre 25, 2018 (14:04)
Father exhorts us to experience Christmas within the Holy Spirit.
great expectations!
Diciembre 24, 2018 (14:04)
Father encourages us not to waste this last day of Advent.
it's spring!
Diciembre 21, 2018 (14:04)
Father tells us that by the Holy Spirit we will have new life.
together like mary
Diciembre 20, 2018 (14:04)
Father explains how Mary has always been with Jesus and intercedes for us.
prideful like zachariah?
Diciembre 19, 2018 (14:04)
Father talks about intelectual pride and tells us not to be afraid.
docile like joseph
Diciembre 18, 2018 (14:04)
Father shows us how docile Joseph is to the Holy Spirit through his dreams.
praise like juda! - 3rd week of advent
Diciembre 17, 2018 (14:04)
Father teaches us to enter into the tribe of Praise with the help of the Holy Spirit
Diciembre 14, 2018 (14:04)
Father teaches us that we must be docile to the Holy Spirit like Mary.
what's your identity?
Diciembre 13, 2018 (14:04)
Father explains to us what we need to do to know ourselves.
sign of sure hope - feast of our lady of guadalupe
Diciembre 12, 2018 (14:04)
Father shows us that will will us to our sure hope Jesus.
cry out in the desert!
Diciembre 11, 2018 (14:04)
Father speaks to our hearts today to encourage our faith in Jesus.
confession - 2nd week of advent
Diciembre 10, 2018 (14:04)
Father encourages us to make the best confession possible and instructs us how to do this.
Diciembre 7, 2018 (14:04)
Father shows us that no matter what is going on in our lives God gives us hope.
christmas carols
Diciembre 6, 2018 (14:04)
Father reflects on our contemporary carols as opposed to the songs in the bible.
mountain climbing
Diciembre 5, 2018 (14:04)
Father teaches us about seven of the many different peaks on 'God's Mountain'.
what does the holy spirit do?
Diciembre 4, 2018 (14:04)
Father talks about how the Holy works in a person's life
commit! - 1st week of advent
Diciembre 3, 2018 (14:04)
Father calls us to start the new year by obeying God and re-commit our lives to Him.