to leave or not to leave?
Junio 30, 2021 (14:00)
Father understands that sometimes, we don't know if we need to leave a situation or not.
the church unchained
Junio 29, 2021 (14:00)
Father uses today's feast day to talk about Peter while in prison.
intercession - 13th week in ordinary time
Junio 28, 2021 (14:00)
Father teaches us that interceding can make all the difference.
do in me what you must to do with me what you will
Junio 25, 2021 (14:00)
Father explains that we must be changed.
jesus is the way to the father
Junio 24, 2021 (14:00)
Father talks about a son's heart turning to the father and the father's heart to his son.
judge by the fruits
Junio 23, 2021 (14:00)
A father warns us about false teachers.
optical illusion
Junio 22, 2021 (14:00)
Father teaches us that what we see is not always what it seems.
proper judgement --12th week in ordinary time
Junio 21, 2021 (14:00)
Father gives us a good understanding of the difference between being judgmental and brotherly correction of others.
suffering for the church
Junio 18, 2021 (14:00)
Father reminds us through today's scripture that we accept our sufferings for the sake of the church.
the our father
Junio 17, 2021 (14:00)
Father tells us that the Our Father is the center of scriptures and summary of the gospel.
intimacy with the father
Junio 16, 2021 (14:00)
Father gives us the tools we need to know the Father.
love our enemies
Junio 15, 2021 (14:00)
Father speaks today about loving our enemies.
capital punishment - 11th week in ordinary time
Junio 14, 2021 (14:00)
Father teaches from the Catechism about the death penalty.
see the father in jesus
Junio 11, 2021 (14:00)
Father teaches us about living in God.
remove the veil - understanding scripture
Junio 10, 2021 (14:00)
Father helps us to understand the scriptures.
go beyond the minimum
Junio 9, 2021 (14:00)
Father explains the dangers of living our religion by only the letter of the law.
be faithful as the father is faithful
Junio 8, 2021 (14:00)
Father shows us the faithfulness of God the Father.
the beatitudes explained - 10th week in ordinary time
Junio 7, 2021 (14:00)
Father explains what the Beatitudes are and invites us to live them.
jesus is god
Junio 4, 2021 (14:00)
Father gives us examples of how ordinary Jesus's life was even though he is God.
see the father in jesus
Junio 4, 2021 (14:00)
Father teaches us about living in God.
martial chastity
Junio 3, 2021 (14:00)
Father teaches strongly on Marital Chastity.
god can solve problems
Junio 2, 2021 (14:00)
Father shows us how God will use one problem to solve another. It happens all the time!
do not despair
Junio 1, 2021 (14:00)
Father speaks today about despair.