the eucharist
Abril 29, 2022 (14:00)
Father makes the connection that Jesus began his passion with the Eucharist and ended Easter Sunday with the Eucharist.
be open to the holy spirit
Abril 28, 2022 (14:00)
Father teaches us what it may mean if we open ourselves up to the Holy Spirit.
work for the right reasons
Abril 27, 2022 (14:00)
Father explains what our attitude should be toward our employers and co-workers in order to work for eternity.
small home-based christian communities
Abril 26, 2022 (14:00)
Father shows us how Christian Community worked in the early church.
humility - 2nd week of easter
Abril 25, 2022 (14:00)
Father talks about humility using the gospel reading for the feast of St Mark
leadership - third week in ordinary time
Abril 22, 2022 (14:00)
Father shows how Peter encourages leadership and reaches out to them.
Abril 21, 2022 (14:00)
Father shows us in the scripture that we need to repent in order to meet Jesus
how to meet the risen christ
Abril 20, 2022 (14:00)
Father explains that in order to meet the risen Christ we must find Him in the Mass.
come holy spirit
Abril 19, 2022 (14:00)
Father teaches us that we must have the Holy Spirit in order to 'get' Easter.
believe in the word - octave of easter
Abril 18, 2022 (14:00)
Father shows us through scripture that we must get into the Word and spread it!
jesus crucified
Abril 15, 2022 (14:00)
Father provides us today with a reflection on the crucifixion based on Isaiah.
the mystery of the eucharist
Abril 14, 2022 (14:00)
Father asks why so many do not believe what Jesus said.
hearing god
Abril 13, 2022 (14:00)
Father encourages us to listen to hear God.
jesus, the light to the nations
Abril 12, 2022 (14:00)
Father shows us in scripture how Jesus is the light to all nations.
justice - holy week
Abril 11, 2022 (14:00)
Father urges us to do Justice.
Abril 8, 2022 (14:00)
Father tells us that we are called to suffer for the love of God.
jesus is god!
Abril 7, 2022 (14:00)
Father explains how we are affected when we believe that Jesus is God.
freedom and truth
Abril 6, 2022 (14:00)
Father tells us what being free in Christ means.
avoid dying in your sins!
Abril 5, 2022 (14:00)
Father pleads with us to not die in our sins and gives us examples of some who have.
the cost of forgiveness - fifth week in lent
Abril 4, 2022 (14:00)
Father shows us the cost of forgiveness.
be willing to suffer for jesus
Abril 1, 2022 (14:00)
Father teaches us about the mystery of suffering.