Junio 30, 2022 (14:00)
Father informs us that Prophecy is for everyone!
apostolic succession
Junio 29, 2022 (14:00)
Father teaches us about apostolic succession and what it means for us today.
save us lord - we are lost!
Junio 28, 2022 (14:00)
Father tells us that these words are the essence of our human condition.
overwhelmed - 13th week in ordinary time
Junio 27, 2022 (14:00)
Father talks today about social injustice and the dignity of the human person.
sacred heart
Junio 24, 2022 (14:00)
Father gives us a good understanding of the difference between being judgmental and brotherly correction of others.
life in the holy spirit
Junio 23, 2022 (14:00)
Father teaches us we must repent before we can live in the Life in the Spirit.
open the book!
Junio 22, 2022 (14:00)
Father talks about the bible and finding a love for it.
the real presence
Junio 21, 2022 (14:00)
Father tells us that God is present every where in the world but he is most powerfully present in the Holy Eucharist.
idolatry - 12th week in ordinary time
Junio 20, 2022 (14:00)
Father speaks today about Idol Worship.
store up heavenly treasure
Junio 17, 2022 (14:00)
Father informs us what treasures we should lay up and which ones we shouldn't.
Junio 16, 2022 (14:00)
Father gives us the five 'Ps' in Discipleship.
be filled with the holy spirit
Junio 15, 2022 (14:00)
Father shows us what 'double portion' really means.
love your enemies
Junio 14, 2022 (14:00)
Father speaks today about loving our enemies.
land distribution - 11th week in ordinary time
Junio 13, 2022 (14:00)
Father teaches us the importance of land during a Jubilee year.
Junio 10, 2022 (14:00)
Father wants to remind us that we were anointed in Baptism and Confirmation.
Junio 9, 2022 (14:00)
Father shows us how dangerous anger is to our salvation.
commit to the lord!
Junio 8, 2022 (14:00)
Father encourages to live fully in the Lord.
financial security
Junio 7, 2022 (14:00)
Father talks about God's form of Financial Security.
jesus is revealed in the beatitudes - 10th week in ordinary time
Junio 6, 2022 (14:00)
Father explains what the Beatitudes are and invites us to live them.
holy spirit love
Junio 3, 2022 (14:00)
Father speaks to us about what we need to receive Love.
unity in the holy spirit
Junio 2, 2022 (14:00)
Father shows us how the Holy Spirit unites us in all aspects of our lives.
being guarded by the holy spirit
Junio 1, 2022 (14:00)
Father gives us examples of how the Holy Spirit protects us.