where the rubber hits the road (facing and living in reality)

“So strip away everything vicious, everything deceitful, pretenses, jealousies, and disparaging remarks of any kind. Be as eager for milk as newborn babies…Come to Him, a living stone…precious in God’s eyes” (1Peter 2:1-2a; 4a). Facing reality in our lives is the key to health, maturity, and victory. Many Christians are not in touch with reality because sin and a secular humanistic culture cause spiritual blindness. In reality we are utterly dependent on Jesus for life and for that eternal life we so desire. By immersing ourselves in God’s powerful and saving Word, we can discover the areas where spiritual anorexia and blindness are robbing us of health, maturity, and victory in the freedom of life in Christ.

De Mayo 15, 2015 Para Mayo 17, 2015


(937) 587-5464 or (513) 373-2397 or e-mail retreats@presentationministries.com