women's retreat: women in the gospel of luke
Come, abide in the Scriptures written by St. Luke,
and discover first hand just how much Jesus loves
and honors women. You will learn more about His
great love for YOU. You are His.
Come, walk with Mary, Elizabeth, Anna, the widow
who lost her son, the woman who anointed Jesus' feet
with precious ointment and her tears, the woman with
hemmorage, Jairus' young daughter, Martha and Mary,
... and ponder all the women mentioned in Luke's Gospel
to help discover the very deep and personal love the
Lord has for you.
LIVE STREAM TALKS SCHEDULE (Click on Talk at scheduled time)
Saturday – March 20
9:00 am – The Holy Spirit, Mary, and Elizabeth Betty Orlando
11:30 am – Sinful Women; Repentant Women; Women of Great Faith Beth Dunn
2:00 pm – Women at the Foot of the Cross MaryJane Noe
De Marzo 19, 2021 Para Marzo 20, 2021
Call (937) 587-5464 or (513) 373-2397 or e-mail retreats@presentationministries.com to register!
Our Lady of Guadalupe Chapel and Retreat Center (Presentation Ministries), 5701 Lawshe Rd, Peebles, OH 45660
Housing and meals provided for those who preregister.
Retreat beginning 7pm on Friday with Adoration and continuing at 9 a.m. on Saturday and ends after dinner. All for a free-will offering, so everyone can afford to come! Friday overnight accommodations are available, but space is limited. Early registration highly recommended.
A variety of speakers will give inspiring talks from a Catholic perspective pondering how Jesus honors women, and how He honors you.