"seek first the kingdom of god"

Seek First the Kingdom of God
“Repent! the Kingdom of God is at hand!” (Mk 1:15)
Brothers and sisters, Jesus told us to present His gospel by
proclaiming the Kingdom of God is at hand (Mt 10:7). He
commanded us to seek first His kingdom and then
everything else would be given to us (Mt 6:33) (From PM
Pamphlet Seek First the Kingdom). Are you living in the
Kingdom? Do you have Kingdom Vision? Come and see!

Human beings naturally imitate other human beings. We also are trying to "find ourselves." Imitation and attempts at self-discovery must necessarily happen simultaneously since we can't help doing either one. We unconsciously make self-discovery our goal and imitation the means. It may seem contradictory to try to find ourselves by imitating someone else, but we can't help it. This explains the need for gangs, cults, sports teams, and role models. The natural, irrepressible desire to find ourselves by imitating others is called discipleship. Naturally we all are disciples, and naturally discipleship is bound to fail, for imitating others, especially in a "culture of death," is not discovering ourselves but losing and confusing ourselves even more. The only exception to this is Christian discipleship*—imitating Jesus Who is the perfect Image of the Father in Whose image we are made. Thus, imitating Jesus is finding ourselves.


De Junio 30, 2025 Para Julio 2, 2025


Call (937) 587-5464 or (513) 373-2397 or e-mail retreats@presentationministries.com to register!


Our Lady of Guadalupe Chapel and Retreat Center (Presentation Ministries), 5701 Lawshe Rd, Peebles, OH 45660


Housing and meals provided for those who preregister.




A variety of speakers will give inspiring talks from a Catholic perspective, equipping devout Catholic men longing for Christ's Kingdom.