Papa Benedicto XVI

The Blessed Virgin Mary

Papa Benedicto XVI, Pastor de la Verdad

Citas notables del Papa Benedicto XVI y enseñanzas oficiales de la Iglesia Católica Romana

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... On the Solemnity of the Assumption into Heaven of the Mother of God, we celebrate the passage from the earthly condition to heavenly blessedness of the One who engendered in the flesh and received in faith the Lord of Life.


It is 60 years since Venerable Pope Pius XII ...solemnly defined this Dogma ... This ... is the nucleus of our faith in the Assumption: we believe that Mary, like Christ her Son, overcame death and is already triumphant in heavenly glory, in the totality of her being, "in body and soul".


The veneration of the Virgin Mary has accompanied the path of the Church from the beginning; Marian feast days began to appear already in the fourth century: in some the role of the Virgin in the history of salvation is exalted; in others the principal moments of her earthly life are celebrated.


Our Lady is the perfect example of this Gospel truth, namely that God brings down the proud of this world and raises the humble (cf. Lk 1:52)


Mary was the first person to take the "way" to enter the Kingdom of God that Christ opened, a way which is accessible to the humble, to all who trust in the word of God and endeavor to put it into practice.


Her [Mary's] example of faithful perseverance in doing the will of God and her heavenly reward are a source of courage and hope for all of us.


... Let us trust in the One who as the Servant of God Paul VI affirmed "having been assumed into Heaven, she has not abandoned her mission of intercession and salvation." ... To her, guide of the Apostles, support of Martyrs, light of the Saints, let us address our prayers, imploring that she accompany us in this earthly life, that she help us look to Heaven and that she welcome us one day together with her Son Jesus.


Let us entrust to her intercession the daily prayer for peace, especially in places where the senseless logic of violence is most ferocious; so that all people may be convinced that in this world we must help each other, as brothers and sisters, to build the civilization of love.

(Sources: Homily 8/15/2010, Angelus 8/15/2010 and 8/22/2010)

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