Papa Benedicto XVI

Mary, Mother of God

Papa Benedicto XVI, Pastor de la Verdad

Citas notables del Papa Benedicto XVI y enseñanzas oficiales de la Iglesia Católica Romana

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Pius XI, introduced this feast day [Mary, Mother of God] in 1931, 1,500 years after the Council of Ephesus, which had legitimated, for Mary, the title of Theotokos , Dei Genitrix. With this great word ... the Council of Ephesus had summarized the entire doctrine of Christ, of Mary, the whole of the doctrine of redemption.


God did not remain in Himself: He came out of Himself. He united Himself so closely, so radically to this man, Jesus, that this man Jesus is God, and if we speak about Him, we can also speak always about God ... In Him was born God on earth.


God came from Himself. But we could also say the opposite: God drew us to Himself, so that we are no longer outside of God, but are within the intimate, the intimacy of God Himself.


With the Incarnation ... God drew us into Himself and God in Himself is the relationship which allows us to participate in His interior relationship. Thus we are in His being Father, Son and Holy Spirit, we are within His being in relationship, we are in relationship with Him and He truly created a relationship with us.


... The Mother of God ... is the Mother of the Church, because she is the Mother of the One Who came to unite all in His resurrected Body.


... From the believing Church, with Mary at its heart, is born the Church, the Body of Christ. This dual birth is the only birth of ... Christ Who embraces the world and all of us.


We once again entrust ourselves to the Mother of God, Mary, and pray: "You, the great believer, you who have opened the earth to the heavens, help us, open the doors today as well, that truth may win, the will of God, which is the true good, the true salvation of the world." Amen.

(Source: Meditation during the first general congregation of the Special Assembly for the Middle East of the Synod of Bishops, October 11, 2010)

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