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    Thank you Lord for another wonderful day. Lord,help me to forgive anyone who has wrong me,in Jesus Christ we pray Amen. ---- We have prayed with you
    Marzo 16, 2022
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    That my daughter Rekha will not need surgery or anything major. That her discomfort will be resolved quickly. That she will gain weight. Thank you.
    Rachael Philip
    Kuala Lumpur,
    Marzo 16, 2022
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    Please pray for Strength, Healing, Protection and God's merciful blessings for Stephen, Marian, Carl and Robert. Asking this in the Most Holy Name of Jesus. Thank you for your prayers at this time of need and God Bless everyone at Presentation Ministries.
    Marian T
    United States
    Marzo 16, 2022
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    I beg your Prayers for my brothers Faruk and Tahsin and all their brothers and sisters and all my dear ones for Gods Will. And for the souls of my parents Mehmet and Nedime and all dear ones. And for protecton of my country Turkey from inside and outside enemies. And for the CHURCH and Kingship of Lord Jesus in my family, in my country and in the world.And for me and all my special intentons for Gods Will. God Will reward you.
    Marzo 15, 2022
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    I am J.william in india. I don't know English language ,please understand My prayer request.I am the only son for my parents. In this world i want Holy Spirit and a Holy Spirit life.My dream and desire and my goal is life long, 24 Hours world evangelization and to build the kingdom of Jesus and our Catholic Church to the entire whole world. Please pray for me and my parents everyday for yours daily intercessory prayers. Thank you. Praise the Lord.
    J William
    Marzo 15, 2022
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    Fear is useless..... LORD please look kindly on the petitions posted and all the requests said silently in our hearts. Irene hang unto JESUS. We are all praying for you. JESUS you are the best teacher. JESUS make me a good student. I need Your education. ST Jude and St Joseph and all the saints and us earthly humans pray and ask JESUS to end the war in Ukraine. Please LORD may the leaders turn to JESUS. On your feast day St Louise de Marillac ask JESUS to give extra strength in their saving work here and especially in Ukraine. JESUS thank You for the safety I have here. JESUS is love. JESUS is peace. JESUS is the best teacher. JESUS is all powerful. ...in JESUS I trust. ---- We have prayed with you
    Marzo 15, 2022
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    Abba Father Jesus Holy Spirit, I commend to you Ukraine and all your children there who are going through intense suffering and pain. Have mercy on them Lord send your holy angels to guard guide protect console and help them. Mama Mary St Joseph all you angels and saints intercede for them. Lord of mercy and compassion look with pity upon them. ---- We have prayed with you
    Marzo 15, 2022
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    Lord I commend to you self, spouse, children/spouses grand children inlaws extended family caregivers friends and all who have asked for prayers for various physical emotional spiritual and temporal needs. You alone know the needs and can answer them. Mother Mary be a mother to all, guard guide protect and lead all of us closer to your son Jesus specially during this holy and blessed season of Lent. ---- We have prayed with you
    Marzo 15, 2022
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