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    Requesting prayer for a situation and every person involved in it, anoint melt mould touch fill, purify sanctify thoughts words deeds. Let your peace and harmony reign. Bless specially NK MAN RL GN GL RIM PLI. SF SV. Grant us wisdom understanding discernment to understand every aspect and help us deal with it with your grace courage strength goodness and mercy accompanying us. Keep all safe blessed protected. Mama Mary, all you angels and saints, family souls in purgatory and our dear guardian angels, intercede for us now and all through. ---- We have prayed with you
    Noviembre 11, 2021
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    Abba Father Jesus Holy Spirit, I commend to you KR her travel to and fro and every aspect, you take over completely. Bless aged parents, prepare their hearts minds bodies spirits for the transition, let every person involved, transport, accommodation, movers be totally under your control Lord. Let your peace and harmony reign. Bless every arrangement and let your will be done. Jesus make us instruments of your peace. Let them experience your comforting presence all through. Mama Mary guard guide protect us and be with us all the way. Amen ---- We have prayed with you
    Noviembre 11, 2021
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    Abba father Jesus Holy Spirit commend to you self spouse medical issues, you take over our hearts minds bodies spirits to discern your will and do what is right. Lord Jesus crucified have mercy on us, search our hearts and direct our wills to think do and say what is right good just and true at all times. Holy Spirit reign in me, help me face the challenges of caregiving with grace courage and strength as I am weak, but you Lord are my strength. Purify and sanctify my thoughts words deeds as I wish only to please you my loving Saviour and Redeemer. Mama Mary be a mother to us now. Guard guide and protect us and lead us closer to Jesus your loving son. ---- We have prayed with you
    Noviembre 11, 2021
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    For the spiritual and physical protection of my husband CWB, our daughter EB and my brother SFR and for healing for them from any physical ailment known or unknown to us. And for safe travels for them, especially for EB who has car problems and has to drive in the big city. Please pray especially for my husband CWB who was ill the last couple of days. Thank You Lord and thanks to all the prayer warriors here. ---- We have prayed with you
    Noviembre 11, 2021
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    Veterans Day! We pray for all who have served, all who have paid the ultimate sacrifice and those who continue to serve...and their families.God help the USA from the infiltration of communists in this country and in congress.... Lord have pity on U.S. ---- We have prayed with you
    Noviembre 11, 2021
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    Fear is useless.... LORD please look kindly on the petitions posted and all the requests said silently in our hearts. JESUS on St Martins feast day guide me to share as he did with joy. Allow me that wisdom. LORD please take a second look at our Veterans today. Help save them and or thank them ---- We have prayed with you
    Noviembre 11, 2021
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    Dear Presentation Ministry Co-workers,Asking for the Holy Spirit to work powerfully though me as I give talks on Sat. Nov. 13, and Sun. Dec. 12 to a large group of Catholic women at a conference. Let the Holy Spirit do His work in us and others!I'll be giving out the OBOB booklets too! Thank you!
    Indianapolis, IN
    United States
    Noviembre 11, 2021
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    Please heal us inside and out. Thanks for all the blessings love and acceptance. ---- We have prayed with you
    Noviembre 11, 2021
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