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    Pray for Our Pope and The Synodal Process. Amen. I found a website that did a 'good job' in explaining what 'synodal means'. Very helpful, indeed. ---- We have prayed with you
    Octubre 26, 2021
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    Please pray for the salvation of souls; the conversion of sinners; and the souls in purgatory. please pray that my son who is finishing his internship in Physical Therapy will get a good job in a good environment.
    Octubre 26, 2021
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    Fear is useless......LORD please look kindly on the petitions posted and all the requests said silently in our hearts. JESUS I believe You want us to ask and I trust You will answer best way YOUR way. Help us to accept and be pleased as it is the best way. May we always thank you for the best answer. .....in JESUS I trust. ---- We have prayed with you
    Octubre 26, 2021
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    For the spiritual and physical protection of my husband CWB who has to make a very long trip out of town today. Please keep him safe. Thank You Lord and thanks to all the prayer warriors here. ---- We have prayed with you
    Octubre 26, 2021
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    Pray for Our Pope and His Catholic Family (Living and Deceased) and The Synodal Process. Amen. ---- We have prayed with you
    Octubre 26, 2021
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    Pray for holiness and discernment. Holy Love is when, the Lover and the beloved, find words inadequate and unnecessary. Consider: How a mother nurses her child (Love does not require words). The Unmovable Lover is 'moved' by His beloved's love. The Passion of Our Lord, help us, to understand The Intensity of The Love, Our Lord Has for Us. -However-, Our Lord's Love 'demands a response' from us. -Love reciprocated-. ---- We have prayed with you
    Octubre 26, 2021
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    Please help Michelle 10 apps and system ---- We have prayed with you
    Octubre 26, 2021
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    Please heal us inside and out. Please help us today at work. Plesse help Michelle with 10 apps. Thanks for all the blessings love and acceptance. ---- We have prayed with you
    Octubre 26, 2021
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