Petición de oración

Lord I am weak but you are strong, keep me stayed in your unfailing and abundant love Lord, even as I go through the challenges of caregiving and ministering to those you send my way. Make me a stained glass of your love, so that your perfect light will filter through me to those you have placed in my life and those you will bring into our lives; you are the source of all love beauty truth; Use this unworthy vessel to bring a ray of sunshine and hope into lives who are thirsting for you. May I at all times choose to look up and receive your light from outside this world, help me focus on your Light and not on the darkness of Death and Deception this world offers, I pray for the salvation of my spouse children their spouses grand children siblings inlaws caregivers doctors nurses in fact each one you have placed in our lives. Amen ---- We have prayed with you
Ann S
Septiembre 26, 2022