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And the light shineth in darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.How can a man do what only God can do? I am nothing.Dust. Vapor. A mere breath. Am I to peer into eternity, or to unveil her wonders? The weight of sorrow is nothing in its sight, yet I am crushed. The burden of affliction is a passing shadow,yet I am groaning.I plead with time,as though resurrection would be falseHow then do I live when I die?How do I surrender while yet chained?How does a man enter freedom,when the cross is yet an enemy?Deliver me, oh God,for my cause is justI cry unto thee,O Mother of MercyMy life is on the brink of the grave,My soul at the gates of SheolLook not upon the wickedness of my youth,But on the merits of my redeemerO God, you are my hopeO God, you are my lightDefend me, save me, secure meFor I am needy and you are good.
Hasings, MN
Septiembre 23, 2024