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world mission sunday

Agosto 1, 2010


The month of October, with the celebration of World Mission Sunday, offers to diocesan and parish communities, institutes of consecrated life, ecclesial movements and the entire People of God an opportunity to renew the commitment to proclaim the Gospel and to give pastoral activities greater missionary perspective.


This annual event invites us to live intensely the liturgical and catechetical, charitable and cultural processes through which Jesus Christ summons us to the banquet of His word and of the Eucharist, to taste the gift of His presence, to be formed at His school and to live ever more closely united to Him, our teacher and Lord.


Only on the basis of this encounter with the Love of God that changes life can we live in communion with Him and with one another and offer our brothers and sisters a creditible witness, accounting for the hope that is in us (cf. 1 Pt 3:15).


...In many countries the various ecclesial activities are resumed in October, after the summer break, and the Church invites us to learn from Mary, by praying the Holy Rosary, to contemplate the Father's plan of love for humanity, to love her as He loves her. Is not this also the meaning of mission?


... The Father calls us to be sons and daughters loved in the beloved Son, and to recognize that we are all brothers and sisters in Him Who is the gift of salvation for humanity divided by discord and sin, and the revealer of the true face of God Who "so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life" (Jn 3:16).


... Awareness of the call to proclaim the Gospel not only encourages every individual member of the faithful but also all diocesan and parish communities to integral renewal and ever greater openness to missionary cooperation among the Churches, to promote the proclamation of the Gospel in the heart of every person. of every people, culture, race and nationality in every place.

(Source: Message for World Mission Sunday, issued 2/6/2010)