the church and mission
Agosto 1, 2015
The World Mission Sunday 2015 takes place in the context of the Year of Consecrated Life, which provides a further stimulus for prayer and reflection. For if every baptized person is called to bear witness to the Lord Jesus by proclaiming the faith received as a gift, this is especially so for each consecrated man and woman.
Since Christ's entire existence had a missionary character, so too, all those who follow Him closely must possess this missionary quality.
Mission is a passion for Jesus and at the same time a passion for His people When we pray before Jesus crucified, we see the depth of His love which gives us dignity and sustains us. At the same time, we realize that the love flowing from Jesus' pierced heart expands to embrace the People of God and all humanity.
We realize ... that He wants to use ... us to draw closer to His beloved people ... and all those who seek Him with a sincere heart.
... There is an urgent need to reaffirm that the central idea of mission is Jesus Christ, and that this ideal demands the total gift of oneself to the proclamation of the Gospel.
I appeal in particular to young people, who are capable of courageous witness and generous deeds, even when these are counter cultural: Do not allow others to rob you of the ideal of a true mission, of following Jesus through the total gift of yourself. In the depths of your conscience, ask yourselves why you chose the religious missionary life and take stock of your readiness to accept it for what it is: a gift of love at the service of the proclamation of the Gospel. Remember that, even before being necessary for those who have not heard it, the proclamation of the Gospel is a necessity for those who love the Master.
... A true missionary is passionate for the Gospel... The Gospel is the source of joy, liberation and salvation for all men and women... The mission of the servants of the Word bishops, priests, religious and laity is to allow everyone, without exception, to enter into a personal relationship with Christ. In the full range of the Church's missionary activity, all the faithful are called to live their baptismal commitment to the fullest, in accordance with the personal situation of each. A generous response to this universal vocation can be offered by consecrated men and women through an intense life of prayer and union with the Lord and His redeeming sacrifice.
(Source: Message for 2015 World Mission Day, dated May 24, 2015)