the family, peace, nonviolence
Febrero 1, 2017
practice nonviolence
If violence has its source in the human heart, then it is fundamental that nonviolence be practiced before all else in families.
"generous concern "
The family is the indispensable crucible in which spouses, parents and children, brothers and sisters, learn to communicate and to show generous concern for one another, and in which frictions and even conflicts have to be resolved not by force but by dialogue, respect, concern for the good of the other, mercy and forgiveness. From within families, the joy of love spills out into the world and radiates to the whole of society.
respect not fear
An ethics of fraternity and peaceful coexistence between individuals and among peoples cannot be based on the logic of fear, violence and closed mindedness, but on responsibility, respect and sincere dialogue.
the pope's pleas
... I plead for disarmament and for the prohibition and abolition of nuclear weapons: nuclear deterrence and the threat of mutual assured destruction are incapable of grounding such an ethics... I plead with equal urgency for an end to domestic violence and to the abuse of women and children.
begins in the home
The politics of nonviolence have to begin in the home and then spread to the entire human family.
let god's mercy in
The Jubilee of Mercy ... encouraged each one of us to look deeply within and to allow God's mercy to enter there. The Jubilee taught us to realize how many and diverse are the individuals and social groups treated with indifference and subjected to injustice and violence.
don't miss out
"Saint Therese of Lisieux invites us to practice the little way of love, not to miss out on a kind word, a smile or any small gesture which sows peace and friendship. An integral ecology is also made up of simple daily gestures that break with the logic of violence, exploitation and selfishness." (Apostolic Exhortation, Amoris Laetitia)
building peace
"All of us want peace. Many people build it day by day through small gestures and acts; many of them are suffering, yet patiently persevere in their efforts to be peacemakers." (Pope Francis, 5/5/2014)... May we dedicate ourselves prayerfully and actively to banishing violence from our hearts, words and deeds, to becoming nonviolent people and to building nonviolent communities that care for our common home.