presentation ministries newsletter, vol. 18, issue 1 »« presentation ministries newsletter, vol. 17, issue 2
presentation ministries newsletter, vol. 17, issue 3
Diciembre 1, 2015
Presentation Ministries Newsletter
![]() GBC Graduates: Ann Myers (left), Sandy Mielke (third from left) are shown with faculty members, Janet Willig, teacher (second from left); GBC President, Shelley Meade (fourth from left); and Joe Brisson, teacher standing in for his graduating student, Lee Allen. |
2015 Bible Institute: A Wonderful Experience
A Brief History of PM's Website
Spring – Summer 2016 Our Lady of Guadalupe Discipleship Center Events
Unstopped Well: Men's Holy Name Society Eucharistic Procession
Guadalupe Bible College Graduation 2015
Glory Stories Something Old and Something new from Our Lady of Guadalupe Center
An Original Work of Art on Display in PM's Ministry Center
The Sanctity of Marriage and Family: Married Couples Retreat
2015 Bible Institute: A Wonderful Experience
submitted by Mark Mussman
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"A wonderful experience," "a time and opportunity to get a sense of real Christian Community," "a light to both laity and religious" represent some of the comments of the people attending the Bible Institute. 2015 marks the 29th year that Presentation Ministries has hosted this annual event. Attracted by the institute, people have traveled from as far away as Germany, France, UK, the Virgin Islands, and all points within the United States. The Bible Institute's mission is to raise up lay leaders through the power of the Holy Spirit under the Lordship of Jesus in order to renew the Church by empowering, discipling, and equipping them to evangelize the world through the Word. In its current format the Bible Institute is conducted over nine days on the campus of Xavier University in Cincinnati, Ohio. Concurrent weekday seminars running anywhere from one to four days draw over 300 pre-registered participants. An additional estimated 400 attendees come to the evening events and weekend seminars, which do not strictly require registration.
Upon receiving equipping teachings, the students are encouraged to carry what they have learned into their own environments: home, extended family, parish, and the workplace. Almost all the teachings and events during the Bible Institute are conducted by lay members of Presentation Ministries (that is, members of Home Based Communities or Co-Workers). This gives great witness. Lay people instruct other lay people inspiring them to further permeate the culture with the Gospel.
Outside of classroom experiences, participants have the opportunity to take advantage of Healing Services and Confession. Another evening event is "hospitality night" hosted by PM's Home Base Communities. Alternate years feature a play written, produced and acted by PM's John Bosco youth group.
Presentation Ministries' policy allows for all to enjoy its ministries of the Word, regardless of their financial situation. The cost of attending is a donation after making a sincere effort to ask God for guidance. In some cases a participant may give more in order that expenses can be covered for others.
We thank God for repeatedly demonstrating His great providence during these many years. Note, this holds true not only for the Bible Institute ministry but for all our ministries.
Visit the Bible Institute tab on our website to learn more of this annual opportunity to encounter empowering teachings.
A Brief History of PM's Website
submitted by Chris Jasek
- It was in 1996 that One Bread, One Body first appeared on a simple PM website.
- The figures indicate that the PM website currently receives 40,000-plus unique visitors a month.
- We await a volunteer willing to moderate our Twitter account. Until then, minimal updating is occurring.
- Our Facebook page has 1740 members.
- The audio tape-to-MP3 team includes leader Dean Weber and technicians Steve & Mattie Miller, Bob Olson, and Bob Steele.
- Bill Ressler is tackling the transfer of DVD to YouTube.
N.B. Chris Jasek continues to develop this great website for Presentation Ministries and will give more details in a later issue.
Spanish OBOB
by Beth Dunn
![]() Maritza and friend |
The Holy Spirit birthed the Spanish version of One Bread, One Body, (OBOB) in 2013 after nearly a year long gestation period. In spring of 2012 the work of translating began and a year later, in early 2013, the first Un Pan, Un Cuerpo (UPUC) went to print, the February/March edition.
Jerry Cappel, director of this aspect of Presentation Ministries, explains how it works. "The English version of the OBOB is a compilation of Fr Al Lauer's writings plus new reflections written by the editors. Individual translators living in various locations around the world receive the teachings via email. Rosa Mancilla, for example, lives in Mountain View, California, and is one of twenty translators. She, as well as the others on the team, receive these reflections about 7-8 months in advance. After a full set of translations (two months) are complete, several editors review them. The final draft is then sent to the Chancery office in Cincinnati, OH, where they are read by the Bishop's censor for the purpose of obtaining the Imprimatur. After the Rescript is granted, they go to print."
Another important element of the UPUC ministry is communication. Readers promote the book and generate new requests. From Florida, Maritza Kacerosky answers in-coming Spanish phone calls. Afterwards, Maritza emails Jerry the information in English. He sees to it that orders get filled.
Several team members traveled to Cincinnati, OH for the Bible Institute in the summer of 2015 and got together to encourage one another. From the first printing of 4,000 copies in 2013, the team is now distributing over 20,000 copies of Un Pan, Un Cuerpo. All that work and perseverance is bearing fruit.
Spring – Summer 2016
Our Lady of Guadalupe Discipleship Center Events
![]() For one of our many retreats! |
Fri.-Sat. Feb. 19-20
The Joy of Living in the Spirit
(Discipleship Retreat at St Vivian Church in Cincinnati)
Sat. March 19
Women's Retreat: Set the Captives Free: Victory over Sin in the Year of Mercy
Fri.-Sun. April 15-17
The Kingdom of God: The Beatitude Attitude
Fri.-Sun. May 20-22
The Mission of the Church: The Laity's Call to Radiate Joy
Fri.-Sunday June 17-19
40 Hours Family Campout
Mon.-Wed. July 18-20
The Sacraments Receive and Give God's Love and Mercy
Sun.-Tues. July 31 - Aug. 2
"Be Still and Know I am God": Silent Retreat
Unstopped Well: Men's Holy Name Society Eucharistic Procession
submitted by David Willig
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Fr Al Lauer's inspirational and prophetic "Unstop the Well" teaching from 1994 recently re-emerged. A rediscovery of this teaching greatly impacted a revival of the Men's Holy Name Society in Cincinnati, Ohio. Members of St. Antoninus Parish restarted their chapter of this society in September 2014 and included plans to reestablish the great Catholic tradition of the Men's Holy Name Society Parade. At the first meeting a goal was set, and met, to hold the procession on Saturday, October 10, 2015 crossing through downtown Cincinnati.
This huge "stopped up well" had lain dormant for over 40 years. Occurring from the early 1900's through 1970, the parade saw peak attendance of approximately 50,000 Catholic Men. To conclude the event, the Archbishop of Cincinnati would preside over a Benediction service in Crosley Field, a former home of the Cincinnati Reds Baseball Team.
On a crisp fall Saturday morning, the men commenced the solemn Eucharistic Procession from St. Peter in Chains Cathedral, on the western edge of downtown, and traversed the streets toward Old St. Mary's Church on the eastern side. Two Cincinnati Police patrol cars were stationed one at the front and one at back of the procession. Servers from Mt. St. Mary's Seminary led the way followed by the Knights of Columbus, the Order of Hibernians, and the canopy bearers. The Holy Eucharist in the gold monstrance shone bright in the morning sun as it was carried by Father Adrian Hilton, Parochial Vicar of Old St. Mary's Church. Over 100 Catholic men followed behind, praying the rosary.
At the intersection of Vine and Court Streets, the halfway point, the Eucharistic Procession paused for Benediction conducted by Father Adrian Hilton. Brother Brent Stull led the singing of "Tantum Ergo". This was an especially moving moment. Passersby stopped respectfully as all the Catholic men reverently knelt down in the street. Father Jon-Paul Bevak then proceeded with the sacred monstrance which held the Holy Eucharist until we reached our destination inside Old St. Mary's Church. Before concluding with the final Benediction, Father Jon-Paul Bevak, spoke about the importance of Catholic men giving public witness to their Catholic faith.
Afterwards, there was a coffee fellowship in the courtyard of Old St. Mary's. Father Jon-Paul Bevak, Parochial Administrator of Old St. Mary's, shared with me his special mission to evangelize the inner city of Cincinnati. He expressed his excitement about continuing this great annual tradition of the Men's Holy Name Society Eucharistic Procession and hopes that next year it draws over 1,000 Catholic Men to participate. A formerly "Stopped Up Well" is now flowing with living water. Praise Jesus! Father Al Lauer, pray for us.
40 Years of Service!!!
submitted by Marianne Lander
![]() Donna, new typist for OBOB, and retiring 30 year veteran, Joy Hahn |
Several gathered Saturday, Oct 3 for a lunch party to celebrate and thank Joy Hahn for thirty years of service to the One Bread, One Body ministry. Due to a couple of physical concerns she had to step down from the work this past year. Before doing so, she successfully sought out and trained someone to take over her tasks. Her new replacement is Donna Bruce, who had already been doing data entry weekly at the Ministry Center.
Many stories were shared, one being her turning up at "Presentation Ministries" before there was even a ministry center building on McHenry Ave. She came to volunteer to type, but was a little hesitant after finding out this typing would not be done on a type writer, but on a word processor. Marianne Lander, who met her at the door quickly assured her there would be "nothin' to it," and that if she could type on a type writer, this was just the next step up. She later bravely progressed, as did the ministries, onto various new computers and software.
Paul Egan shared this about Joy through an email. "Praise be to God for Joy Hahn! Her fingerprints are literally all over OBOB. For the first 20 years of OBOB, she typed in practically every word from handwritten notes. Joy has a wonderful, sweet, helpful disposition, and corrected many mistakes as she typed. May she be greatly blessed in this next phase of her life.
So, will Joy be "retiring?" Maybe not. The small error on her retirement cake stated "forty" years, rather than the "thirty" years that had been ordered. We joked that it was a prophetic message, and that ten more years lay ahead for Joy's service to PM.
Praise Reports
For Presentation Ministries
*Greetings to all volunteers at PM. I know how much of an impact OBOB has been in our area. Thank you so much for all that you do. May you continue to respond to the promptings of the Holy Spirit.
* Please accept my small donation to help further your excellent ministry. Thank you very much for your daily inspirational Catholic message. Your team stands in stark contrast to the diluted message I often hear. Please continue to stay true to the leadership of Jesus Christ. Don't waver as there are many faithful Catholics hungry for your message.
* This contribution is for (my son) and me. He is 43 years old with Down's syndrome and really enjoys your book.
* Thank you for these books. They are a part of my life every day. I understand the Bible more and love reading it
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I write to follow up on my first visit to The Paul Jansen Discipleship Center in Peebles, Ohio. I was so impressed with what you are doing to advance the frontiers of the kingdom of God.
The good news of your spiritual center must be shared across the oceans and lands. I had the opportunity to celebrate Mass at the little Parish Church at Peebles during my short stay with Fr. Jason Bedel, the Pastor.
There is a school of evangelization in our Diocese and I told them about your center and the directors of the School would like to participate in the 40 day discipleship program. I would like to find out how can facilitate this project.
God bless!
Fr. Emmanuel
Office of the Rector,
St. Mary's Minor Seminary, Apowa
Ghana, West Africa
For the Daily Bread Podcast
EDITOR'S NOTE: Many people who hear Fr. Al Lauer's Daily Bread radio programs and podcasts are not aware he entered eternal life in 2002. His prophetic message continues to speak powerfully to our hearts through the gifts of the Holy Spirit even NOW, in 2015! We thank God for His faithful servant, Father Al Lauer, and all those responsible for the technical work which makes this ministry possible!
* Dear Staff at Presentation Ministries,
Many thanks for all the work that you do for the Lord, I listen to your show every day through the Laudate app. In Ireland where we have seen so much of the persecution the Church is under, services like your own are so much needed. Be encouraged.
God Bless,
From Ireland
* Ave Maria! Just wanted to send a quick note to thank you all, especially Fr. Lauer, for your podcast on Laudate. My friends and I look forward to hearing it in the morning as we prepare for our day. It's always very truthful, encouraging, and healing. God reward you!
Blessings, Terelyn
Sent from my iPhone
* I would like to thank you all for the wonderful work you are doing, I have been listening to the daily Podcast of Fr. Al Lauer's talks for the last two years and it has brought me closer to the Lord. The talks have also strengthened my understanding of the Bible.
God bless you all,
Brampton, Ontario, Canada
* I have been truly blessed by the daily bread program of yours that I have been accessing through the "Laudate" app! I am grateful for your encouraging reflections on the daily readings. It is unique among the reflections on Laudate because you include more about church statements and general food for the journey. It's like listening to EWTN!
But it is also very providential that it began appearing when it did because I started attending daily Mass in August when my work schedule changed to an hour later. Come September, I am back to my early schedule and can't do morning Mass before work anymore. Just then, your program started appearing! Well, I do still miss the opportunity for communion, but I appreciate the pseudo liturgy of the word that you provide.
I wanted to let you know that your messages are always thought provoking and give me cause for reflection. Please believe that they are now a daily part of my spiritual breakfast and I am so grateful! May God bless you with fruitfulness and humility in all your work!
"We give thanks to God always for you in our prayers, unceasingly calling to mind your work of faith and labor of love and endurance in hope of our Lord Jesus Christ, before our God and Father, knowing, brothers loved by God, how you were chosen." 1Thes. 1:2-4
For the Daily Bread Radio Program
As I said, I truly enjoy your program. I lean something each time I tune in. I thought I'd write and let you know how important your message is to everyone. I'm printing this because I have Parkinson's and my handwriting is really bad these days. God bless your work and thank you for your knowledge.
I would like you to know how very much I enjoy your podcast on Laudate. I listen to you every morning and am greatly fulfilled. It starts my day! I am a handicapped woman. I'm married to a wonderful man. We are married 62 years and have five sons and fifteen grandchildren.
Guadalupe Bible College Graduation 2015
submitted by Shelley Meade
![]() GBC Graduates: Ann Myers (left), Sandy Mielke (third from left) are shown with faculty members, Janet Willig, teacher (second from left); GBC President, Shelley Meade (fourth from left); and Joe Brisson, teacher standing in for his graduating student, Lee Allen. |
Members of the Guadalupe Bible College (GBC) were honored at a Graduation Ceremony during the 2015 Bible Institute held at Xavier University. Lee Allen, Sandy Mielke, Ann Myers, and Janet Willig have successfully completed the course of studies prescribed for the college and/or have been faithful GBC teachers. Lee Allen from Flint, MI, studied through correspondence with Joe Brisson, his teacher, who accepted Lee's certificate on his behalf. Sandy Mielke formally from Dunedin, FL is now a member of Our Lady's Holy Mountain Community in Peebles, OH. Ann Myers from Madison, OH is a member of St. Pio Community. Janet Willig a veteran PM teacher from Cincinnati, OH is a leader of Our Lady of Guadalupe Community since the 1980's. Janet is also the leader of the Presentation Ministries Word Gifts Ministry and is an active member of many other ministries within PM.
The purpose of the College is to provide a Catholic understanding of God's revelation to equip the faithful, and permeate the culture with the Gospel. Paul says in 2 Timothy 3:16 that "all scripture is inspired of God and useful for teaching for reproof, correction, and training in holiness so that men of God may be fully competent and equipped for every good work."
The students of Guadalupe Bible College participate in an individualize course of study. The Bible College curriculum has three components: seminars and courses at Our Lady of Guadalupe Discipleship Center, (formally called the Paul Jansen Discipleship Center), the Presentation Ministries Bible Institute, and Bible College courses by home study or weekly classroom instruction.
Sandy Mielke is a graduate of the 40-day Discipleship Formation Program, an intense study of the teachings of the Catholic Church and the Bible in the context of the sacraments and Christian community. The Formation consists of 13 retreats covering different aspects of discipleship. The 40-day program is held at the Guadalupe Discipleship Center in Peebles, OH, and can be taken as part of the Bible College curriculum.
The Church encourages adult Catholics to renew and live their baptismal commitment through catechesis and formation. Presentation Ministies' Forty Day Program, The Bible Institute and Bible College were inspired by the Holy Spirit to provide an opportunity for people to receive healing, deliverance and formation as disciples of Jesus; and, like the first Disciples, sent forth to proclaim the Good News and make new disciples.
These GBC graduates have actively participated and/or taught in Parish and Community Bible Studies, Discipleship Seminars, and at the PM Bible Institute
Glory Stories Something old and something new from Our Lady of Guadalupe Center
submitted by Beth Dunn
![]() Mark Hennessey with sons, Tim and Max |
1993- Mark Hennessey attended a men's retreat in 1993 and there was an older gentleman there with his adult sons. The younger men were discussing ways to raise holy families when someone asked the older man how he managed to raise his sons to be men of such strong faith. He answered, "I don't know, but I do know that I have been a daily communicant for over 20 years." That testimony inspired me to make daily Mass and Communion a priority in my life ever since.
![]() Participants at Retreat for Divorced |
2015- The Retreat for Separate and Divorced reaches hurting people and brings the Lord's healing. The year 2015 was no exception. One lady who attended had only been divorced several weeks, so her need was fresh. After all the teaching sessions were over, the group spent time in the beautiful new chapel as Betty Orlando, retreat director, briefly spoke about forgiveness and offered prayer for all those who wanted it. Most participants went forward for prayer. The Holy Spirit moved upon this woman in such a way that after the chapel service, in casual conversation with others, she expressed her need for Jesus to become the Lord of her life. She was "born again" that night, according to John 3, renewing her baptism, and the rejoicing in heaven and on earth was great.
Thanksgivings for God's Gifts
Excerpts from Intercessors Prayer List
Watch PM Videos on YouTube
Call to Community
Why Attend a Bible Institute?
We thank God for:
- All the gifts the Holy Spirit lavishes on Presentation Ministries
- All PM's Volunteers: Directors, Leaders, Networkers, HBC members, Coworkers, Intercessors and donors and supporters.
- Chris J.'s years of service to establish and develop PM's website
- Positive growth and activity reported by the PM Networkers
- The energy and time devoted to "unstopped wells" as prophesied through Fr. Al Lauer
- The perseverance and faithfulness of many faithful PM members and leaders
- The Outreach Ministry's ongoing commitment to go where the Holy Spirit leads, especially for the Scripture Teachers' Program at St. Bernard in Winton Terrace.
- For the Intercessors' Ministry which leads us in prayer and thanksgiving
An Original Work of Art on Display in PM'S Ministry Center
![]() Saints Joachim and Anne present Mary in the Temple |
Years ago Charlie and Charlotte Hirt commissioned a mural depicting the Presentation of Mary. An artist from St. Ignatius Church in Cincinnati, OH, responded with an original portrayal of that event in Mary's childhood. Prominently displayed above the desks in the Ministry Center on McHenry Street in Cincinnati, OH, workers and visitors regularly view the large, colorful painting. Presentation Ministries (PM) takes its name from the feast of Our Lady of Presentation which is celebrated November 21.
Wikipedia describes the history of this event:
The account of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the Temple is principally based on the Protoevangelium of James, which has been dated by historians prior to the year 200 AD. The story relates that in thanksgiving for the birth of their daughter, Mary, Sts. Joachim and Anne decide to consecrate her to God, and bring her, at the age of three years, to the temple in Jerusalem. Mary's presentation in the temple draws a parallel to the Old Testament story of the prophet Samuel, whose mother Hannah, was also thought to be barren, and who offered her child as a gift to God at Shiloh. Mary remained in the Temple until her twelfth year, at which point she was assigned to Joseph as guardian. According to Coptic tradition, her father, Joachim, died when Mary was six years old and her mother when Mary was eight. While the story is a legend, the point is to show that even in her childhood Mary was completely dedicated to God.
Renata Alvi, a daily volunteer at the PM Ministry Center, urged the artist (who desires to remain anonymous) to visit and view her handiwork since she had never seen the painting hung after its completion. In good time the painter came, viewed the painting to her satisfaction and even photographed it to share with others. Some of the early ministries of PM were established by Fr. Al Lauer during the years he was assigned to Our Lady of Presentation Church, now closed. After the church closing in 1985 the decision was made to adopt that same name for the newly budding lay ministry.
The Sanctity of Marriage and Family: Married Couples Retreat
Two couples, Paul and Linda Weckenbrock and Janet and David Willig, opened another "stopped-up well" when they presented The Sanctity of Marriage and Family Life Retreat at PM's Our Lady of Guadalupe
Discipleship Center in November 2015. The focus on building strong marriages and families is an extremely important challenge in the midst of the threat to these foundations of society in this current "culture of death".