presentation ministries newsletter, vol. 18, issue 2 »« presentation ministries newsletter, vol. 17, issue 3
presentation ministries newsletter, vol. 18, issue 1
Abril 1, 2016
Presentation Ministries Newsletter
![]() Members of Presentation Ministries at the Annual HBC and Co-worker retreat. |
Bible Institute to Celebrate 30th Anniversary in 2016!
Co-Workers Expand Evangelization with John Dunn's and Judy Erwin's Leadership
PM's Guadalupe Center Offers New Retreat
More Fan Response to PM's Media and Publications
PM's Social Media Reaches "To the Ends of the Earth"
2016 Has Many Special Opportunities for GBC Students
One Bread, One Body Readers Say Thanks in Unique Ways
Our Lady of Guadalupe HBC Sponsors the Annual Prayer on the Square
Presentation Broadens Evangelization Through Outreach Ministry
Prophecy Given at the Monthly Communities and Co-Workers Mass
Daily Bread Listener Shares a Powerful Witness
Special Events at PM's Guadalupe Discipleship Center July - December 2016
Bible Institute to Celebrate 30th Anniversary in 2016!
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The 2016 Bible Institute at Xavier begins on Friday July 22 at 7:30pm with the Opening Eucharistic Liturgy in Gallagher Theater which will be celebrated by Father Chris Clay from St. Paul Parish, Lexington, KY. The keynote address, LIVING GOD'S TRUTH IN TODAY'S CULTURE immediately follows the Mass. On Saturday the program continues in the Gallagher Theater from 9am 4:45pm. The evening program is a healing service with music by Rain.
The weekend program will continue on Sunday from 10:00am to noon with the opportunity to experience a Home Based Community (HBC) meeting. At 2:30pm the Sunday Eucharistic Liturgy will be celebrated in Bellarmine Chapel and presided over by Archbishop Dennis Schnurr of Cincinnati, OH.
There are many weekday programs which offer a great variety of sessions which include: The Life in the Spirit Seminar and Discovering Your Spiritual Gifts. Numerous other seminars focus on specific spiritual gifts such as The Gift of Intercession; Prophecy - God's Word for Today; How to Teach the Bible in the Power of the Holy Spirit; etc. Scripture studies include: Seven Old Testament Treasures of the Catholic Church; and Revelation: Apocalypse Explored. In addition, Getting to Know the Guadalupe Bible College (GBC) will be presented on Friday, July 29 by the GBC faculty and administrators.
The Youth Program given by Dan DeMatte is scheduled for Friday, July 29, from 10am to 4pm. Mr. DeMatte is a Youth Minister, a nationally known speaker, and the retreat leader and program director of the "High Adventure" Catholic Youth Summer Camp. See the Bible Institute brochure for details, requirements, and registration forms for this program (also find on our website).
Bishop Joseph Binzer of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati will preside at the closing Mass and commissioning ceremony on Friday, July 29, at 7:30 pm in Gallagher Theater.
Other guest speakers include, Father Rob Jack, Father Niby Kannai, Deacon Ralph Poyo, and Bill Richart. Many gifted lay teachers from Presentation Ministries will present sessions on the first weekend a well as in numerous weekday seminars. For information see: (Bible Institute tab), or call: 513-922-0923.
Co-Workers Expand Evangelization with John Dunn's and Judy Erwin's Leadership
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At the Presentation Ministries' Retreat in February directors of the ministry commissioned John Dunn as new leader of the Co-Workers. Judy Erwin, who had faithfully served as Co-Worker leader for 5 years said, "John brings the experience of being confident as a convert to Catholicism. This helps him reach out with his faith and evangelize."
Dunn, married with three grown children, is retired from Tool and Die work but is still employed part-time at a Cincinnati hardware retailer. He is enthused about this new opportunity to serve the Lord. "I want to catch the vision Father Al Lauer had and grow from there," says John. Father Lauer, initiator of the Co-Workers of Presentation Ministries, saw the role of the Co-Worker as an expansive one. In other words, by reaching out to people and offering them a chance to serve in a lot of different ways, PM could broaden its base and grow.
Dunn has been a Co-Worker for a decade. His first level of commitment was to support PM financially and to distribute One Bread, One Body. Erwin believes commitment is the keyword here. Co-workers commit themselves to fulfill 7 basic requirements. Erwin and Dunn sensed the Holy Spirit leading them to the transfer of leadership, which the PM Directors approved.
Judy foresees that Dunn's style in his new role will be leadership from the heart, "John's own personal experiences being a Co-Worker and PM member result in his enthusiasm." After completing the PM course on "How to Teach the Bible in the Holy Spirit", which PM offers regularly through the Bible Institute and other venues, Dunn added teaching to his service as a Co-Worker. Now Dunn teaches upon request for PM and that gives him a "sense of calling."
The name Co-Worker comes from 1 Corinthians 3:9 where St. Paul writes, "We are God's co-workers." Through PM the Lord provided a way to make that scripture real and active in John's life; he believes the same potential exists in the lives of all PM Co-Workers.
A Co-Worker works! That's obvious, but what is not as obvious is that a person's service has a boomerang effect; it comes back in blessing form. Dunn stated, "You serve as you feel the Holy Spirit is leading you. It's a serious thing. Being a Co-Worker made me pray about and be more sensitive to my responsibilities as a Christian in my conduct and my way of thinking."
Judy Erwin goes to the foundation of PM to explain it more fully. "PM is a Lay Association under the Archdiocese of Cincinnati which means that everything we do is accountable to the Archdiocese. To be a Co-Worker means to be part of that Lay Association and its vision to live your faith through the teaching of the Church and the Magisterium, so it is really pretty special." Dunn agrees that structure is vital. "You have authority over you, commissioning you."
John's first priority as the new leader is among the current group of active Co-Workers. He wants to see what their needs are and to inspire them in the work they do. John says, "I would like to learn what work the Co-Workers have chosen to do, and support them in it." Dunn is urging existing Co-Workers to contact him and communicate about these things. Anyone interested in becoming a Co-Worker can also get in touch with John in the following way: Email:
40 Hours Devotion and Family Campout June 17-19, 2016
"I put before you the one great thing to love on earth; the Blessed Sacrament... There you will find romance, glory, honor, fidelity, and the true way of all your loves upon earth." J.R.R. Tolkien
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This quote from Tolkien is cited in the Poor Clares' Manual for Eucharistic Adoration which also quotes St. Peter of Alcantara who said, "Our Lord has His hands full of graces, and He is ready to bestow them on anyone who asks for them." Each year Presentation Ministries offers a great opportunity to bask in Jesus' Eucharistic radiance and to receive His many graces during the annual 40 Hours Devotion and Family Campout at the Guadalupe Discipleship Center near Peebles, OH.
The John Bosco Youth Group and Our Lady of Guadalupe Home Based Community sponsor this special weekend. The retreat center rooms are quickly filled, and some families make reservations for camping space. There are a few motels nearby for overflow registrations.
We will celebrate Mass and part of the Liturgy of the Hours each day. Great family activities are planned for children as well as adults including hiking on trails, rosary walks, volleyball, corn hole, scavenger hunts, campfires, sing-alongs, Praise Fest Concert on Saturday night, and the world's greatest omelet on Sunday morning.
In this Jubilee Year of Mercy let us follow the example of St. John Vianney who said, "I throw myself at the foot of the tabernacle like a dog at the foot of his master," pleading God's mercy for ourselves, our families and our country with expectant faith and continue to pray for the "new springtime of hope".
PM's Guadalupe Center Offers New Retreat
Laudato Si: Caring for Our Common Home July 15-17, 2016
"Contemplate 'Our Common Home' with Gladness and Praise!" Pope Francis
![]() Rich and Daneen Gosser, Coworkers of Presentation Ministries, are standing in their organic garden where they are developing a sustainable lifestyle in order help conserve "Our Common Home". They chose to "live simply that others may simply live". |
Dr. Richard A. Gosser will be the guest presenter of the PM Discipleship Weekend Seminar focused on Pope Francis's recent document Laudato Si, which opens our eyes to the urgent need to "Care for Our Common Home". The Pope emphasizes the indivisible unity of both the physical and social aspects of our environment. Rich is a gifted teacher with spiritual gifts which enable him to present challenging papal encyclicals in a way the laity can enjoy, understand, and apply to daily life.
"Rather than a problem to be solved, the world is a joyful mystery to be contemplated with gladness and praise" (Laudato Si, 12).
Explore and contemplate this "joyful mystery" in the weekend seminar, Laudato Si: Caring for Our Common Home, presented at our Lady of Guadalupe Discipleship Center on July 15-17, 2016. See the world through the eyes of St. Francis and our Holy Father Pope Francis.
Dr. Gosser holds an earned doctorate in mathematics from Carnegie Mellon University (Pittsburgh, PA) and honorary doctorates from St. Vincent College (Latrobe, PA) and Marywood University (Scranton, PA). He is professor emeritus at St. Vincent College where he taught mathematics and engineering from 1975 until 2005. Currently Dr. Gosser teaches a "service learning" course titled "Haiti: Window on Our Worlds" as an adjunct professor of history at St. Vincent College in La Trobe, PA.
Rich and Daneen first visited Haiti in 1987 after being inspired by a book in which the author encouraged readers "to encounter Jesus not in the Holy Land where he walked more than 2000 years ago, but in the slums of Port au Prince where Jesus could be found among people living in extreme material poverty." They have been leading "reverse mission pilgrimages" to Haiti since 1992.
Rich is the founder, executive director, and board president of Rich in Mercy, a nonprofit dedicated to promoting and supporting sustainable development in impoverished areas of Haiti and rural Africa.
(Information for this article is excerpted from the Rich in Mercy website.)
More Fan Response to PM's Media and Publications
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I am being inspired by Father Al Lauer's words on his "Daily Bread" podcast on the Laudate APP. I know that he passed away in 2002, but his daily words are helping me so much at this point in my life. I wanted to thank you for making his inspirational words available. God Bless you and the work you do for Christ!
Scott S.
Dear Fr. Al Lauer,
I have been listening to your daily radio programs. I love them. I am in Bangalore, India and start my day with your talks. You have helped me to come closer to Jesus. Thank you. God bless you with good health. Hope you are cancer-free. You are a blessing to many people, especially me. Keep me in your prayers that I may be a blessing to at least one person every day.
H. N.
Dear Father Al, Thank you for your very inspiring and refreshing reflections on daily scripture readings. I am Joyce, a mother of three girls. I listen to your programs all the way from Malaysia. My husband, Alex, and daughter, Shekinah, and I look forward to hearing your broadcast each morning as we drive to work and school. Thank you once again. I am praying for your ministry to expand and reach greater heights.
God bless,
Joyce, Malaysia
My name is B. Joseph, a listener to "Daily Bread" from India. Want to thank God for you and your team. This program brings Word of God in form of "Daily Bread" that nourishes me to lead authentic Catholic life in Christ. Your teachings inspire me to go to daily mass, confession and know Jesus more authentically through daily gospel readings. I believe that God is mightily using you to rekindle in listeners the Holy Spirit that is transforming us into "Giant Killers" in Jesus Christ. May God continue to bless your mission.
Humble brother in Christ.
B. Joseph Mumbai, India
I have recently discovered your podcast on my Laudate app. All I can say is amazing! It is what I needed to cap off my morning prayer time! Sometimes it is in the car or when I am exercising because my little ones end up stopping my morning prayer when they "need" something. In any case, it is really great and I have been telling so many people about it and encouraging them to listen to it! It seems every time I tune in Fr. Al always hits the nail on the head! Keep up the good work!! I'm praying for this ministry!
C. T. Pewamo, MI
Thank you for the great work you do. Fr Al has been my faithful companion as I listen to him on the way to work daily. Praise the Lord and thank the Lord for the gift of Fr Al and his ministries. I cannot thank you enough.
Love and blessings in Christ's name,
PM's Social Media Reaches "To the Ends of the Earth"
Social media provides new and creative opportunities for ministry to all Presentation Ministries members who use electronic devices on the World Wide Web. YouTube and Facebook are only two such communication avenues, but they are the most heavily used by PM. People who visit the PM channel on YouTube can see teaching videos by Father Al Lauer and other PM teachers. Documentary-style videos provide additional fare on-line.
A web series called "Conversations with John Dunn" (6 episodes) was initiated several years ago to introduce people to Our Lady of Guadalupe Center (then known as Paul Jansen Discipleship Center). The most recent episodes cover the Bible Institute, Outreach Ministry and Co-Workers.
There are short and long versions of videos on the Bible Institute and The Call to Community (also available on the PM YouTube channel, most easily found under Playlists). These are intended for evangelistic purposes. They are not in-depth teachings, but promote the events or concepts to niche audiences, those people who like and relate to video!
Next time you are chatting with a family member, friend or someone in the marketplace, and you want to show them an aspect of PM or share a healing testimony, navigate your cell phone or pad to Presentation Ministries YouTube channel, click on playlists ("Presentation Ministries" or "Conversations with John Dunn") and instantly you have in hand an audio/visual to aid your outreach efforts. Well, almost instantly. Practice at home first!
Our website is
2016 Has Many Special Opportunities for GBC Students
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The Guadalupe Bible College (GBC) offers many opportunities for students to participate in live classes throughout the year. Many students find this is the easiest way to complete required courses for graduation. Below we list ways you can enjoy being with others in a community setting while learning and deepening your knowledge of the Catholic faith.
- Register for Discipleship Retreats at the Guadalupe Center which are available throughout the year (see the schedule in this issue of the newsletter, or view the schedule on our website). Two special seminars will be presented at the Guadalupe Discipleship Retreat Center, 5701 Lawshe Rd., Peebles OH.
- Laudato Si: Care for Our Common Home, Pope Francis: presented by Dr. Richard Gosser, July 15-17, 2016 at PM's Guadalupe Center near Peebles, OH.
- Acts of the Apostles presented by the GBC administration and faculty members-October 21-23, 2016 at PM's Guadalupe Center.
- Attend sessions at the at PM's Annual Bible Institute July 22-29, 2016.
- Attend the Orientation for inquirers or new students at the Bible Institute on Friday July 29, 2016.
- Watch for seminars presented by the PM Outreach team in various locations throughout the tristate area (IN, KY, OH) and occasionally in other cities throughout the country.
- Attend local live Bible studies presented by GBC teachers in your parishes, or homes in your area. For more information go to PM's website at
One Bread, One Body Readers Say Thanks in Unique Ways
Dear Members of PM, Lent is a special time for growth of holiness and self-discipline. I believe that is what you are trying to accomplish by publishing the best Catholic teaching booklet One Bread, One Body (OBOB). We need excellent and strict teaching in these times when Christians are being martyred all over the world.
God bless you for your generous donation of two shipments of OBOB! We volunteer at a Women and Children's Abuse Shelter. The moms are all searching for meaning in their lives; they have all been through so much and need to experience the presence of God in their lives. We believe that this little prayer book is exactly what they need.
Thank you for helping me stay grounded with Christ Jesus. OBOB and "My People" newspaper are a gift from God!
Thank you for what you do. Your daily OBOB provides essential 'vitamins' for my day as I strive to live for Christ and be an example to others. I will pray for your ministry as we continue to support life and serve Christ.
Fans Respond via Phone Calls
Patty from Dallas TX
...says she has been listening to "Daily Bread" for three months. She finds the teachings extremely uplifting.
Gabriel from Vermont
...listens to Fr Al Lauer on Laudate app and loves it. He is sooooo thankful for it. God bless all the workers at Presentation Ministries...
"Daily Bread" Listeners Find Joy and Encouragement in Difficult Times
Dear Fr. Lauer, Thank you for the daily podcasts, the daily call to attend Mass, and the daily saint reflections. (I am) a cradle Catholic, but learning to follow Christ in new ways. I listen regularly to your program. I am unemployed at the moment, but I trust God had a plan for me to hear your program today and to contact you. Like Andrew I wish to hear the call to abandon all to "Follow Jesus". Praying to trust God and to be present enough in each breath to hear how He wants me to be used now and each day.
Our Lady of Guadalupe HBC Sponsors the Annual Prayer on the Square
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At noon on December 12 each year PM's Our Lady of Guadalupe Home Based Community sponsors Prayer for Life on Fountain Square in Cincinnati, OH. The number of people who join the group in prayer continues to grow as the faithful community gathers to publicly demonstrate their stand for life from conception to natural death.
Presentation Broadens Evangelization Through Outreach Ministry
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The Outreach Ministry within Presentation Ministries (PM) is evangelistic in nature; the team reaches out beyond the borders of their local group or geographical area. PM outreach presents Life in the Spirit Seminars throughout the city of Cincinnati and the tristate (OH, KY, IN) region, in various states throughout the US, and at PM's annual Bible Institute.
Recently the Outreach Ministry presented a six week program on "How to Teach the Bible in the Power of the Holy Spirit" at Saint Bernard Parish in Cincinnati which may reach as far as Russia. A visitor from Russia who converted to Christianity in the mid-1990s attended the program. Although she is not Catholic, she delved into the study that day and found it to be very real and practical. On the last day of the series, after receiving prayer, the Holy Spirit touched and inspired her. She expressed her gratitude with these words,"You have helped me with my spiritual stamina before I go back home."
PM's Outreach Ministry team plans to offer seminars which foster continuous personal Christian growth in spring and in fall each year. Check the PM calendar online ( for upcoming events. The next scheduled series is Christian Community offered at the same location in Spring Grove Village at St. Bernard's Church. There will be an "Introduction to Christian Community" on Thursday evening, August 25, 2016 from 7pm to 9pm. PM hopes that many will come and see if Christian Community is right for them. The full series is planned for Thursday evenings in September through October from 7pm to 9pm.
Most of the current Outreach team are members of the HIS home based community (HBC). However they plan to expand the team to include others who show an interest in sharing their spiritual gifts and are available to travel as needed. If you are a member of Presentation Ministries in one of the HBC's or a PM Coworker, pray and discern to see if God is calling you to join the Outreach Ministry to serve as a table leader, intercessor, or presenter. The team has scheduled a continuous set of programs throughout the year for anyone interested in learning or growing more in the faith. For more information about home-based communities or PM's Outreach Ministry contact Presentation Ministries' office at 513-662-5378.
Prophecy Given at the Monthly Communities and Co-Workers Mass
"Let us hold unwaveringly to our confession that gives us hope for He who made the promise is trustworthy. We must consider how to rouse one another to love and good works. We should not stay away from our assembly, as is the custom of some, but encourage one another and this all the more as you see the day drawing near." (Heb. 10:23-25) Submitted by PM's Words Gifts Ministry on April 29, 2016.
The following excerpt from One Bread, One Body confirms that prophetic word:
"Encourage one another daily while it is still 'today,' so that no one grows hardened by the deceit of sin." Hebrews 3:13
If we don't get regular, even daily, encouragement, we may grow hardened by the deceit of sin and of the culture of death (Heb 3:13). Encouragement often will not find us if we don't try to find it. Many of us miss the opportunity to receive or give encouragement. Here are some ways we can pursue and find encouragement:
- We need to place ourselves in a position to receive encouragement, for example, by not skipping Mass (Heb 10:25). Frequent Mass, even daily if possible, keeps us in position to receive encouragement and is a great help against not being hardened. Daily Mass equals daily encouragement.
- Your presence and faithfulness encourages others; likewise, your absence can discourage others. Be present to others.
- Don't put off giving encouragement; do it "today" (Heb 3:13).
- Give the Lord a chance to encourage you by your daily routine: daily Mass, daily Bible reading (see Rm 15:4), daily Rosary, daily prayers, such as the Liturgy of the Hours.
- Most important, we need to encourage others daily, especially our brothers and sisters in Christ, so that they do not grow hardened in heart. Make the most of the opportunity to encourage others every day (Eph 5:16). Encourage "them all to remain firm in their commitment to the Lord" (Acts 11:23).
Be sons and daughters of encouragement (see Acts 4:36). Give encouragement a chance.
(This teaching from One Bread, One Body was submitted by a member of our editorial team.)
Daily Bread Listener Shares a Powerful Witness
Hello there,
I have discovered your program on my cell phone App for Laudate. I have begun listening to Daily Bread Radio on Laudate pretty much daily, for almost a year now.
I have grown up in a Catholic family; we went to church every Sunday. I tried my best to live my life the "best" way I knew how. As I grew up, I started to do what I thought was "right", putting work and kids first, even before God and Church. I have been married nearly 10 years, and have felt down, as if there was something missing from many of those 10 years. I love my family, please understand, but I knew that getting the kids to church, CCD, and making God a focus in our family was important, it was just never a priority. I didn't "have" time for it. I believe failing to make it a priority was causing me to be unable to truly enjoy my life.
Through depression, treatment, healing, and prayer, I am making my way out of that hole. Learning to prioritize God and our faith over the demands of the secular world has been amazing. I still encounter stumbling blocks, but it has been much easier to get up and keep going. I haven't felt happier. I wanted to let Father Al know how much of an impact his weekday program has made on my life. Despite growing up in the Catholic faith, I have always been intimidated by and struggled with the readings and reading the bible. Even beginning to go back to mass weekly was intimidating after I allowed myself to drift away from the importance of Mass. When Father Al reads and discusses the readings, it helps me to truly hear the message. He has such a great way of applying it to daily life, and helps to put things into perspective. His focus on Mass and the importance of attending Mass has helped me to look forward to Mass each Sunday. I haven't attended daily yet, as I am raising small children and am trying to find a way to fit it in. I will continue to try!
I have been praying for Father's healing, and just wanted to thank you all for what you do!
Thank you all, and God Bless!
Sandra J.
[Editor's note: Through the power of Jesus, as Head of the Body of Christ we believe Father Al is aware of Sandra's spiritual journey. As he asked us to do from the pulpit, we continue to pray for Father Al after his death.]
Special Events at PM's Guadalupe Discipleship Center July - December 2016
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July 15-17, 2016
Laudato Si: Caring for Our Common Home, Pope Francis
"Rather than a problem to be solved, the world is a joyful mystery to be contemplated with gladness and praise" (12 Laudato Si). Come and begin to see our world through the eyes of Saint Francis, and our Holy Father, Pope Francis.
July 18-20, 2016
The Sacraments: the Living Water of Grace
The Sacraments sanctify us, build up the body of Christ, give worship to God, and are signs that instruct us, drawing their origin and nourishment from God's word. Come deepen your love and faith in the Sacraments.
July 30-Aug. 2, 2016 (after the Bible Institute)
Be Still and Know That I Am God: Silent Retreat
Sept. 16-18, 2016
Healing the Broken Hearted (Divorced & Separated Conference)
"The Lord is close to the broken hearted and those who are crushed in spirit He saves" (Psalm 34:19). Come receive healing and "a future full of hope" (Jer. 29:11).
Sept. 17, 2016
Comfort and Challenge (Widows and Widowers Conference)
"Look to Him that you may be radiant with joy" (Psalm 34:6). Come consecrate your widowhood to the Lord. "Cling to Him" that you may find greater freedom of heart, body and spirit. Let the Holy Spirit console and strengthen you.
Oct. 21-23, 2016
On Fire with the Spirit: Acts of the Apostles
"You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes down on you: and you are to be my witnesses in Jerusalem, throughout Judea and Samaria, yes even to the end of the earth" (Acts 1:8).
Nov. 11-13, 2016
Building Strong Families: Married Couples Retreat
"The family is the heart of the civilization of love The future of humanity passes by way of the family" (St. John Paul II, Familiaris Consortio, 86.)
Dec. 3, 2016
Men's Day of Renewal: Set the Captives Free
"The Spirit of the Lord is upon meHe has sent me to bring glad tidings to the poor, to proclaim liberty to captives" (Luke 4:18). Discover new freedom in Jesus to share with others.
Dec. 9-11, 2016
Praying with the Church: The Liturgy of the Hours
A member of a lay community said, "This is the delight and joy of my day!" Come, learn how to pray the liturgy and enjoy the beauty of daily prayer with the universal Church.