presentation ministries newsletter, vol. 22, issue 1 »« presentation ministries newsletter, vol. 18, issue 2
presentation ministries newsletter, vol. 19, issue 1
Marzo 1, 2017
Presentation Ministries Newsletter
![]() "Prayer on the Square" group prays at Fountain Square in downtown Cincinnati. |
Cleveland Area Home Based Communities Gather in Madison, Ohio
Behind the Scenes Volunteer Office Workers Are at the Heart of PM
Mary Teaches us Discipleship and Redemptive Suffering
Father Lauer Becomes a Podcast Sensation
31st Annual Bible Institute: July 21 - July 28, 2017
Jacob Willig Prepares for Ordination to the Diaconate in 2017
Crowd Gathers for the 10th Annual "Prayer on the Square"
Our Lady of Guadalupe Graduation Class of 2016
Reader is Deeply Inspired by One Bread, One Body (OBOB)
PM Podcast and Comments from our Webmaster
New at Guadalupe Retreat Center 2017!
Our Lady of Guadalupe Discipleship Retreat Schedule
Together, Let us Glorify the Lord!
Cleveland Area Home Based Communities Gather in Madison, Ohio
![]() Cleveland Branch Communities: Sacred Heart, St. Anthony, and St. Pio |
The Cleveland Branch Communities of Sacred Heart, St. Anthony, and St. Pio gathered for a joint meeting Sunday, November 20th at Immaculate Conception Church, in Madison, OH. They shared food, fellowship, and awesome praise and worship. Since the communities were preparing to sign their covenants, Deacon Ken Meade gave a teaching on Covenants in the Bible. Recently, community members traveled roughly 200+ miles to present a weekend seminar on the "Acts of the Apostles" at PM's Our Lady of Guadalupe Discipleship Center in Peebles, OH. Many are looking forward to attending the Bible Institute this summer. Presentation Ministries (PM) is alive and well in Northeast Ohio!
Behind the Scenes Volunteer Office Workers Are at the Heart of PM
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Presentation Ministries is an apostolate of volunteers who have decided to work in the ripe harvest spoken of by Jesus in Luke 10: 2. In fact, one worker, Renate Alvi, (right) goes so far as to call herself a frustrated missionary. "We are to shout it from the rooftops," she says, "but I can't do that, so I'm here doing this instead." Renate comes daily to oversee and process the in-coming mail and donations sent to Presentation Ministries. Many other volunteers come weekly or monthly to the PM office in Cincinnati to keep things running smoothly.
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Marianne Lander (shown left with Louise Roth, Renata Alvi and Mark Schuermann) is well-versed on the administration of PM; she has headed up the office crew almost from the beginning. As secretary at Our Lady of Presentation Church, she transitioned to PM after the church closed in 1985. The devotional booklet, One Bead, One Body, (OBOB) then in its infancy, developed into PM's primary means of evangelistic outreach. She has been motivated to serve full time as a volunteer for over 30 years. "Father Al left us a wonderful legacy of inspired teachings covering a variety of biblical topics and Church documents. It is a privilege to be part of the work force that distributes these powerful teachings throughout the United States and the world," explains Lander. "Besides Fr Al's archive teachings, we also spread the new OBOB teachings submitted by Paul Egan and other editors. Paul does the lion's share of writing these new teachings which equal the caliber of teachings from Fr Al." This past year, all the editors have been feverishly working to meet an earlier set of deadlines proposed by the Chancery to gain the "Rescript" / "Imprimatur". Marianne also answers the phone and monitor's voice mail, another important task. Often a phone call is the first "face" of PM that new callers encounter. So it is needful to receive all calls with helpfulness and pleasant courtesy.
Judy Grogan edits PM's newspaper, "My People", and the bulletin insert, "Pope Francis, Shepherd of Truth", researching the information online.
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Lots of hands help distribute the teaching resources of PM. According to Marianne Lander, the day to find most office volunteers is Tuesday. Bright and early on a typical Tuesday morning volunteers gather in the bottom floor room where Father Al had occasionally celebrated Mass for PM members. There they fulfill the orders for materials that people request. Some of these workers took a brief break in their work to share their volunteer stories and experiences.
Gil Tepe (below left) has been on board with PM for 25 years, coming weekly to pack orders. Gil started out volunteering on his day off when his friend, Dick Pohlmann, invited him to join the mail crew, and he's been doing it ever since. Tepe's special joy: "Once a year all the volunteers gather for a little Christmas luncheon to celebrate."
Celeste Jedding (below left center) has been helping out since 1990 after Father Al came to her parish, pinch-hitting for another priest. "When I heard him preach, I thought, 'I want to learn a little more about this guy.' " She came to the ministry center, liked what she experienced, and began to help by distributing One Bread, One Body (OBOB). Celeste has gone on to lend a hand in many aspects of the ministry. Her special joy: "I really like the people."
Mary Licata (below right center) has been volunteering at the office every week for three years. Primarily she mails out individual copies of OBOB to anyone who has called or written in with a request. Her special joy: "It's rewarding because you're helping people who need some kind of spiritual guidance."
Bill Weinkam (below right) has spent his Tuesdays for the last five years mailing materials to OBOB readers who request it. With a smile Bill mentioned his special joy: "Well it's always good to find something besides my regular work that's more in tune with working for the Lord by doing Church-related ministry. So I enjoy that."
These weekly volunteers who handle the mail orders cited the same struggle: poor penmanship! Some do not write their names and addresses legibly on their return envelope. The workers solve this problem by passing mail from one to another until someone is able to decipher it. Volunteers have diverse motivations for coming around week after week, month after month, and year after year, but all of them exhibit faithfulness and joy in their labor. Most of all, PM volunteers demonstrate willingness. They have willingly laid aside their own agendas and have taken up what the Holy Spirit has shown them to be God's plan for their time, talent and treasure. God will reward them in full!
Mary Teaches us Discipleship and Redemptive Suffering
February 17-18, 2017
Begins Friday, 7 p.m. with Mass
Saturday, 9 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Our model of redemptive suffering stood at the foot of the cross "Seeing His Mother there with the disciple whom He loved He said, 'Woman there is your son' andto the disciple, 'There is your Mother?'" (Jn.19:26-27)
St. Bartholomew Catholic Church
9375 Winton Road
Cincinnati, OH 45231
Phone: 513.522.3680
Fr. David Endres will celebrate Mass on Friday at 7 p.m.; Father Shannon Collins will speak on Saturday at 9 a.m.; and Fr. Tim Fahey will celebrate at Mass on Saturday at 11 a.m.
We are all called to be "Missionary Disciples" and experience the joy of sharing our faith as His first disciples did (Luke 10:17- 23). This retreat is a MUST for those who are committed disciples of Jesus. This retreat is meant to provide continued growth for every disciple with the encouragement and understanding needed to help us obey the call from God to disciple others.
Sponsored by: Presentation Ministries, an official lay association under the Archbishop of Cincinnati.
To learn more or to register for this retreat, call 513.373.2397 or click on the Discipleship Retreats tab.
Cost = A free-will offering, so everyone the Lord calls can afford to come!
Lunch will be provided on Saturday for all who pre-register! SPACE IS LIMITED especially FOR LUNCH, so please register EARLY!
You won't want to miss this exceptional retreat!
Father Lauer Becomes a Podcast Sensation
Submitted by Dean Weber, PM's Broadcast Ministry Networker
![]() Fr. Al Lauer around 1998 before his passing in 2002. |
It fills your heart with joy to hear Father Al Lauer's enthusiastic voice, and listen to his preaching which is filled with his love of and dedication to Jesus. His daily dynamic preaching of the Scriptures on the internet has become so popular that the number of listeners has increased tenfold in the past year!
You can listen to his preaching on the internet whenever you wish, day or night on the Presentation Ministries (PM) website at by clicking on "Daily Bread Radio", choose the day's reflection and click on "Play".
The PM website offers a fifteen minute reflection on the scripture readings of the daily Mass, Monday thru Friday. It is a rebroadcast of Fr. Lauer's "Daily Bread Radio Program" which he previously recorded while he was alive. We call it "The Classic Edition". In addition the weekend teachings are on the books of the New Testament as they appear in the traditional order arranged by the Church.
We were blessed by God to have remastered these old recordings digitally, so Father Lauer's gifted teachings can be shared throughout the world for years to come.
31st Annual Bible Institute: July 21 - July 28, 2017
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"God's Love and Light Lead the Way!" Do not walk in darkness. Share the joy!
Come to the Bible Institute to receive the equipping and instruction about the gifts of the Holy Spirit, Christian Community, and living in the reality of God's truth.
Watch for more details and seminars for 2017!
The Institute is a one-of-a-kind conference that offers a variety of events that are arranged to provide what you need to be equipped to be a powerful disciple of Christ.
The events include:
- Weekend and weekday seminars
- Daily Eucharistic Liturgies
- General Sessions include powerful healing services, evenings of worship, and adoration.
Jacob Willig Prepares for Ordination to the Diaconate in 2017
![]() Jacob Willig, in center, with parents. |
During the next few months seminarians will be preparing for ordination to the diaconate and ultimately the priesthood in the coming year. Jacob Willig, Our Lady of Guadalupe HBC, has requested we pray the following prayer seeking St. Catherine of Siena's intercession for him and others preparing to be ordained as transitional deacons in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati on April 29, 2017 (which is the feast of their patroness, St. Catherine of Sienna). See Prayer to St. Catherine below.
Jacob Willig and his parents, Janet and David Willig, ask for prayers through the intercession of St Catherine of Sienna in preparation for his ordination to the Diaconate on April 29,2017.
Please pray this prayer with Jacob Willig and other seminarians:
Prayer to St. Catherine
St. Catherine, most blessed and favored patron saint, thou who sought the truth with perseverance, loved the truth in humility, taught the truth in charity, and defended the truth with courage, pray for us. Obtain for us the grace to persevere in truth, to be a light in the darkness of the times in which we live, and to convey to others, both in our written words and in our actions, the responsibility, wisdom, and knowledge to proclaim the truths of our holy Faith as proclaimed by the Church.
O holy virgin and bride of Christ, whose letters inspired, guided, and led the Church to renewal and transformation, obtain too for us the grace to live the truth, the patience to endure the trials and hardships, to carry our Cross in the spirit of prayer and self-denial, and to defend the Church in its hour of crucifixion. We ask in Christ's name. Amen.
Crowd Gathers for the 10th Annual "Prayer on the Square"
![]() PM's St. John Bosco Youth Group joins "Prayer on the Square". |
On December 12, the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, the 10th Annual "Prayer on the Square" took place on Fountain Square in Cincinnati, OH. This celebration drew the largest participation ever. The St. John Bosco Youth Group greatly increased the crowd. Mt. St. Mary's Seminarians and Nathanael Egan led the group in praying the rosary in front of a large banner of the miraculous image of Our Lady of Guadalupe, who in 1531, promised St. Juan Diego to give her motherly "love, compassion, and protectionto all who love, trust, and invoke her help." And she extends this promise to the families, communities, and our cities of those who respond to her. The group prayed especially for the protection of the "unborn children", for whom she is the patroness. Our Lady of Guadalupe, pray for us!
Our Lady of Guadalupe Graduation Class of 2016
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The 2016 graduation of Our Lady of Guadalupe Bible College was held at the Bible Institute this past July. Jan Fier, Paul Egan, and Marianne Calhoun successfully completed the course of studies prescribed for the college.
The purpose of the College is to provide a Catholic understanding of God's revelation to equip the faithful, and permeate the culture with the Gospel. St. Paul says in 2 Timothy 3:16 that "all scripture is inspired of God and useful for teaching for reproof, correction, and training in holiness so that men of God may be fully competent and equipped for every good work."
The students of Guadalupe Bible College participate in an individualized course of study. The Bible College curriculum has three components: seminars and courses at Our Lady of Guadalupe Discipleship Center (formally called the Paul Jansen Discipleship Center), the Presentation Ministries Bible Institute, and Bible College courses by home study or weekly classroom instruction.
Jan Fier is a member of St. Pio Home Based community. In addition to Bible Study, she is in the Legion of Mary and has been a member of her parish contemplative prayer group. She is active in the Right to Life movement and prays with the NE Ohio Rosary for Life before Cleveland abortion sites.
Paul Egan has been a member and leader in Presentation Home Based Communities and has actively participated and/or taught in parish and community Bible studies, Discipleship Seminars, and the PM Bible Institute. For many years he taught a lunchtime Bible study in downtown Cincinnati and has been the leader of the One Bread, One Body pre-press ministry and is the chief editor of the publication.
Marianne Calhoun has attended almost every Bible Institute since Fr. Al Lauer started the ministry thirty years ago. She has taught and facilitated Bible studies in her parish and facilitates them in her home.
The Church encourages adult Catholics to renew and live their baptismal commitment through catechesis and formation. The Forty Day Discipleship Program, The Bible Institute and Bible College were inspired by the Holy Spirit to provide an opportunity for people to receive healing, deliverance and formation as disciples of Jesus; and like the first Disciples, are sent forth to proclaim the Good News and make new disciples.
Reader is Deeply Inspired by One Bread, One Body (OBOB)
Greetings to all at One Bread, One Body:
I am a recipient of the wonderful publication, One Bread, One Body (OBOB). It has helped me in various ways in my personal growth in the Lord. But, I want to share a more recent "work of the Holy Spirit" that stemmed from a daily meditation in OBOB. Here is what happened:
As a Religion teacher in a Catholic co-ed high school, I sometimes read aloud in class from the meditations in OBOB. Early in the school year, one of the meditations recommended looking at a crucifix for 10 seconds each day. When I read that aloud to my junior and sophomore students, we actually paused and gazed at the large crucifix in the classroom for 10 seconds. The next day, a student in one of the classes mentioned doing the "10 seconds" in class for the second day. Gradually, all five of my high school classes began to spontaneously request the "10 seconds" once during every class period. It is very random (as in, at any point within each 50 minute class) but it now occurs in every class, every day! I love the spontaneous aspect of it, as a student will call out, "10 seconds!" and we all pause silently to gaze at the crucifix. It is touching and very powerful. I beg for many graces in each of the "10 seconds" I get to experience with all of my students. We've even made the resolution to ramp up to "20 seconds" for Lent. How's that for a Holy Spirit moment? :)
This movement has blessed me and my classes, and I am grateful to OBOB for initiating the beginnings of many graces for us all. May God continue to bless your ministry, and may Our Lady of Guadalupe hold you always close within her arms.
K. L., MD
PM Podcast and Comments from our Webmaster
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It didn't take long for the donation request at the end of the podcast to take effect. On the very first day we received a number of donations, including a significant gift from Singapore! Praise Jesus. This program is impacting a lot of people! Praise Jesus. Webmaster
I've been listening to PM's Daily Bread Podcast (Classic edition) Thank you for transforming my life and many others' lives! May God richly bless your work of mercy! G. S., Singapore
Love Father Lauer!! God bless his soul! How you broadcast his messages is amazing... thank you!! And for those of YOU who worked side by side with Father Lauer it must have been cool, amazing, fun...and sad to see him go. Praise Jesus!!!! K. R., FL
Thank you for keeping this podcast available. I learn so much and it's really one of the most peaceful moments of my day J. K., NJ
I listen to Daily Bread Radio on the Laudate app on my iPhone and love it!!! M. A., MI
I enjoy the radio program very much. I get it on my smart phone from Monday to Friday. Father was a good priest and on this Feast of All Souls Day may he be resting in peace with the Lord. E. P., PA
Fr. Al and Daily Bread are one of the most inspirational evangelizing media J. V., NH
I'm blessed every day by Daily Bread through Laudate. Thank you for your ministry. L. X., VA
I love Fr. Al Lauer. He lives in my mind and my heart. His voice and enthusiasm will always resonate in my mind and heart. May God bless his soul. L. H., CO
My wife and I have been listening to Daily Bread in the morning via Laudate podcast. May you continue to open your heart to God's grace and grow in holiness. D. L., TX
Thank you very much for Fr. Lauer's daily One Bread, One Body podcasts that I get on my amazon kindle. I find them very helpful and enlightening. R. R., CT
Love Father Al, a true jewel to the faith! T. B., OH
Love to listen to Father Lauer on Daily Bread. D. B., WA
Thank you for continuing Father Al's work. I listen to One Bread, One Body on Laudate almost every morning! It blesses my heart and helps me to live the gospel! T. K., MN
New at Guadalupe Retreat Center 2017!
Join families and friends away from the stress and noise of the world to rest in the Lord's Eucharistic presence and green pastures. Enjoy camping, hiking, outdoor or indoor activities, cookouts, bonfires and "sing-alongs" with your family and friends.
Our Lady of Guadalupe Discipleship Retreat Schedule
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Spring 2017
March 18, 2017 - On the Dignity and Vocation of Women, Pope St. John Paul II
Father Jason Bedel, will celebrate Mass and give a talk; other presenters include Janet Willig and Leslie Bort. Did you know God created women with a "feminine genius" to foster self-giving love? Like Our Mother Mary, when a woman accepts this special gift she can teach and inspire others to imitate Jesus in the same way. "There is in the end three things that last: faith, hope, and love, and the greatest of these in love" (1Cor. 13:13).
April 21-23, 2017 - Renew Your Life in the Spirit
"Stir into flame the Spirit the gift of God bestowed on you" (2 Tim.1:6) Presented by members of the Outreach Team and HIS Home Based Community. This retreat is a wonderful opportunity to renew and "stir into flames" the life and power of the Holy Spirit you received when you were baptized and confirmed. Continue to grow in abundant life through the renewal of graces received in these sacraments. Deepen your personal relationship with Jesus, the Father, and the Holy Spirit.
May 19-21, 2017 - Seek the Gifts of the Holy Spirit
Presented by Lumen Christi, Home Based Community. God gave each of us "immeasurably more than we can ask or imagine" (Eph.3:20).
Summer 2017
June 16 - 18 - 40 Hours Devotion and Family Camp
June 19 - 25 - Family Vacation with the Lord:
Join families and friends away from the stress in the world to rest in the Lord's green pasture.
June 26 - 29 - Overview of the Gospel of John
Presented by members of the GBC Family
June 30 - July 2 - Seek a Sustainable Lifestyle: Laudato Si, Pope Francis
Guest Presenter: Dr Richard Gosser
If interested, please call: (937) 587-5464 or (513) 373-2397 or register online at our website or email:
Our Lady of Guadalupe Bible College credit is given for each retreat session attended.
Together, Let us Glorify the Lord!
Excerpt from an email by Beth Dunn
Dear PM Family:
Thanks for your prayers; they are worth so much and are still playing a big role in my healing journey. In the following letter I have written some impressions and my witness, which I feel called to share, so we can "Glorify the Lord together".
I wanted to be operated on during the high holy days on the Jewish calendar, because I place value on our mutual Old Testament heritage. As it worked out, my brain surgery occurred on the Day of Atonement. Jesus, by the shedding of His blood, fulfilled once and for all the atonement for all our sins. My doctor, Dr. Zuccarello of Mayfield clinic, is a Catholic and he performed my surgery in a Catholic hospital, which I was very happy about.
We had several pre-operative meetings in which we discussed my case. I have multiple meningioma tumors in my brain caused by NF2, a disease we are praying for a miracle cure. His goal was to remove the largest one, but there was a smaller one nearby and there were several options for tackling it as well. It presented some unique problems, as it was attached to a major vein and to the skull. We decided that he would take the second tumor out in a separate surgery six months after this one. But shortly before the surgery, he changed his mind and decided to go for the second tumor this time around. It concerned me and in fact I began to worry about it. The Lord ministered to me in Mass every time the priest prayed about the peace of Christ being given to us and saving us from all anxieties. However things came to a head when I went to Mass at St. Wahlberg's Convent where my aunt lives in Northern Kentucky. After Mass I met a friend who wanted to pray for me. As she prayed in tongues I started to laugh with holy laughter. To me this gift meant God was saying, "Chill out!"
Susan Guiliano, a PM member and sister in Christ, who has been miraculously healed of several serious illnesses, has been taught by the Holy Spirit to include Father God in every way possible in the medical process. As a result of her witness, I was encouraged to pray the Our Father in several gatherings in the hospital: with the MRI tech team, with the operating room team, and with my nurses. What a blessing!
So the doctor went for two tumors. Afterwards, one young student doctor present in the surgery told us that after the large tumor was easily removed, the second smaller one "literally fell out into view" and was able to be "debulked". We were truly amazed and grateful for this outcome!