presentation ministries newsletter, vol. 19, issue 1 »« presentation ministries newsletter, vol. 18, issue 1
presentation ministries newsletter, vol. 18, issue 2
Octubre 1, 2016
2016 Marks 30 Years of Great PM Bible Institutes!
![]() Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Co of Gaithersburg, MD participate in the Bible Institute for the first time. |
The renovation at Xavier University in Cincinnati, Ohio was completed in time for the Bible Institute (BI) this year. Last year attendees at Presentation Ministries' annual summer Bible Institute had to detour around major road and classroom building construction. This summer they could go straight to class in a brand-new building. All the newness on the XU campus reflected a reality apparent at the 2016 BI: lots of first-timers. Mary Ann came all the way from Tucson, AZ after reading about the Bible Institute in One Bread, One Body (OBOB). Mrs. Vanessa Williams did not have too far to come from Portsmouth, Ohio, but she too saw the ad for the Bible Institute in OBOB.
Many others came to the Bible Institute for the first time. The Co family from Maryland had been searching for something spiritually nourishing and found out about the Bible Institute a week before it started. Short notice did not deter them and as a result they experienced a full, rich week in Cincinnati. Another guest came from Camp May, NJ; another from the Virgin Islands, and Deacon Stephen and others came from North Carolina.
Anna (Egan) Little should win a special award for attending every year since birth. Now her baby, Ivy, has already attended each BI for the past three years, once in-utero. The participating parents who attend with their babies and children add to the family-like atmosphere of the Bible Institute.
Ann Miller, a gifted teacher on Marian Consecration, was called to "pinch hit" for Fr. Rob Jack (who, due to illness, could not come). She presented some of the sessions in the one day conference entitled Mary Must Be Preached. Both this class and the new session entitled Revelation: Apocalypse Examined, were filled to capacity.
Bill Richart, a gifted worship leader, presented a workshop entitled Practical Evangelism. His presentation sparked interest and enthusiasm. Many students gravitated to the annual basic classes, How to Teach the Bible in the Power of the Holy Spirit, Life in the Spirit, Seek the Gifts of the Spirit, Prophecy, Intercession, etc..
Leader, Mark Mussman and the BI team provided vibrant worship with anointed teachings and healing services. As they prepared for this thirtieth anniversary, the team overcame many difficulties including the absence of Co-Leader Mary Handermann due to her recent illness. Mark commented, "This year [the BI] was very uplifting spiritually... once again we received a fresh anointing of the Holy Spirit."
Jerry Cappel Welcomes Maria Signh, Newest Member of Presentation's Growing Spanish Publication Ministry
![]() Jerry Cappel and Maria Singh |
Jerry Cappel, Leader of PM's Spanish Publications Ministry, greets Maria Singh, volunteer translator for Un Pan, Un Cuerpo and other PM publications. Maria, from Camden, NJ, attended the Bible Institute for the first time this year. She is shown at right leading a sing along during the Communities' Hospitality Dinner sponsored by PM's local Home Based Communities in XU's Gallagher Hall.
Letters of Thanksgiving and Encouragement
First Time Guest Expresses Gratitude for the Bible Institute
"The conference was an amazing time of healing for me. The death of my dearest friend's young daughter at the beginning of this summer was a huge loss for our family. The Lord gave me so many words of comfort through the Mass and all of you at Presentation Ministries. It was a divine appointment straight from Heaven that I will never forget."
Susan L.
Reluctant Listener Exclaims "I Wish I hadn't Skipped One!"
Hello, my name is Dan... I just wanted to send you a note saying thank you for continuing to share the Daily Bread teachings. I have the Laudate app on my cell phone and I listen to the podcasts that they share every morning as I get ready for work. For the longest time I used to shut my phone off when this rather eccentric podcast started with jubilant praise (it was morning and I am tired). One day I didn't get to my phone to shut it off and was able to hear the whole podcast and I must say I wish I hadn't skipped one. Father Al has been such an inspiration and has given my spiritual growth such a boost. He speaks in lay terms and really spells out what needs to be heard, and conveys his message like talking to an old friend. Thank you for continuing to share this wonderful gift that you have. It is like getting a morning message from my own spiritual director every day. At the end of his recordings he says to let you know that we are listening and today I figured I would do just that. Thanks again. May God bless you all and your mission.
The Words of Our Lord are Spirit and Life!
I want to thank you for your years of faithful service. Daily Bread Radio and Father Al's spirit and his way of speaking the truth in love have changed my life forever. At times his words and zeal for GOD's kingdom kept me alive and in the faith. I'm sending (this donation) based on my favorite verse John 6:63, the words of our LORD are spirit and life. Please use the money in any way to keep the website up, to send the booklets, or to provide for the needs of the staff. May the peace and love of JESUS fill your lives and ministries.
John C.
(Editor's note: The staff is made up of volunteers with no compensation.)
One Bread, One Body/Un Pan, Un Cuerpo ...
...always lifts me up and deepens my faith. I forward it often and have probably generated some other regular subscribers. I distribute the Spanish booklets at my church. Thank you very much, Joanne
Family Prays Daily with One Bread, One Body
Your team has drawn our family closer to God's Word. We read it every day in our family prayer and also watch the videos (Editor's note: these are available on channel). It feels complete (when) a priest... speaks to us. Well done and I hope and pray that it continues for many more years to come.
Listener Receives Hope, Learns to Put God First
I have discovered your program, Daily Bread, on my cell phone App. I have begun listening to Laudate, pretty much daily, for almost a year now. I have grown up in a Catholic family; we went to church every Sunday. I tried my best to live my life the "best" way I knew how. As I grew up, I started to do what I thought was "right", putting work and kids first even before God and Church. I have been married nearly 10 years, and have felt down, as if there was something missing from many of those 10 years. I love my family, please understand, but I knew that getting the kids to church, CCD, and making God a focus in our family was important, it was just never a priority. I didn't "have time" for it. I believe failing to make it a priority was causing me to be unable to truly enjoy my life. Through depression, treatment, healing, and prayer, I am making my way out of that hole. Learning to prioritize God and our faith over the demands of the secular world has been amazing. I still encounter stumbling blocks, but it has been much easier to get up and keep going. I haven't felt happier. I wanted to let Father Al know how much of an impact his weekday program has made on my life. Despite growing up in the Catholic faith, I have always been intimidated by and struggled with the readings and reading the Bible. Even beginning to go back to Mass weekly was intimidating after I allowed myself to drift away from the importance of Mass. When Father Al reads and discusses the readings, it helps me to truly hear the message. He has such a great way of applying it to daily life, and helps to put things in to perspective. His focus on Mass, and the importance of attending Mass has helped me to look forward to Mass each Sunday. I haven't attended daily yet, as I am raising small children and am trying to find a way to fit it in. I will continue to try. Thank you all, and God Bless!
Simple Encouragement
My name is Mark, I'm 24 years old from Atlanta, GA and I listen to Father Al on the Laudate app every day on my way to work. I just wanted to reach out and say thank you for all that you do. God bless!
Mark L.
"When I Found This Out, I Felt Like I Lost A Friend"
I have just been listening to the podcasts by Father Lauer for a few months. I found you on my Laudate App. I must say, I did not really know that Fr. Lauer passed away several years ago!! When I found this out, I felt like I lost a friend! Is he being considered for canonization? I already call him "Servant of God, Fr. Al Lauer" in my prayer each day. Thank you Fr.
Deacon Stephen D.
(Editor's note: Father Lauer passed away Oct. 13, 2002. Many people are amazed at how timely and prophetic the late Fr. Al's words continue to be even in the present day.)
Our Lady of Guadalupe Center Presents Married Couples' Retreat - Building Strong Families
"The family is the heart of the civilization of love ... The future of humanity passes by way of the family"
Pope St. John Paul II, Familiaris Consortio, 86
November 11-12, 2016
Registration opens at 4:00pm Friday evening
First session begins at 7:30pm Friday
Retreat closes Saturday 6pm with candlelight dinner
Come to the "mountain" to be refreshed in body and spirit:
- To strengthen your marriage through God's Word and the Sacraments
- To be encouraged to build and protect your family in a dark culture
- For support in the fight to save the lives and faith of your family
"Persevere in a love strengthened by the virtues of generosity, commitment, fidelity, and patience."
Pope Francis, Amoris Laetitia: The Joy of Love; sec.5, 7.
Reserve you place now!
Register online
Phone: (513) 373-2397
Pope's Challenge: Care for Our Common Home
![]() Dr. Rich Gosser expresses concern for all creation. |
On the third weekend in July, 2016, Dr. Richard Gosser presented a new retreat, Laudato Si: Caring for Our Common Home, by Pope Francis. "We cannot ignore the pain," said Dr. Gosser in summary of the Pope's second encyclical. In an engrossing and enlightening series of talks, Gosser, a professor emeritus at St. Vincent College, Latrobe, PA, made Laudato Si understandable to a room full of eager listeners who attended the weekend seminar at PM's Our Lady of Guadalupe Discipleship Center (OLGC).
Pope Francis, addressing all people of goodwill in his encyclical, preached what he calls a gospel of creation and of ecology. Gosser helped attendees flesh out this gospel. He is uniquely equipped to do so, having been active for years in the study and the application of that gospel along with his wife, Daneen. By offering his teaching, Dr. Gosser was practicing what he preaches: that each of us becomes a missionary always on duty with the message of the new evangelization. He spent an evening session sharing engaging pictures of his work in Haiti among the poorest of the poor in the Western Hemisphere. This missionary work through "Rich in Mercy" Institute has been Gosser's response to the pain he sees in "our common home".
The Rich in Mercy Institute sponsors the Skip a Lunch, Feed a Child Program which feeds many Haitian Orphans.
Dr. Gosser did an excellent job of tying in Pope Francis' teaching with Sacred Scripture, Catholic social teaching and some papal documents by Pope Francis' two immediate predecessors, Pope St. John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI. Poverty is not divorced from ecology, and the poor are often victims of businesses and consumers without conscience. "When people stand at the door starving, give them something to eat," exhorted Rich.
After dinner, Jim and Diane Stuart, frequent visitors at OLGC, discussed what they were learning. The interconnectedness of all creation was becoming obvious the human family is connected with all creation facing one major problem of inseparable and complex issues.
Margo Rammel, from West Union, OH, attended the weekend with her adult daughter Melissa. Margo felt the weekend confirmed her work among the disadvantaged in Adams County at the local St. Vincent de Paul Center. Margo and Amy Egan, thought the topic of the retreat was very heavy, "Because we know that it's the truth about our society's failure to care for creation (our common home) the way God intended. We know we're going to go back home into our 'throwaway' society faced with the issues of abortion and euthanasia ("throwaway" human life) and see the carelessness and widespread waste and pollution which spring from the same attitude." In answer to the question, "Was it worthwhile coming to this retreat?" Teri Crosley, from Indianapolis, answered with an emphatic "Yes!"
NEW at Guadalupe Retreat Center 2017!
Join families and friends away from the stress and noise of the world to rest in the Lord's Eucharistic presence and green pastures. Enjoy camping, hiking, outdoor or indoor activities, cookouts, bonfires and "sing-alongs" with your family and friends. reserve your place for a Great 2017 family vacation.
Register Online
Phone: (513) 373-2397
The Souls of the Just are in the Hands of God; Frank Seta
![]() Frank Seta |
Frank J. Seta , 66, a faithful PM Coworker from Fort Thomas, KY passed away on May 29, 2016 at University Hospital Cincinnati, OH. Frank was a man of faith and strength with a passionate love for his family. His wife Sue, led PM's John Bosco Youth Group for many years. They had three children Molly, Benjamin and Zachariah, and three grandchildren Philomena, Jude and Ariadne. During his life, Frank faithfully helped Father Al edit One Bread, One Body and continued to work for this ministry for many years. He was a teacher at Beechwood High School in Fort Mitchell, KY as well as Holmes High School in Covington, KY. He was also a Knight of the Immaculata.
Bible Telephone Line Provides Opportunity for Personal Prayer Requests
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The Bible Telephone Line is a daily recording which gives a reflection on one of the Mass readings for the day. The teachers, Deacon Wayne and Darlene Davis and Jon Smith, post the recordings each evening for the following day. It is available 24/7 and you can leave a prayer request.
Prayer requests are recorded on a separate line by Mike Kattau on Tuesday thru Friday and Jon Smith on Saturday thru Monday. The number to call for BTL is: 513-823-3111.
Editor's Comment: This daily telephone message is one of the many uses of the media used by Father Al Lauer to proclaim God's Word. During his lifetime he daily spread the "Good News":
- At daily Mass in the homily
- On the Daily Bread Radio Program
- In the One Bread, One Body booklet
- On the Bible Telephone Line
- Through various channels on the internet via the PM website at; i.e. the recent addition is the link to many of Father Al Lauer's video teachings via the PM YouTube channel.
Father Lauer's vision was to give a different reflection on the same daily liturgical readings to provide a "kaleidoscopic gospel banquet" every day. This vision is reflected in the titles he chose for his work, i.e. Daily Bread Radio and One Bread, One Body. Even the name, Presentation Ministries, reflects the daily presentation of the Good News which began in a way with the presentation of Mary and later her presentation of Jesus, The Good News, in the temple and to the world.
PM's Our Lady of Guadalupe Discipleship Center Retreat
Acts of the Apostles: On Fire with the Spirit, October 21-23, 2016
You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes down on you: and you are to be my witnesses... even to the end of the earth" (Acts 1:8).
Experience the challenges of faith faced by the Apostles as they spread the Good News to a dark and dangerous world (not unlike the present worldly "culture of death").
This weekend study of The Acts of the Apostles will be presented by a team of PM's Guadalupe Bible College (GBC) faculty. Learn more about this unique college founded by the late Father Al Lauer to give busy Catholics the opportunity to get a deeper glimpse of the "wisdom and knowledge of God" through the study of the Scriptures and 2000 years of the Church's teaching.
Go to and look for Guadalupe Bible College.
Register online
Phone: (513) 373-2397
You Can Donate to PM If You Use Amazon Smile
You can support Presentation Ministries when you shop on Amazon by using this link
Amazon will donate a portion of your purchase on eligible items to PM.
Fall 2016 Our Lady of Guadalupe Discipleship Center
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Sept. 16-18, 2016 - Healing The Broken Hearted: Divorced And Separated Retreat
"The Lord is close to the broken hearted and those who are crushed in spirit He saves (Ps. 34:19). Come and receive healing and a "future full of hope" (Jer. 29:11).
Sept. 17, 2016 - Comfort And Challenge: Widows And Widowers Conference
"Look to Him that you may be radiant with joy" (Ps. 34:6). "Cling to Him" that you may find greater freedom of heart, body and spirit. Let the Holy Spirit console and strengthen you."
Editor's comment: The two retreats listed above are presented each year in September, if you miss this year's retreat.
Oct. 21-23, 2016 - Acts Of The Apostles: On Fire With The Spirit!
"You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes down on you: and you are to be my witnesses... even to the end of the earth" (Acts 1:8). The weekend study of The Acts of the Apostles will be presented by a team of faculty members of PM's Guadalupe Bible College.
Nov. 11-12, 2016 - Building Strong Families: Married Couples Retreat
"The family is the heart of the civilization of love... The future of humanity passes by way of the family" Pope St. John Paul II, Familiaris Consortio, 86. Pope Francis exhorts: "... Persevere in a love strengthened by the virtues of generosity, commitment, fidelity and patience... It is my hope that all will be called to love and cherish family life...families are first and foremost an opportunity." Pope Francis, Amoris Laetitia: The Joy of Love; sec. 5, 7.
Dec. 3, 2016 - Men's Retreat: Set The Captives Free!
"The Spirit of the Lord is upon me... He has sent me to bring glad tidings to the poor, to proclaim liberty to captives... " (Lk. 4:18). Receive God's infinite Mercy, forgiveness, and healing. Receive Jesus' love and the fire of the Holy Spirit! Give love. Give "what you have received without paying..." (Mt. 10:8). Freely give the gifts you have received at home, work, in the community and in the church.
Dec. 9-11, 2016 - Pray With The Church: The Liturgy Of The Hours
Praying the Psalms and readings in Liturgy of the Hours can become the delight and joy of praying your day! Pray and rejoice in the beauty of the Psalms in daily prayer with the universal Church.
Register online
Phone: (513) 373-2397