presentation ministries newsletter, vol. 12, issue 1 »« presentation ministries newsletter, vol. 11, issue 1
presentation ministries newsletter, vol. 11, issue 2
Septiembre 1, 2008
Presentation Ministries Newsletter
![]() The Pope arrives by boat to Barangaroo Bay in Sydney, Australia |
PM Members Go "Down Under" ...And Take Time To Email
Notes From Our World Youth Day Pilgrims
2008 Guadalupe Bible College Graduation
Is GBC in Jeopardy For the Incarcerated? You Can Help: A Few Hours Per Week Can Save A Soul
A Compass For Home Based Community
"Sancta Familia" Another Way To Say "Holy Family" - Cincinnati's Newest HBC
CoWorker Retreat in Cleveland, OH
FW: Can you send onto Fr. Al Lauer? Two emails applauding Internet Broadcasting
Bible Telephone Line Celebrates Its 17th year Anniversary
A year Dedicated to St Paul
by Marianne Lander
"The Holy Spirit spoke to them: 'Set apart Barnabas and Saul for me to do the work for which I have called them' ... These two, sent forth by the Holy Spirit, went down to the port of Seleucia and set sail... Acts 13:2-4
Pope Benedict XVI has declared this year, June 29, 2008 through June 29, 2009, a year dedicated to St Paul of the New Testament. There are many focuses which one could take this year while contemplating St Paul and his life. Travel and missionary journeys figure largely into the mix.
"I traveled continually," writes St Paul in 2 Corinthians 11:26, using "zeal to propagate the gospel of peace as [my] footgear" (Ephesians 6:15). This zeal made Paul revisit places even those where he had encountered opposition and great harm (see Acts 13:50; 14:19) "Let us go back now and see how the brothers are getting on in each of the towns where we proclaimed the word of the Lord" (Acts 15:36). Later on, St. Paul "traveled throughout [Macedonia's] regions, providing as he went many words of encouragement for the Christians there" (Acts 20:2). He bore an urgent desire to keep in touch personally. "I hope to visit you soon" (1 Timothy 3;14).
Even when imprisoned, St Paul still carried the hope of traveling and strengthening the various churches which he established. "I am confident in the Lord that I myself will be coming soon" (Philippians 2:24). "...get a room ready for me; I hope that through your prayers I shall be restored to you" (Philemon v. 22). He knew the impact of personally conveying the gospel, reminding the citizens of Thessalonica: "You know well enough, brothers, that our coming among you was not without effect" (1 Thessalonians 2:1).
What about two thousand years later, in this commemorative year for St Paul? Will Jesus send us on any "missionary journeys"? He will certainly ask us to personally convey the gospel to family, friends, co-workers, fellow students even to strangers. But will He ask us to travel to distant places to do so? What far flung doors will the Holy Spirit open for us and send us on our way?
I recently considered this question, surprised at the path along which God might be leading me. He seems to be propelling me across the ocean to England! The gospel choir with which I have sung since 2001 has been presented the opportunity to perform in London during June of 2009.
Kenny Smith's Peace & Serenity Ministries are going to London, England as a culmination of a year celebrating their 25th anniversary. |
This momentous proposal emerged a year ago. I automatically dismissed the feasibility of a lifelong, full-time volunteer, with zero income such as myself partaking in such a scheme. It was a closed door for me. Unexpectedly, the means materialized. It now became a matter of saying "yes". I deliberated. Did God the Father really want me to partake in this excursion? The juxtaposition of the trip with the culmination of the Year of St Paul finally convinced me.
Looking through spiritual eyes, the horizon suddenly widened. I beheld God's bigger plan. Think what impact a gospel choir with its upbeat, simple-but-direct gospel message could make on the current European culture where the light of Christ is (as in many other places around the world) systematically and purposefully obscured? With all the zeal of St Paul, our choir will vociferously proclaim the gospel. We will unabashedly speak the name of Jesus and vocalize truths about His incarnation, passion, death, and saving act. This will occur in the public square. The message will not be dismissed out of hand largely due to the medium. From experience, I have found that black gospel songs, often accepted merely as a particular music genre, can, without threat, bring forth God's Truth into the most secular venues. And the Holy Spirit will be present to ensure the Word does not return to God, the Father, void (Isaiah 55:11).
God desires to touch hearts through Peace & Serenity Ministries. He plans to export a choir from the USA to England who will sing to His glory and honor. He has already designated souls to attend our concerts and find blessing.
What about you? Is the Lord sending you anywhere during this Year of St Paul? Is He providing a wider opportunity for propagating the gospel with zeal? It is intriguing to ponder in a whole new light any trips one might take during these next ten months. Whether you journey for business, a vacation, to visit family or whatever the reason ask the intercession of St. Paul this year that you may propagate the gospel with zeal.
PM Members Go "Down Under" ...And Take Time To Email
Several members of Presentation Ministries worked diligently, raised funds, and saved for the past three years to cover their expenses for the journey to Sydney, Australia to participate in World Youth Day. Along the way they visited New Zealand and were absolutely enthralled by its natural beauty. Their emails, this page and next, precede the actual encounter with Pope Benedict XVI, but they capture the joy and enthusiasm of the moment.
G'Day Mate!
Date: Sat, 12 Jul 2008 23:08:39-0400
"Hi" to All Our LOVED ONES! Hope things are well for all of you! Couldn't be better for all of us! We are experiencing Australian hospitality at its finest! The World Youth Day (WYD) staff here in Kilaben Bay is amazing! All 700 of us are quartered in regimented rows of pup tents situated in a rugby field. They are bending over backwards for those of us assigned to this particular place for the "Days in the Diocese" preparation days leading up to WYD.
![]() Everyone raises their meat pies while waiting for the opening Mass to begin. |
It is very, very cold here. The night before last a record was broken for the coldest July weather Australia has seen in ten years. [Being in the Southern Hemisphere, we were expecting winter, but temperatures do not normally dip as low as they have recently.] The thermometer sank to 23 degrees Fahrenheit, and, yes, we slept outside. By morning our tents were so frosted over that it was hard to exit. You would not recognize your loved onesthey are becoming very HOLY! Lots of penance! I don't think I have offered so much to our Good God in a 24-hour period before, (about every 2 minutes). All joking aside, the kids are having the time of a lifetime! AMAZINGLY! No COMPLAINTS!! Now that's a real miracle! They demonstrate an amazing ability to have fun, no matter what.
Speaking of miracles, we saw the Lord act powerfully in our behalf. We recited a rosary together yesterday while returning from a gigantic festival organized by the diocese in honor of their WYD guests. In prayer, I asked for a miracle that we all would be warm during the night. When we returned to "pup tent base" a series of events transpired at the end of which we were offered the opportunity to sleep indoors!!!!! Yes, I'm not kidding! I suddenly felt bad because there remained several hundred others who would have to endure the cold outside. So I responded that "at least our few with coughs (three of which were my girls) be allowed inside and the rest of our group would keep 'toughing it' outdoors." Our hosts insisted that we ALL come into a classroom with a luscious temperature of 70 degrees. PRAISE THE LORD!!! Our Blessed Mother came through for us! We all spent a wonderfully warm night and feel great! Keith and Fr Marty [Mannion] have slept indoors from the onset and we were privileged to join them. We now offer our prayers for the others in the field. They all seem very content to sleep outside, though; and no one appears upset or slighted. On the contrary, you can't get the smiles off their faces!
We have experienced many awesome events in our four short days! Too many to squeeze into this email because I'm on another time crunch. The liturgies are soooo amazing. A different country hosts our Mass every night. The Tekalauh and the Cook Islands have presented such incredibly inspirational Masses! Their Bishop accompanied the youth from these Islands. They voyaged by boat for 30 hours only to then catch a plane and continue another grueling two or three days more. The beautiful tribal chants and dances, their worship of our God, makes me cry with tears of joy.
This afternoon North America takes a turn hosting the Mass which will mark the "send off". We leave for Sydney tomorrow. YOUR CHILDREN are so BLESSED to participate, actually praying over 700 pilgrims after Communion, sending them off. We are singing a song from Presentation Ministries' songbook, " shall be clothed with power from on high, when the Holy Spirit comes to you, and you shall be My witnesses..." Most of the children are very excited that Mrs Bettner has urged them to do this. The few shy ones, of course, will not be pushed. I consider it a huge blessing! What a witness. What an experience of God!!!
They Holy Spirit is alive and well these days in Kilaben Bay, Australia. Don't worry about us. The Good Lord is taking very good care of us and when He is on break, our Blessed Mother steps in!
Much Love and Prayers, Pam Bettner
Notes From Our World Youth Day Pilgrims
" 'Ello Mates" (from Australia!!!)
Date: Sat, 5 Jul 2008 16:37:45 -0400
...It is very easy to see why we are here. Not only is it a blessing for us to encounter this STUNNINGLY BEAUTIFUL CREATION which our FATHER has so graciously bestowed, but I am convinced we are here to pray for these pagan countries who are hosting us. The people could not be nicer or more courteous and caring! However, they do not seem to appreciate He Who has gifted them with all of this beauty! God does not seem to "factor into" the lives of many people in New Zealand. I know we are here to intercede. Please join us in our prayers. We are on assignment and I am making sure the children understand this fully.
Pam Bettner
Date: Wed, 9 Jul 2008 03:10:26 -0400
...Our guide Malcolm and our driver John are wonderful. Tomorrow we leave for Australia and we are trying to convince them to go with us. They just might! We have witnessed to them just how awesome World Youth Day is and we have seen flights from Christchurch to Sydney for $310.00 round tripso you just don't know! Maybe they will come! They have been so informative and kind. Malcolm has witnessed to us about his conversion and John studied for the priesthood for 41/2 years.
![]() Home again, happy WYD pilgrims pose for one last photo to commemorate their travels. |
...We have been celebrities in all the churches we have attended daily for Mass. They can't believe we go to church daily. They think it's the greatest thing. Seems like every church wants to get to know us a bit. And often there is a group or at least one person there that is going to WYD also.
Heare Ra.
Love and Prayers,
Pam Bettner
Date: Thu, 10 Jul 2008 3:35:32 -0400
... New Zealand was just as beautiful as everyone said it would be. Mountains everywhere! Huge mountains! We traveled through a rain forest. Absolutely magnificent.
...We arrived in Australia at 9:30 this morning. I feel like we're staying next to a jungle. We will sleep in tiny tents tonight. Think they mentioned 700 tents for all of the pilgrims...
... I just finished a TV dinner: lamb and pumpkin's a bit chilly so anything hot is appreciated... Everything seems to have worked out great, except I wish I had brought more clothes.
...I will try and log on later to keep you updated but we are limited on how much time we can spend on the computers here. Twelve hundred kids are sharing ten computers. It is as crazy as ever!
~ Jess Strasser ~
Date: Thu, 10 Jul 2008 18:40:57 -0400
We just arrived in Australia yesterday and so far it is terrific. Much warmer than in New Zealand which is a welcomed change.
New Zealand (NZ) was awesome. The mountains were more gorgeous than I ever imagined. Snow fell the first day we arrived, so it was quite frigid and kind of weird since, back in the USA, we knew it was our 4th of July (even though in New Zealand it was already the 5th).
It took enormous amounts of time to transport from site to site in the "coach", as New Zealanders refer to their buses. This caused quite a few bouts of motion sickness for many but everyone recovered. Our first stop was in Christchurch followed by an eight hour drive to Queenstown another amazing city. En route to Queenstown we beheld glaciers and passed through rain forests. The temperatures along the way were so bizarre, ranging from the low 20s up to the 50s, fluctuating very quickly. It was severely cold at times.
We stayed two days in Queenstown enjoying the stunning mountainscapes all the while. It was astonishing to stroll out of our rooms, forgetting how big the mountains were, and seeing them all over again looming up in front of us. I was in awe every single time. These particular mountains were featured in the movie, "Lord of The Rings." To be able to stopover in that town, surrounded by mountains made famous by the movie, was cool! Unfortunately, due to expense, we were not actually able to visit the settings from "Lord of the Rings." But we could and did take lots of pics of the mountains.
While in Queenstown, we ventured onto the water via jetboat, despite the freezing cold (probably 30 degrees) weather. It was the most bone-chilling thing I have ever done, but the ride was breathtaking and "zany". While coursing along, the boat was spun 360 degrees just for fun. Next we arrived at the "bungy center" where only one from our group, Keith Walker, found courage to jump. That, too, cost money. Not all of us found the plunge enticing enough to part with our money.
Upon return to Christchurch, we flew out to Australia. Currently, we are in Newcastle, Australia, about two hours from Sydney. I think the scenery of New Zealand spoiled us, though. The sights in Australia are not as splendid, but it is still "cool" to realize that we are finally here. For one thing, they have really unusual trees.
Last night and for the next few nights we will be sleeping in tents. Last night brought chilly temps, probably in the high 30s or low 40s. During the day we enjoy 50s, and that is much appreciated. A few of the kids are coming down with colds keep them in your prayers. To counteract the cold and sickness, the local parish kindly provided us with blankets, hats and scarves. Overall, there are 700 tents in our immediate section and about 1200 people. Pretty neat.
Everyone says "hi" and we all miss everyone in church home!! [Acts 2:42 Home Based Community] As they say here in NZ and Australia, "G'day!"
Praying for you all,
~Beth Strasser
Date: Thu, 10 Jul 2008 21:34:02 -0400
...gosh I can't wait to show you pictures of New Zealand!! It's like I was surrounded by a giant post card!!! Except it was real...
~Mary Strasser
Spending A Day With the Pope
![]() Last leg of the journey; next stop: World Youth Day. |
Aside from the fact that Australia truly amazed us with its beautiful mountains, beaches, and sunsets what made it even more fantastic was attending World Youth Day (WYD). Just thinking about the opportunity to see our Holy Father in person made it exciting! Actually knowing we would see and hear Benedict XVI speak was unimaginable.
The day of the Pope's Mass was great. The night before, we camped at Randwick, one of the world's largest horse race tracks. Pope Benedict arrived before Mass in his "popemobile" and circled the entire track. Our whole group stood riveted in one spot right where he passed, just a few feet away!!
![]() Pope Benedict XVI came right down our aisle within 15 feet of where we stood... all of us cheering! |
I marvel when I realize that the Catholic Church is so much bigger than it seems from our local vantage point in Cincinnati, Ohio; extremely universal. How electrifying to be in the midst of thousands upon thousands of people, all on fire for our Lord and so thrilled to be with the Holy Father.
WYD in Australia was an absolutely wondrous event, something beyond belief, memories that will be treasured forever. I am already looking forward to Madrid, Spain, where the next WYD will be held!
~submitted by Beth Strasser
2008 Guadalupe Bible College Graduation
On July 31st, 2008, at the Presentation Ministries Bible Institute six students of the 2008 graduating class of Guadalupe Bible College (GBC) were presented their graduation certificates. The graduates were, Michael Dziuban of Flat Rock, MI; Amy Farr of Clarksville, OH; Linda Goble of Greenfield, IN; William and Rosemarie Humm of Paducah, KY; and John F. Schuhmann of Campbellville, KY.
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In the fall of 1993 Fr. Al Lauer had a vision to bring together many of the catechetical programs within Presentation Ministries, develop them further and establish a Catholic Bible College.
Guadalupe Bible College's curriculum provides in-depth study of Sacred Scripture, Church Documents, Church History and teachings. The purpose of the College is to provide a Catholic understanding of God's revelation to equip the faithful and permeate the culture with the Gospel.
The graduates successfully completed the course of studies prescribed for graduation from the Bible College. In their course of study they have participated in the Bible Institute and Paul Jansen Discipleship Seminars, as well as completed home-study Bible College courses.
Paul says in 2 Timothy 3:16 in the belief that "all scripture is inspired of God and useful for teaching for reproof, correction, and training in holiness so that men of God may be fully competent and equipped for every good work."
Michael Dziuban, Linda Goble, and Fred Schuhmann teach the Bible in their parishes. Linda Goble and Bill Humm have taught at the Bible Institute as well.
Amy Farr is a homemaker; she home schools her children, teaches Bible study, is co-leader of the Presentation Ministries annual Mother-Daughter Retreat, and in her spare time is pursuing a Masters in Theology from the Athenaeum in Cincinnati.
Bill and Rosemarie Humm have the distinction of being the second married couple to graduate from GBC. They are leaders of a PM Home Based Community and work with their diocesan marriage tribunal.
During the graduation ceremony the GBC administration also recognized three Master Teacher's of Guadalupe Bible College. They have been instrumental to the success of the college. Mary Handermann, Vivian Jansen, and Larry McGervey, have faithfully taught the Bible as St. Paul did, "Teaching whether convenient or inconvenient, steadfast and persevering fully engaged in the work of the Lord." They have dedicated themselves to the Word and are witnesses to the Lord's call to share the Good News.
Is GBC in Jeopardy For the Incarcerated? You Can Help: A Few Hours Per Week Can Save A Soul
by Shelley Meade
A Few hours per week, in the easy setting of your own home, can address the challenging words of Jesus found in Matthew 25:39-40. Read on...
"When did we see you ill or in prison, and visit you?' And the king will say to them in reply, 'Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me.' " Matthew 25:39-40
Dear PM members and friends of Guadalupe Bible College,
Every time I feel that Guadalupe Bible College (GBC) must stop ministering to incarcerated applicants I am reminded of Jesus' words in Matthew 25:39-40. By far the largest request for admission to Guadalupe Bible College is from incarcerated persons. A recent study indicated that prisons are the fastest growing population demographic in the US. Unfortunately, the number of home study teachers has limited our ability to accept new incarcerated students. Currently there are about twenty-five actively enrolled students in GBC who are in prison and another twenty-five to thirty on a waiting list.
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You can help Catholic prisoners, who want to know Jesus, as a home study teacher/mentor in Guadalupe Bible College. GBC is a unique opportunity to help other Catholic Christians seeking Jesus through the Scriptures and, at the same time, gain a better understanding of the Bible and the Catholic faith yourself.
Both the home-study teacher/mentor and student are given the same study exercises and taped commentaries by Fr. Al Lauer. Teacher/mentors pray and read the Scriptures related to the student's lessons and listen to the tape commentaries by Fr. Al; and then respond to the answers submitted by the student. Additionally, you can provide formation through the perspective of Presentation Ministries and/or Christian community.
Being a home study teacher requires a few hours per week depending upon the output of the student. I personally promise you will receive more than you give, and you will have a better understanding of Jesus and the gift of our Catholic faith. Please say "yes" and bring Jesus to those who are seeking Him in a personal and meaningful way.
I also need teachers for traditional students in GBC. Becoming a home-study teacher is an excellent way for advanced students to complete their GBC studies. If you are interested in becoming a home study teacher for an incarcerated or a non-incarcerated student please contact me:
Shelley Meade
c/o Guadalupe Bible College
P.O. Box 96 Madison, Ohio 44057
A Compass For Home Based Community
From Bonnie Bobrowski and the St. Anthony Community
Our Lady of Guadalupe Bible College is a compass that has been a wonderful guide to the members of St. Anthony Community in Cleveland, Ohio. We understand why Pope Benedict has exhorted us to study the bible. He was quoted as saying, "I urge you to become familiar with the Bible, and to have it at hand so that it can be your compass pointing out the road to follow. By reading it, you will learn to know Christ" (Pope Benedict XVI).
Our Community was founded ten years ago on the Feast of St. Anthony, on June 13th, 1998. As the Holy Spirit brought us together, He gave us each a hunger for the Word of God.
We all started studying the Bible more intently. Some entered the Bible College and have graduated. Others have continued to grow in the richness of God's Word. Most importantly we are striving in the power of the Holy Spirit to live the Gospel and share it with others.
From our little beginning we now teach Bible classes in four of the parishes in the Cleveland Diocese. We also provide teachings at the Bible Institute and the Paul Jansen Discipleship Center. One of our members has become a deacon. There is life changing power in the Word of God.
Our Lady of Guadalupe Bible College has been a great blessing to all of us. The Scriptures are guiding our lives and most importantly God's holy Word is drawing us into an intimate love relationship with our savior and Lord Jesus Christ.
Consider joining the Bible College. It is a great tool to set your compass on the path God has for you.
Saint Anthony, pray for us.
"Sancta Familia" Another Way To Say "Holy Family" - Cincinnati's Newest HBC
by Diane Autenrieb
Sancta Familia is led by Pete & Gina Beckmeyer who have branched off from Trinity HBC. They officially came together as a Home Based Community (HBC) August, 2007 and are comprised of six young families with more families interested in joining.
Even before they were married, Gina and Pete had a devotion to the Holy Family. At the time of their wedding they found a statue of the Holy Family at an auction. The statue holds a place of honor in their home even to this day. Since several other communities have "Holy Family" in their name, they chose the Latin version, Sancta Familia.
They have now completed the seminars on Building Small Christian Communities. They keep their meeting format flexible due to the number of small children in the community. New life and hope abounds within this community, and a zeal to live the authentic Catholic faith through the power of the Holy Spirit. They feel they are raising future missionaries.
Co-Workers' News
We congratulate Deacon Wayne Davis, one of PM's co-workers and Ministry Leaders who was ordained as a permanent deacon on June 28, 2008. The following is taken from the Indianapolis Archdiocese website:
- Age: 63
- Spouse: Darlene
- Home Parish: St Michael, Greenfield, IN
- Occupation: Retired Attorney
Who are the important role models in your life of faith?
My father, Odie T. Davis, now deceased, was a Baptist minister who modeled for me the importance of charity and
Christian leadership. I was also influenced by Father Albert
Lauer, now deceased, who was a priest of the Archdiocese of
Cincinnati and founder of Our Lady of Presentation Communities
and Ministries commonly known as Presentation Ministries, a canonical
lay association. He was the publisher and author of
One Bread, One Body, a daily devotional booklet on the readings for Mass.
Why do you feel that God is calling you to become a deacon?
I first began to sense that I may have a call to the permanent diaconate when I started leading various small faith-sharing
groups and communities, engaging in Bible studies and serving on Christ Renews His Parish teams. The sense of fulfillment that
I experienced in ministering to others and in assisting them to encounter Christ and his Church caused me to think that God
may be calling me to some formal ministerial role.
How will being ordained a deacon have an impact on your life and family?
I anticipate that it will open up new avenues for my wife and me as a couple. We have taught Bible studies together for
several years, and I think we will be able to work together in many areas of my ministry of the word and charity in ways not
previously available to us. We will celebrate our 40th wedding anniversary a few weeks after my ordination, and I believe that God may
call us to share our sacramental married life with others who are preparing for or living out this sacrament.
CoWorker Retreat in Cleveland, OH
Pam Bettner, leader of the Co-worker Ministry, and her team traveled to Cleveland, OH on April 19th to present a retreat for the local HBCs and all others interested.
All were blessed by the retreat.
Mrs Lauer Dies at Age 91
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Presentation Ministries mourns the loss of one of its longest standing co-workers, with the death of Mrs Antoinette Lauer. Just days after reaching her 91st birthday (Aug 12), she passed into eternity early on Saturday, August 16, 2008 to join "her two Alberts": her husband, Albert, and her son, Fr. Al.
Mrs Lauer was known by many as a powerful intercessor. Throughout her years, she prayed with multitudinous callers over the phone as well as in person. She was not bashful about offering solid biblical counsel in a loving way when needed. An uncountable number of people can attest to another of her many spiritual gifts that of hospitality.
As a co-worker, she promoted and distributed One Bread, One Body and the newspaper "My People" for years and years, even after entering an assisted living arrangement toward the end of her life.
Her own parish, St Ann's in Hamilton Ohio, received the benefit of decades of her capable volunteer services in numerous ways: sodalities, choir, parish programs, CCD classes, socials, and a host of other events.
Her devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary was prominent, and the recitation of the rosary a vital part of her spirituality. It is noteworthy that her death and Memorial Mass both fell within the Church Octave of two wonderful Marian Feast Days: The Assumption and the Queenship of Mary.
We ask the on-going intercession of Mrs Lauer for Presentation Ministries. We feel her prayers are now more efficacious then ever. May her soul, and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.
~submitted by Marianne Lander
FW: Can you send onto Fr. Al Lauer? Two emails applauding Internet Broadcasting
Fact: Daily Bread Radio Podcast accessed 85,183 times per month thus far in 2008. This is an impressively high number compared to other religious podcasts. Fr. Al Lauer's insightful teachings on the daily Mass readings continue to reach thousands and most likely, of these, a large majority are young people.
Subject: Can you send onto Fr. Al Lauer?
I found your daily bread MP3 on the Internet yesterday.
You do a very good job _ many appreciate the fact that you have that resource available to people. I don't have the ability to go to Mass everyday _ I would if I could. So it allows me to be a little bit more spiritual and in my own personal way.
I personally wanted you to know and to thank you,
Dan, San Diego, CA
Sent: Tuesday, April 22, 2008 5:29 AM
Subject: Thanks
Thanks for your work. Fr Lauer's talk of 4/21/08 on trinitarian unity was beautiful and vital to deepen my understanding of the Eucharist. His weekday talks are part of my daily devotion. I never miss.
May God Bless your work,
Bible Telephone Line Celebrates Its 17th year Anniversary
by Diane Autenrieb
Fr. Al contacted Wayne & Darlene Davis in May, 2002 to see if they would be willing to teach via
PM's Bible Telephone Line (BTL). Expressing doubt that people would want to listen to them, they were assured by Fr. Al Lauer to the contrary. Because Presentation Ministries was a lay association, the Holy Spirit would indeed minister through them. For discernment purposes, they agreed to prepare and give a teaching one day a week for a couple of months. Three months later, in August of 2002, they expanded to Sundays and Mondays. About a week before Fr. Al passed, in October, 2002, Wayne and Darlene received the sobering news from Fr. Al that he could no longer continue. Full responsibility for the Bible Telephone Ministry was transferred squarely onto their shoulders.
In the Fall of 2004, Wayne entered the Diaconate Program and, time-wise, needed assistance with the Sunday and Monday messages. Asking first one person then another, they invited John Smith, who taught at their Bible study, to come on board. He discerned the call, and has been teaching ever since.
Wayne and Darlene still find it incredible that people call the BTL to hear them teach about the daily Gospel. They find the prayer requests touching. One caller, in particular, claims that the BTL is a lifeline to her. It is a place where she can respond and be heard.
No matter their location or the day's involvement, Wayne and Darlene faithfully take time to minister via the Bible Telephone Line. Because of cell phones, the operation is not quite as unwieldy as when Fr. Al initiated it. Frequently, Fr. Al scurried to seek pay phones to record his message by the 6:00 PM deadline. Even with cell phone to hand, the Davis' sometimes run into snags when out-of-town, finding themselves riding round and round a parking lot, searching for an elusive signal.
The ministry's newest option offers a return call to anyone who leaves their number at 859-291-7000. This service immediately attracted two people who took advantage of it on the first week.
One of the greatest blessings derived from doing the BTL for Darlene and Wayne is the opportunity to reflect and delve deeper into the Gospel readings. It is life enriching.
[Note from Diane: After interviewing Darlene for this article, I realized what a fete it must be to get the message recorded no matter what or where they are! They recorded the whole time they were at the Bible Institute. They make room in their day each day to accomplish this task. I reflect on my own daily schedule with its numerous variations, and I don't know how they do it! I am sure it is a "GOD" thing.]
Bible Telephone Lines:
Atlanta, GA area: (770) 521-8570
Indianapolis, IN area: (317) 767-5413
Long Island, NY area: (631) 574-2413
Cincinnati, OH area: (859) 291-7000
Cleveland, OH area: (440) 572-4366
Columbus, OH area: (614) 470-0020
NEWEST Bible Telephone Lines:
Los Angeles, CA area: (213) 455-0872
Miami, FL area: (305) 356-7638
Detroit, MI area: (732) 720-1852
New Bible Telephone Lines
The following is an email received back in the Spring regarding the Bible Telephone Ministry. It showcases a good example of harnessing the everyday tools of technology to further the Kingdom of God.
I have gotten a tremendous amount of positive emails back from the PM blast email with people wanting to help pass out cards and get it in their church bulletins and spread through word of mouth. In prayer and based on where the people live that have contacted me, I have chosen to go with Southern California (area code 213 in the Los Angeles area) and South Florida (area code 305 in the Miami area). I called the company I use for the NY line and, praise God, the new lines are up and running already! What a difference from trying to get the New York line started in 2003.
New phone numbers are as follows:
Miami, 305-356-7638 and
Los Angeles, 213-455-087
Today's message is on there. I emailed all the people that have responded to the blast email that went out last week advising them of the telephone numbers and to try to get them in their church bulletins. I will begin getting the business size cards made and mail them to all my helpers to pass out locally.
God bless and Happy Easter,
Mike Milano