presentation ministries newsletter, vol. 13, issue 2 »« presentation ministries newsletter, vol. 12, issue 1
presentation ministries newsletter, vol. 13, issue 1
Mayo 1, 2011
Presentation Ministries Newsletter
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One Bread, One Body Ministry Continues to Advance
The Annual Summer Bible Institute Marks Its 25th Year!
"Daily Bread Radio" Usage Really Soars!
GBC News: Disciples Who Make Disciples
HBC News: Two Young Sisters Record Original Song With Pro-life Message
Patricia Sommer blesses PM with her handiwork at the Cincinnati Ministry Center
One Bread, One Body Ministry Continues to Advance
by Chris Jasek, a Director of Presentation Ministries
The Lord has done wonderful things through the One Bread, One Body (OBOB) ministry and we want to share some details with you:
- OBOB has been published for over 27 years and currently prints about 125,000 copies of each issue.
- Most OBOB teachings are written 2 years in advance with much prayer before the Blessed Sacrament.
- Each teaching is reviewed by the chancery of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, OH.
- OBOB is published by a team of 75+ people who write, edit, review, package and mail. All of this team are volunteers giving their time and talents freely to this ministry.
- There are over 2,000 distributors of OBOB who share OBOB with prayer groups, parishes, friends and coworkers.
- Our website has an archive of 5,500 OBOB teachings that are searchable. About 3,000 people a day access OBOB on our website.
- Over 10,000 people around the world receive OBOB a day via e-mail. You can sign-up on our website.
- OBOB is reprinted in other countries.
- There is no "cover price" for OBOB, because we rely on readers to make donations as the Spirit leads them. Due to the diligence of generous donors, this policy still "works" after 27 years.
We pray the Lord continues to bless the OBOB ministry. Thanks to all readers of One Bread, One Body and to those who also share it with others. May God bless you abundantly!
The Annual Summer Bible Institute Marks Its 25th Year!
Why Attend A Bible Institute? Come And Be Deployed By The Lord!
by Mary Handermann & Marianne Lander
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Do you grieve in your heart when you read or listen to the daily news? Do you long for more power to change the world for the better? Would you be happy just to be able to influence your personal life, marriage, family, workplace or parish, with the light of Christ? God is ready to deploy willing souls onto local spiritual battlefields. One attendee from last year told us: "My faith was very much deepened and the Holy Spirit overflowed! Music ministry outstanding... Being with fellow Christian increased my faith very much... their witness and love changed me."
For those who have made a commitment to Christ, The Bible Institute provides a unique opportunity to hear pertinent teachings, personal witnesses, and above all to be equipped as a disciple for Jesus. Come learn to imitate Jesus in His Character and Ministry. Feedback from last year's Institute says: "I was fed spiritually, the Scriptures came alive."
The Bible identifies more than thirty spiritual gifts of the Holy Spirit. The seminars throughout the week offer teachings on the gifts of healing, prophecy, teaching, intercession, leadership, encouragement, and others. You will learn how to recognize and use them to impact the world around you. More input from last year: "Through PM, God provided us with knowledge that filled the gaps a lot of questions were answered."
Gifted lay people who have been formed and equipped through Presentation Ministries provide anointed teachings. They model for you how the Lord can move powerfully in those who open themselves to God's plan in their lives. Last year's student mentioned, "God touched me in the teachings and the healing services and Masses. I felt the presence of the Holy Spirit."
If barriers block you from taking advantage of this spiritual treasure, whether travel difficulties, health, finances, or time challenges, ask Jesus for help. "By the help of my God I leap over a wall" (Psalm 18:30).
This year's Bible Institute begins Friday evening, July 22 and continues through Saturday July 30. Call 513-922-09238 for a brochure, or register online at our website.
Directors' NEWS Desk
"Let us...grow to the full maturity of Christ the Head." Ephesians 4:15
A tall order, but as indicated by our Founder, Fr. Al Lauer, the Directors of Presentation Ministries (PM) are to lead the way in living out this particular scripture mentioned above.
With much grace and fortitude, our Directors have been steadfastly meeting on behalf of all the members and ministries of PM since the establishment of their position in the early 1990s. Their job is not to "run the organization of PM," but to ensure administrative order for all by:
- Praying for each ministry, each Home Based Community, and the Coworkers
- Growing in knowledge of these ministries, and members
- Devoting themselves to the ongoing study and understanding of the statutes and Fr. Al's teachings (keeping the vision alive and PM's mission on target)
- Deciding only those issues which pertain to more than one ministry
- Utilizing the Word Gifts Ministry for discernment in difficult decisions
- Arranging for training and commissioning of new directors, when appropriate
![]() Deacon George Schmidl, Head Director |
To read the description of the calling of a PM Director is to read about a servant who is willing to lay down his or her life for the Church.
Besides the duties mentioned above, the Handbook for PM further describes servant-Director attributes such as the following. This person must be authentically Catholic and mature in the faith as a disciple of Christ. They are to abide in scripture and speak the truth in love, never compromising the Gospel message. In order to accomplish all this they themselves must be attentive to their own spiritual formation, dying to self in temperament, personality, opinions, feelings, and natural tendencies; in short, surrender their lives totally to the Holy Spirit.
The most important charism they bring to PM is a unified voice, promoting unity among all the members and ministries, so that they, in turn, can produce much spiritual fruit for the Kingdom of God.
Currently, Deacon George Schmidl is Head Director, working alongside Mark Schuermann, Chris Jasek, and the newest Director, Judy Erwin.
"Daily Bread Radio" Usage Really Soars!
(Based on a PM email recently circulated)
Recently checking the "Daily Bread" [Internet radio program] usage report Chris Jasek was pleased to discover that "usage really soared since last year. "Last year we averaged about 900 downloads a show, but already in the first three months of 2011 we are averaging about 1500 to 1600 downloads a show! Praise God!" Chris added, "We have many listeners in China and other countries."
"Actually I do very little to make the podcast happen. Theresa Stiner has faithfully loaded the programs to our website for many years. She also creates the title and descriptions that make them searchable. And, of course, our stalwart brothers Bob Olson, Dean Weber, and Bob Tenkman get the shows produced and distributed."
Thank God for all our faithful workers for PM, and in this case, all who enable Fr Al Lauer's timeless teachings to continue to go forth, even after his death. See "Praise Report" below to hear first hand accounts of this ministries' impact.
"Thus do I send my teachings forth shining like the dawn, to become known afar off. Thus do I pour out instruction like prophecy and bestow it on generations to come." Sirach 24:20, 31
GBC News: Disciples Who Make Disciples
![]() GBC student, Joseph Armah was installed in the Ministry of Acolyte by his archbishop this January, 2011. |
Joseph Armah is a Guadalupe Bible College (GBC) student in the Diocese of Cape Coast Ghana. Joseph always excelled in his studies in GBC.
Fr. Al Lauer established a Bible Study Method of "pray and read; pray and write the answers to the lessons; pray and act and finally, pray." Joseph embraced all four phases of study. In fact, he established the Catholic Evangelization Training School in Elmina, Ghana using the GBC Discipleship Seminars Program.
In December 2006, following the example of Jesus, Joseph started with 12 disciples for his school. These students and the subsequent graduates of the program have gone on to act as Catechists who established several Catholic communities in the rural villages of the diocese.
This January, Joseph was installed in the Ministry of Acolyte by his archbishop. His new duties include taking communion to outlying villages each weekend. Joseph resides at the cathedral church of the Diocese and travels by foot to two villages carrying the Holy Eucharist for a Communion Service.
A priest of the parish visits two other parishes each weekend to celebrate Sunday Mass. In this way, four of the parish's 23 villages are visited each weekend on a rotating basis.
The Archbishop of Gold Coast, Matthias Kobina Nketsiah, is very supportive of Joseph's evangelization efforts. The Archbishop has asked Joseph to teach Presentation Ministries' seminar "On Building Small Christian Communities", to the new acolytes.
Joseph has been chosen by his archbishop to be ordained a permanent deacon on May 8, 2011. Following his ordination he has been given permission to continue to make disciples through Guadalupe Bible College and the Elmina School of Evangelization.
Please keep Joseph and his wife, Paulina Rita Agbeyome-Armah, in your prayers.
Thanks be to God, for the seed of Fr. Al's vision for Presentation Ministries and that Guadalupe Bible College is bearing much fruit with disciples making disciples.
Praise Reports
I would just like to thank you for the Classic Daily Bread podcasts. I try to make them part of my daily routine. It was not until today that I realized Father Lauer had passed away in 2002. This was the same year that I lost my father, a good year for Heaven, I guess. I had never understood the daily readings the way I do after hearing Father Lauer's words. What an amazing teacher and guide through the Bible.
I could never fully express my happiness of finding the Classic Daily Bread podcasts but I hope they are never taken down.
Thank you for the wonderful job you guys are doing and God Bless Father Lauer.
Andrew, South Carolina
In this, my trying moment, I just want to praise God for your ministry and to thank you for being obedient to His word and for remaining docile to the working of Holy Spirit.
I am one among the many lives that you are continuously drawing closer and closer to God. As a seminarian, I have found a mentor in Fr. Al Lauer and inspired by your ministry, I have come to realize that in me lies a divine purpose which God is working out in my formation.
May the God who has brought us this far, supply all your needs in Christ Jesus. Pray for my family especially my Mum that God may restore her to Himself.
I am a convert to Catholicism as of Easter 2007. I had been struggling to keep up with my daily readings and daily study until I found Daily Bread about 2 weeks ago. Fr. Lauer's zealous spirit caught my attention. Opening up every session with great thanksgiving and repentance, reminding me that above all I should thank God, then ask for forgiveness, before asking or doing anything else. I instantly fell in love with his teaching style and aspired to imitate his spirit of love for our Lord every day.
One day last week he was speaking of perseverance and he said that he has been doing this 20 years and sometimes only receiving a few letters from listeners is discouraging. I thought, I must find this Priest, I need to tell him of the difference God is making in my life through him. I wrote down the address, then I decided to look him up on-line.
He has passed away! He suffered. I was deeply saddened, and just stared at his picture for a couple of minutes. I didn't get to tell him, I was way too late. Then I felt something deep inside. Jesus doesn't work in my time, but He is always on time. He sent Fr. Lauer to me at the time when He knew I was needing it most. I wasn't late, I can still tell him, but instead of just getting a "thank you, I appreciate it," he can hand deliver my prayer request with the same thankful, praising, overjoyed attitude to our Lord whom he loves so much.
I will continue to listen faithfully. Please continue to broadcast faithfully because Fr. Lauer is still softening the hearts and leading the way of the flock 9 years after his birth into eternal life. God bless you all!! With Joy,
GBC Grad Inaugurates Website
Virtual Street Preaching in a Home-School Setting
by Marianne Lander
With such credentials as graduate of GBC and student at the Athenaeum in Cincinnati, OH, Amy Farr launched both a new website featuring the Word of God, and an intriguing new development to her home-schooling curriculum.
Long inspired by Fr Al Lauer's radio program, "Daily Bread" Amy conceived a project which integrates meditations on the Daily Mass readings and fun technology for her three home-schooled children. In January of this year, Amy began loading written and audio reflections onto their new website At first it required lots of preparation time to produce a segment, but now Amy does more listening to the Holy Spirit and speaking in an impromptu manner. Her goal is to work ahead by one month, increasing the one week lead-time that they currently have.
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Amy, herself, handles Monday through Thursday, while her 12 year old and 16 year old tackle the Friday spot. Though feeling overwhelmed at first, the two oldest children now enjoy their opportunity to contribute. In fact, if Amy tries to cover the reflection for Friday, they stop her and insist that they do it. Both children have been through the "Bible Time Line." Amy is pleasantly inspired by her children's words. She also surprises herself sometimes as she listens to her own reflections. This undertaking uplifts the faith of the whole family. Her 16-year-old edits and mixes the audio file with his original guitar instrumental and converts the file to the needed MP3 format. Her husband participates by editing the written reflection, and offering consultation and encouragement..
Amy attended Presentation Ministries' course on "How to Teach the Bible in the Power of the Holy Spirit." She had taught the Bible in her own parish, but eventually heard the call to teach scripture to her children in the home. Focusing on how she could accomplish this within her vocation as mother, called to her particular state in life, the website came to mind because of its potential to reach outside of the home as well. It almost resembles a street preaching ministry. You put the Word out there and anyone who chooses to can listen. Maintaining this website with domain name and audio facilities amounts to only $10 a year certainly within their family's means, and definitely a valuable tool.
Reviewing the reflections, Amy occasionally needs to eliminate some background complaints or commentsordinary "family stuff" that shows up in the audio. For example, a cat meows into the microphone, the telephone rings, or someone humming a tune to themselves enters the "recording" dining room. Any of this may occur right after the website speakers have finally settled down and stopped giggling.But after weighing it in her mind, she wonders if such glimpses into the "ordinary family life" should be includedjust as St. Paul disclosed insights to personalities by mentioning names and circumstances at the conclusions to his various letters.
HBC News: Two Young Sisters Record Original Song With Pro-life Message
![]() Teressa Kenny and her sister, Felicity |
Two young Cincinnati-area sisters released an original song in January with a special pro-life message. This recording is bound to draw attention to the precious value of each human life as its release comes on the wake of the anniversary of Roe v. Wade, the court case that legalized abortion.
Teressa Kenny, age 10, wrote the song last year when her brother, Stephen, was writing an argument paper against abortion. "Every time she and her sister Felicity, age 7, sang the song for friends and family, the listeners would tell them they needed to record it," said Nancy Kenny, the girls' mother.
Defending the unborn and all human life from conception to natural death has been very important to the Kenny family. Older sister, Marybeth, won a college scholarship back in 2003 for a pro-life essay that she wrote. The family supports local crisis pregnancy centers and has attended the March for Life in Washington, DC.
The song, ABORTION: "Get that in your head " and Teressa's personal message that follows it, are recorded on one track.
"It is our vision that this song could be placed in the hands of prolife youth and adults, who have it downloaded it on their iPods or phones, and then they can spontaneously use the song to convince their abortion-minded friend or relative right there in the midst of an unplanned or crisis pregnancy to let the child be born and adopted, not aborted. The fact that it was written by a 9-yr-old and is sung by two sweet little girls makes it all the more powerful.
"The lyrics are not condemning people who have had abortions; on the contrary they are speaking the truth about the act of abortion and the great dignity of each human person. We simply hope this song could help instigate a shift from the cultural acceptance of abortion to dramatically increase the cultural support and acceptance of adoption. We would like the song to support a change that soon declares there are 3,000 to 4,000 new adoptions per day in place of the now current statistic of 3,000 to 4,000 abortions per day," said Jeff Kenny, the girls' father.
They also hope to get hard copies of the CD into every crisis pregnancy center in the country so it can be shared with their abortion-minded clients.
The recording is immediately available for download for 99¢ at and is also on iTunes, Amazon, and other sites. Hard copies of the CD are available through the address below for a free-will offering.
Contact: Jeff & Nancy Kenny
PO Box 42123, Cincinnati, OH 45242-0123
Welcome to a regular feature of the PM Newsletter. CO-WORKER CORNER is geared to those who are Co-Workers and anyone interested in growing in their faith and relationship with the Lord.
We will look at one of the requirements of being a Co-worker, namely, to "read and pray the Bible daily to share Jesus and His word with others."
Like the other seven requirements of being a co-worker this one is not a burden you must take on. The minutes you spend in the Word of God pays rewards that far exceeds any sacrifice of time on your part.
In reading and praying the Bible you strengthen your relationship with the Lord. That strengthened relationship will serve you well. The closer you are to the Lord the clearer you will hear God's message to you. You will find that God is trustworthy and that will increase your faith. Along with an increase of faith you will begin to experience His peace. All this for the price of minutes a day and a desire to love and serve the Lord.
Where should you start? What should you read?
- The daily Mass readings are the scriptures the Church picked out to be read for the day. Whether you attend Mass daily or not, reading the daily scriptures will be of benefit. When you reflect on the readings you may hear God's message to you that is not covered in the daily homily. Or it may give you extra insight to the connection of the words of Christ and the other readings.
- Or you might start your reading with one of the synoptic Gospels (Matthew, Mark, and Luke). You can never go wrong in reading a Gospel. You can read one or two chapters a day or you can focus on an incident in the life of Christ. Even one verse that you reflect on throughout the day will serve you well.
- Reading letters in the New Testament are also very helpful in the spiritual life for they give practical guidance to Christians.
- The Book of Genesis may seem like a good place to start also, and it does have many lessons to teach and guidance to give.
- Some of the books of the Old Testament are relevant to today like the minor prophets. Some others, Daniel, Isaiah, and Jeremiah are best read in conjunction with a good Catholic commentary or Bible study group.
Whatever you choose to read, be assured that you will be blessed in ways you may never know; because God's word is living and effective, and pierces hearts (Heb 4:12). It always does the job (Is 55:10-11). It reverberates inside people's hearts and "produces of itself" results in the lives of men and women (Mk 4:28).
We would like to hear from you. How are you living the Co-Worker promises, and what effect have you seen in your life? Contact Connie and Kevin Co-Worker at .
Bible reading Guides
When Fr Al Lauer wrote the Simple Reading Guides he intended for them to motivate the average person to read the Bible and apply it to everyday life. These booklets are ideal for beginning Bible readers, or those who need help in reading the Bible consistently.
He first wrote two all-encompassing pieces which cover the Bible book by book.
- Simple Reading Guide To the Old Testament
- Simple Reading Guide To the New Testament
Next, he wrote eight volumes with a little more detail to cover the entire Bible chapter by chapter.
- Simple Reading Guide to The Pentateuch
- Simple Reading Guide to The Prophetic Books
- Simple Reading Guide to The Historical Books
- Simple Reading Guide to The Wisdom Books
- Simple Reading Guide to Matthew and Mark
- Simple Reading Guide to Luke and Acts
- Simple Reading Guide to John and Revelation
- Simple Reading Guide to The New Testament Letters & Hebrews
He also developed schedules for reading through the entire Bible or else various sections.
- A Month You'll Never Forget (Read through the Pentateuch, the first five books of the Bible)
- A Prophetic Lent (Read through the prophetic books, excluding Isaiah)
- A Week You'll Not Forget (Read through the book of Job)
- An Isaiah Advent (Read through the book of Isaiah)
- Through the Bible In One Year (Read through the whole Bible covering the Gospels twice in the course of one year)
- Fr. Al's Plan For Reading The Bible Each Year (a loose timetable that charts which books to read during the seasons of the Church)
- Through the New Testament in Easter (Start with Acts, continue with the Gospels, going on to the letters and ending with Revelation)
If you are interested in any of these publications, you can go to our website, for easy access and download. You will also find there one title which we do not print anymore, Your Christmas Present, The Psalms (Read through the psalms during the Christmas season.)
A Man Committed to God
by Shelley Meade
![]() Thomas Luke Weigand |
Thomas Luke Weigand (March 18, 1941 _ February 15, 2011), a founding member of St. Anthony community in Cleveland, went to his heavenly reward after a long battle with cancer.
Tom had cancer several times. His first bout with colon cancer was when he was only twenty-five years old. Through God's grace, with much prayer, healing, forgiveness, and an extensive alternative health program, Tom battled his numerous illnesses for forty-five years.
Tom spent many years teaching people about the value of a healthy diet and exercise, also emphasizing the importance of a strong faith, prayer, healthy relationships, and forgiveness.
Tom and his wife, Lois, lived Fr. Al's vision of community and gospel poverty, trusting in God's providence in all circumstances.
Shortly before he died he gave this message to wife and son John, "Forgive every one everything; love everybody; seek first the Kingdom, because it is all true; and remember the pearl of great price."
Tom's Favorite Prayer:
I abandon myself into your hands:
Do with me what you will.
Whatever you may do, I thank you.
I am ready for all.
I accept all.
Let only your will be done in me and in all your
creatures -
I wish no more than this, O Lord.
Into your hands I commend my soul:
I offer it to you with all the love of my heart,
for I love you Lord, and so need to give myself,
to surrender myself into your hands, without reserve,
and with boundless confidence.
For you are my Father.
Patricia Sommer blesses PM with her handiwork at the Cincinnati Ministry Center
"Serve the Lord with gladness; come before Him with joyful song"Psalm 100: 2
by Diane Autenrieb
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This particular verse reminds me of Patty Sommer, who serves in Presentation Ministries with a spirit of joy and gladness. She leads the Building Ministry for the Ministry Center & Full-time Workers' House. As the leader of this ministry it is her responsibility to see that these properties are kept in good order (inside & out) by either doing the work herself, seeking help within Presentation Ministries, or getting permission to seek professional help from outside Presentation Ministries.
Patty has resided in the 2nd and 3rd floor apartment above the Ministry Center since August, 2007. Upon moving in she painted ceilings and walls on the 2nd and 3rd floor, sanded and finished the floors, and installed a storm door. Additionally on the 3rd floor she pulled up all the old carpeting and laid down vinyl flooring.
Patty has six sisters and two brothers and learned home-repair skills by watching and working with the whole family, especially her father and brothers. One of her most prized possessions is a traveling tool box with which her father gifted her after helping her move into, and repair an apartment in Columbus years ago. He had altered an old telephone lineman's tool box to hold all the basic tools needed for most home repair jobs. In fact, he had sharpened a metal file to a chisel point which she has found very handy for repair jobs. Over the years she has accumulated quite an assortment of tools.
It is not unusual to find Patty, masked and gloved, wielding a power tool, engrossed in a project at the Ministry Center. She walks with a happy gait, humming a tune, with a warm welcome for everyone. Tirelessly, she upgrades the condition of the Ministry Center by painting, cleaning out storage areas, clearing the workers' area, sanding, painting, and waterproofing. She installed a vanity and sink on the first floor. She conceived the idea of installing glass block windows in two key areas, creating more natural lighting and improving the overall security and appearance of the Center. Shoveling snow, cutting grass, planting flowers and a vegetable garden round out her seasonal tasks at the center.
Patty humbly regards her skills as merely rendering service to God in the ordinary ways of life. She exemplifies the use of God-given gifts to do little things for others, while doing big things for Jesus. Patty is just one example of how God graces Presentation Ministries with members equipped with unique gifts and callings in His service. May we all serve with a joyful spirit and a song in our heart.