presentation ministries newsletter, vol. 14, issue 2 »« presentation ministries newsletter, vol. 13, issue 2
presentation ministries newsletter, vol. 14, issue 1
Junio 1, 2012
Presentation Ministries Newsletter
![]() Theme of the 2012 Bible Institute |
Do Not Overlook the 2012 Bible Institute As a Source of Much Needed Spiritual Nourishment
"I have the heart of a servant and I desire to serve God"
Fay Brinck Goes Home To Her Eternal Reward!
Paul Jansen Discipleship Center News
The Women's Retreat in March, 2012: "Redemptive Suffering with our Sorrowful Mother"
Discipleship Retreats Resume after Sabbatical Period Concludes
"Come by yourselves to an out-of-the-way place and rest a little." Mark 6:31
Correspondence From our Readers and Listeners
Do Not Overlook the 2012 Bible Institute As a Source of Much Needed Spiritual Nourishment
Theme of PM Prophecies for 2011
For the last few months the Word Gifts Ministry has been reviewing the prophecies given in 2011 to determine a "Theme" for 2011 (As with "Roots, Shoots, and Fruits" in 2008). Here is their determination:
Dark to light, old to new; "Greater will be the future glory of this house than the former, says the Lord of hosts." (see Haggai 2:9)
Visit our Prophecies Page to read PM's prophecies for 2011 and earlier.
Offering a total of 25 programs, this year's Bible Institute boasts a cornucopia of spiritual sustenance. If you could use a boost in your faith walk take a second look at the seminars on schedule for July 20 through July 29, 2012. Many of you received your Bible Institute brochure in the mail at the end of April, so do your soul a favor and allow adequate time to peruse it extensively.
With an equipping focus, seminars will again be offered on the various spiritual gifts: healing, leading worship, intercession, the gift of prophecy, and new this year, the gift of administration and the gift of hospitality. If developing your spiritual gifts is a concept unfamiliar you may wish to start afresh with the more general seminar entitled "Discovering Your Spiritual Gifts."
"How To Teach the Bible," and "The Life In the Spirit" are foundational seminars to have under your belt.
Three seminars meant to strengthen family life include "Modeling the Holy Family," "The Prophetic Vision For Marriage," and "Christian Community: A Way of Life."
In particular, we bring to your attention this year a seminar entitled "The Door of Faith." Pope Benedict XVI has announced a "Year of Faith" beginning Oct 11, 2012 coinciding with the 50th anniversary of the Second Vatican Council. Prepare yourself to delve into this very special up-coming year. In addition to these thirteen seminars mentioned, there are twelve more pertinent seminars on an interesting variety of topics.
The Institute has always been very flexible, accommodating everyone's busy life. You can come for as little as one day, one weekend, or stay for much more even the whole event. Most astonishing, is Presentation Ministries' gift an on-going commitment to offer this Institute for a free-will donation. How could anyone fail to take advantage of this rarely seen policy?
![]() Scene from a previous years' "The Book of Esther" Youth Play |
We are glad to announce a return of one of our Youth Plays, "The Book of Esther." If you have attended in past years, you know how such an overflow of youthful vitality can spark and rekindle your own spirit. Some, local to Cincinnati, can garner much needed spiritual strength by simply attending the daily liturgies, the occasions for the Sacrament of Reconciliation, and the healing services. Lastly, those who cannot break from their work week are welcome to come to the general evening sessions.
If you did not receive a brochure, it can be found electronically at our website, where you can also register online. We are happy to send copies through the mail as many as you need for yourself and for friends and family.
Questions? Contact: or call 513-922-0923
Are You Looking For a Good Bible Study Group? Guadalupe Bible College Reports Great Success after Going Virtual!
Submitted by Mary Kay Berning Member of Gone Fishing (Luke 5:4) Home Based Community and a current student of Presentation Ministries' Guadalupe Bible College
Quote from Fr. Al
After preaching and teaching the gospel of Jesus for several years throughout the USA and Canada, I would simply say:
"The harvest is good but laborers are scarce" (Mt 9:37).
Love the Church as Christ loved her (Eph 5:25).
The Lord is merciful, and His grace is always sufficient (2 Cor 12:9).
(Excerpt from "The Lord Laughs" Anecdotes on My Ministry of Evangelization)
In the first year of "GuadalupeCalling" Virtual Bible Study, we now connect with up to six different Skype participants in front of their personal computers in their own homes, and we are still growing. We have completed our study of the Prophet Isaiah, and now we are knee-deep into the Book of Revelation. Our Bible study virtual meeting also includes plenty of time for prayer and presentation of each person's individual petitions to our loving Father in heaven.
On a deeply personal level: Since we began meeting on-line, we have prayed through three deaths in my mother's family, my husband's first political campaign, my daughter's application to Physician Assistant School, and many petitions involving my parish, neighbors, and friends. I am more uplifted than ever. Our Bible study friends meet on Skype every week for a very wonderful two-hour study. My knowledge of the Catholic faith is increasing dramatically due to the regularity of Bible Study; and most importantly, I have come to a much more deeply personal relationship with Jesus.
We have had some technical difficulties with Skype (but we have never had to cancel the Bible Study _ we just hang up for a few seconds and I call back the entire group with one click). These minor inconveniences are far outweighed by the many joys received by being a part of this grace-filled group.
Our next attempt to improve the internet connectivity is to try a new video chat program called "Hangout" in Google+. Participants will sign up for a Gmail email account, set up a circle of friends in Google Circles, and then we will be able to connect with each other _ and go "hangout" together and study the most amazing book in the world _ The Bible! We will keep you updated on how the "hangout" in Google+ works out, and if it is preferred over using Skype.
By using these communication technologies my wish is that persons who are searching for Bible study groups will have the opportunity like the apostles "to gather together with Jesus and report all they have done and taught." (Mark 6:30).
Co-Worker Corner
Greetings to all present and future Co-Workers of Presentation Ministries,
In this edition of our newsletter we will address another requirement for being a Co-Worker. It is to follow the Spirit's lead in working for Presentation Ministries. This is one of the ways we can follow the directive or our Lord; "To help make disciples of all nations" (Mt 28:19).
Jesus was speaking to all Christians before His Ascension into heaven. Through our life style, through our faithfulness, through our prayers and actions we are all called to be Christ for one another.
Presentation Ministries (PM), a Lay Association of the faithful, has a rich resource of ways to bring and be Christ to the entire world. And you as a Co-Worker have access to these means. Probably the most common way to work for PM and the Church is to distribute our publication "One Bread One Body" (OBOB) to parishes, friends, family and other locations such as hospitals and nursing homes.
PM also has a wonderful website with all our resources archived for everyone to use. Just type in a topic of our faith, and find information, or search the topics and titles of interest. Everything from short scripture teachings to information on ordering audio and video talks and teachings can be found on our web site. Promoting this site in you parish bulletin, spreading the word to your prayer group etc. is another way to work for PM.
If you live in the Greater Cincinnati Area we invite you to call the office and see what kind of volunteer work you can do (513-662-JESU).
Share the good news about PM to others and they may be eternally grateful to you and us. We have received may testimonials from the readers of OBOB on how they found the Lord and His help through the inspired writing of our founder Fr. Al Lauer and the editors of OBOB.
Let us know how you work for the Lord through your work for Presentation Ministries, contact Connie and Kevin Co-Worker at , May God bless you on this journey and keep you in His loving care.
Your brother and sister in Christ,
Kevin and Connie Co-Worker
Home-Based Community News
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We, members of St. Antoninus Pro-Life/Pro-Family Commission and Presentation Ministries, have gathered the last 5 years at Fountain Square in Downtown Cincinnati to pray the rosary before a large image of Our Lady of Guadalupe. I was inspired to lead this prayer after making a pilgrimage to Our Lady of Guadalupe Basilica in Mexico City to celebrate our 25th Wedding Anniversary. When our Lady left her image on Juan Diego's tilma in 1531 she promised to bring her love and protection to those who honor her image. As a result the practice of human sacrifice of the Aztecs ended, and six million Aztecs were converted to the Catholic Church. It is our prayer that as we honor Our Lady of Guadalupe's image in the center of Cincinnati, that our Lady of Guadalupe will bring her love and protection to our city and stop all violence against human life in our city, and bring about many conversions to the Catholic Church.
This year we had a most amazing experience several Hispanic brothers and sisters joined us in praying the rosary when they saw Our Lady of Guadalupe's image on Fountain Square. The rosary was prayed in English and Spanish. The English speaking led the rosary, and the Spanish speaking responded in Spanish. What a holy night on Fountain square! Please see the attached picture of a beautiful young pregnant Hispanic young lady and her parents, who joined in praying the rosary.
Please plan to join us on 12/12/12 at 12:00pm on Fountain Square in Cincinnati, Ohio, to honor our Lady of Guadalupe and pray the rosary.
David Willig
St. Antoninus Pro-Life/Pro-Family Commission
Our Lady of Guadalupe HBC, Presentation Ministries
"I have the heart of a servant and I desire to serve God"
by Betty Orlando
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Bernie Welch, our beloved brother in the Lord, was a member of "Our Lady's Holy Mountain Community," the residential Community at the Paul Jansen Discipleship Center. Born April 23, 1934 and hailing from Maryville Missouri, he married shortly after high school and raised four children: Joseph, Julie, James and Janet. He had twenty grandchildren and thirteen great grandchildren.
Bernie, raised Catholic from birth, experienced a great outpouring of the Holy Spirit in 1967, at which time his life was set on fire for the love of God. With the heart of an evangelist he evangelized in the "Best-Bi Market" in Parnell, Missouri, which he owned and operated. After he sold his store he saw his job as a greeting card salesman in Oklahoma an excellent way to continue as the Lord's ambassador, taking the Gospel message far and wide. He stayed active, working with the parish youth, Full Gospel Businessmen's Association, Parnell Lions Club, and the American Legion. Upon moving to Peebles, Ohio, he led an Evangelization team in our own Parish of St. Mary Queen of Heaven.
While still in Missouri, Bernie experienced burn-out and felt he had nothing left to give. It isn't clear how long this lasted but was abundantly clear when it ended. Bernie attended a discipleship retreat at the Paul Jansen Discipleship Center, according to Bob Olson, where the Holy Spirit gave him new life and much joy (circa 2004). After that, Bernie returned to the Discipleship Center every year for a three month stay in order to help with retreats and assist in maintaining the property.
In 2008 he felt the Lord telling him to make a commitment to join the residential community. We quote his own words in his application: "For years I have had a desire to serve God, through my life, because of my love for God and His church. I have the heart of a servant and I desire to serve God, if He calls me to do so, here at our Lady's Holy Mountain. I feel the opportunity and the call by God to share my life. I have received the (baptism) in Holy Spirit and have grown in the charisms which are useful in building community life . I am blessed by the prayer life in this community."
A humble servant of the Lord, Bernie was a valued community member. He handled both little tasks and big projects such as painting signs for the Scripture trail, refinishing the outside benches, painting the inside of the discipleship center, repairing screens, winterizing the discipleship center, painting the window frames on the center, maintaining the floors and much more.
Bernie started feeling weak and experienced a loss of appetite more than a year ago. He was finally diagnosed with lymphoma in October of 2011. His loving children all traveled to support him as he made some very difficult decisions. Told that he had only three weeks to live if he didn't get treatment, he faced the choice between staying with his community and getting treatment in Ohio or moving back to Missouri to live with his daughter and receive treatment there. He chose to stay in Peebles with his community for the sake of continuing the prayer life which he loved so much. Until two days before he died, he either joined us in the chapel or we congregated in his trailer, keeping the hours of prayer and adoration. We had just finished evening prayer on Friday evening when he finally agreed to go to the emergency room. He was transferred to Christ Hospital in Cincinnati on Saturday morning and died Sunday evening at 7:04 pm March 4, 2012.
May his soul and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.
Fay Brinck Goes Home To Her Eternal Reward!
submitted by Mary Handermann
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Fay Brinck, a member of the New Creations Home-Based Community, went home to the Lord on March 10th of this year. Fay was a dedicated servant of God and a powerful intercessor.
During her 86 years she was a feisty, courageous, and outspoken disciple for Christ. Even when she lost her husband fourteen years ago and was subsequently diagnosed with a very debilitating combination of illnesses called CREST syndrome, she continued with daily Mass, deep contemplative prayer, fully active service to her parish, St Antoninus, and a vital part of the core team for the St A prayer group. She also served with many Life in the Spirit seminars and led an intercessory prayer group in her home weekly.
Early on, she helped with different aspects of the Bible Institute. As the years went by and her illness became more severe, she focused on her chief gift of intercession. When Fay prayed, things happened! She took on the responsibility of praying heavily, often, and deeply for all the concerns for the Institute. Much of the good fruit of this ministry is a result of her powerful intercessory role. We believe this will continue in her new risen life.
Fay and her husband, Bing, had five children _ four girls and one boy. Many of you know Joe Brinck, her son, who is a powerful man of God and teaches for Presentation Ministries at the Bible Institute. He is also intensely involved in pro-life concerns. Her other children and their spouses as well as her grandchildren were greatly impacted by her life of faith and devotion to the Lord.
Fay will be missed by all those who were a part of her life. She had a great sense of humor and was able to laugh at herself. She was ready to leave this earth and meet her Lord and we rejoice with her that her journey is completed.
Paul Jansen Discipleship Center News
![]() Members of Presentation Ministries and Betty Orlando's family tore down a residential deck that was no longer needed. The wood was transported to the Paul Jansen Discipleship Center and will be used to construct several decks, porches or whatever else may be needed. The weather was good and no fingers were lost or injured. 9/10/2011 |
The world tells us that suffering must be avoided at all costs. But Jesus tell us " whoever does not take up his cross and follow after me is not worthy of me " (Mt 10:38) St. Paul says: "in my flesh I complete what is lacking in Christ's afflictions for the sake of His body, the Church, then he goes on to say "now I rejoice in my sufferings for your sake" (Col 1:24). Blessed John Paul II in his Apostolic Letter on the meaning of suffering says that St. Paul's joy comes from his discovery that suffering has salvific meaning. This truth is for us as well. JPII said, "The Redeemer suffered in place of man and for man. Every man has his own share in the Redemption. Each one is also called to share in that suffering through which the Redemption was accomplished...In bringing about the Redemption through suffering, Christ has also raised human suffering to the level of the Redemption. Thus each man, in his suffering, can also become a sharer in the redemptive suffering of Christ" (SD, 19). "It is precisely suffering permeated by the spirit of Christ's sacrifice that is the irreplaceable mediator and author of the good things which are indispensable for the world's salvation. It is suffering more than anything else, which clears the way for the grace which transforms human souls" (SD, 27).
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ;
The Saint Anthony Community in Cleveland feels the Paul Jansen Discipleship Center is an integral and valuable asset to the Presentation Ministries. It is a part of Fr. Al Lauer's vision and we must never lose sight of his vision.
With this in mind, we started collecting "loose change" whenever we met in community. In six months, we collected $235. If each of the 45 communities would do this, that would be $10,575 in six months and $21,150 in one year. That would be monumental.
I was affected profoundly by the booklet, "The Presentation Story", written by Fr. Al Lauer. These are Fr. Al Lauer's words:
"After two failed attempts to sell the farm Finally we accepted the fact that God wanted us to use the farm for renewal."
"We received God's Word that He would use this farm for renewal and the building of His kingdom." " The payments on the farm have been miraculously paid."
In order to advance Fr. Al Lauer's vision, it would be very important to complete the dormitory to accommodate the retreatants. The financial needs are great, but if all the communities were to collect just "loose change" as we did, the vision would be possible, one penny at a time, one brick at a time.
Barbara M. Poling and the Members of St. Anthony Community
"Following the parable of the Gospel (about the Good Samaritan) we could say that suffering which is present under so many different forms in our human world, is also present in order to unleash love in the human person, that unselfish gift of one's "I" on behalf of other people, especially those who suffer" (SD, 29) "Suffering is present in the world in order to release love, in order to give birth to works of love towards neighbor, in order to transform the whole of human civilization into a "civilization of love". In this love the salvific meaning of suffering is completely accomplished" (SD, 30).
Mother Mary is our model in every area of life but especially in her sorrows. "She is Queen of the Martyrs, for her martyrdom was longer and greater than that of all the Martyrs" (St Alphonsus Liguori of the Dolours of Mary, Introduction to the "Glories of Mary"). According to St. Bridget of Ireland, Mary knew about the sufferings of the Messiah even before she knew she would be His mother because of her study of the Scriptures. Her sufferings became intense and lasted a life time upon Simeon's announcement to her "Behold This child is destined for the fall and rise of many in Israel, and to be a sign that will be contradicted and you yourself a sword will pierce" (Luke 2:34-34).
The Women's Retreat in March, 2012: "Redemptive Suffering with our Sorrowful Mother"
Submitted by Betty Orlando
Mark your calendars!
Next event at the Paul Jansen Discipleship Center:
"Forty Hours Devotion and Family Campout
Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, June 2224
Theme: "Defending Your Faith"
For information & registration:
or visit the Retreats Page
Reservations due May 22.
Both weather-wise and spiritually, it was a beautiful day for the 55-60 women who participated in the Women's Retreat held at the Paul Jansen Discipleship Center in Peebles, Ohio on March 10th.
Blessed John Paul II's Apostolic letter "Salvifici Doloris"(SD) (On the Christian Meaning of Human Suffering) was the inspiration and foundation of this retreat along with reflections on our Blessed Mother's Seven Sorrows.
Listen in on comments from retreat attendees:
"This was a most prayerful retreat. I felt really filled with the Holy Spirit and overwhelmed by the heartfelt testimonies that were given."
"I was so happy to be at this retreat. It was wonderful to meet so many new women of faith that were looking for more of God's love in their life."
"It was a very good retreat. I learned a lot."
"The explanation of redemptive suffering and how it brings us closer to God was most helpful to me."
"I know that this retreat was where God wanted me to be."
"I have been searching for a place where God's presence is felt and authentic Catholic doctrine is taught and shared by all. This was marvelous."
"I was able to see my life's disappointments from a different perspective and became aware of some areas that need inner healing."
The day consisted of short reflections given for each of the sorrows of Mary with a witness to follow each reflection showing how the suffering each woman experienced was redemptive. After each witness, a portion of Rosary on the sorrow just mentioned was said.
The reflections and witnesses respectively were given by:
Betty Orlando, Barbara Burns, first sorrow "Prophecy of Simeon"
Patricia von Clef, Kristen von Clef, second sorrow "Flight into Egypt"
Darlene Davis, Mary Lamparyk, third sorrow "Loss of the Child Jesus"
Mary Kay Berning, Mary Licata, fourth sorrow "Mary Meets Jesus on the
Way to Calvary"
Mary Cappel, Gina Harbinson, fifth sorrow" The Crucifixion"
Mary Handermann, Judy Erwin, sixth sorrow "Mary Receives the Body
of Jesus from the Cross"
Nancy Kenny, Bonnie Bobrowski, seventh sorrow "Jesus is placed in the
Discipleship Retreats Resume after Sabbatical Period Concludes
"Who Do You Say that I Am?" Sept. 7, 8 & 9, 2012
This is the question Jesus asks His disciples. In this retreat, Jesus will be revealing much about who He is to you, who you are to Him, and you will discover some important things about yourself.
"Worship: The Key to Evangelization" Nov. 9, 10, & 11, 2012
Are you serious about your call to evangelize but feel discouraged in your attempts? Perhaps there is something you missed. Come and see.
These Discipleship Retreats are part of the Curriculum for the Guadalupe Bible College and will count as 3 days each toward the completion of the 40 day Discipleship Program. For more information call (937) 587-5464 or (513) 373-2397. All are welcome.
Also Save the Date: Men's Retreat Saturday, Dec. 1, 2012
"Come by yourselves to an out-of-the-way place and rest a little." Mark 6:31
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How sweet these words sound after a busy period in your life! Jesus invited His disciples with these very words as we read in the Gospel of Mark.
Presentation Ministries is inviting you to come to an out-of-the-way place in Maria Stein, Ohio during the weekend of September 21, 22 & 23, 2012. Come for spiritual refreshment. Come to hear God's word anew in your heart.
The retreat will emphasize the Eucharist, "source and summit" of our faith and the Word of God. These are two pillars on which Presentation Ministries was founded. We hope to refresh and rekindle our love for God and strengthen our relationship with Jesus. We have the opportunity to spend time with other members of PM, getting to know those from locations other than our own.
Presentation Ministries
Maria Stein, Ohio
September 21 - 23, 2012
Cost for room and five meals:
$135.00 single occupancy
$203.00 married couple
Registration & questions:
call Judy Erwin, 513-451-2908
How can you continue to work for the Kingdom of God through your ministry without being filled up every now and then? Fr Al Lauer used to quote a saying: "when your output exceeds your intake, your upkeep becomes your downfall."
Allow the Holy Spirit to soak into your spirit and ready you for the future works He has in store for you in PM's various ministries.
Maria Stein is more centrally located in the state of Ohio, and hopefully will allow PM members from Michigan, Cleveland and Paulding to participate a little more conveniently.
Correspondence From our Readers and Listeners
Directors' News Desk
A Short Thought... I've only been a director for a short time and I seem to be constantly learning and being humbled about this calling and role within PM.
Two key words for being a director are: vision and unity.
We need to both safeguard the vision of Presentation Ministries (PM) as given to Fr. Lauer as well as bring it to its full maturity. We also need to "strive to preserve the unity" (see Eph 4:3) of the vision throughout all the ministries and communities in PM.
Chris Jasek, PM Director
From a Sister in NJ
I have noticed that persons who were not always so attentive to the scriptures are more inclined now to come to my desk area where I have the Bible open to the Gospel of the day and right beside it the One Bread, One Body issue open to the page of the day. They will make the effort to stop and read, often making a comment or observation about it. It is wonderful to see this from all different people here at the collegefrom students, staff, faculty, administration and even visitors. (My desk area is located right outside the Office of Admissions.) Thank you again to the staff of One Bread, One Body Father Al is surely proud of you as I hope Our Heavenly Father is as well!
God bless You!
Website note, Daily Bread Radio listener
I listen to the classic editions on iphone every day. I read One Bread, One Body either in print or on the iphone every day. Thank you for your ministry. I thank and praise God for Fr. Lauer and for you for the teaching, the clarification, and the help. I share God's word when I pray with others. I am in Loveland, Ohio. Your materials help me spread the Good News through my visits to hurting people (Society of St. Vincent de Paul), in praying with other believers (men's groups, other Vincentians), and with my friends and family. I ask God to bless you and your ministry often. I have tried to be a regular supporter financially.
May God continue to bless you with what you need!
Pat, from Loveland, Ohio
From Podcast Listener
Hi, I just want to thank you for making the "Daily Bread" podcast available on iTunes. I am currently in the process of converting to the Catholic faith and it is nice to have access to good Catholic teaching.
Regards, Kim, from Finland
Email From Radio Listener
I want you to know how much I appreciate your teachings. I listen everyday on my way home from work on the radio.
I came across your teaching by accident. But it was no accident! God wants me to hear these messages. It has helped me immensely on my spiritual journey and how to serve God.
God bless your ministry. Thank you!
Thank you and God Bless your ministry.
From Laura,
Email From One Bread, One Body reader
Thank you for today's message.
...Just to say I love all your daily messages. Well if you ever wondered whether your messages were ever read and meditated upon... here is your answer.
These messages... they inspire me and encourage me to go to The Mass!
When I attend Mass later in the day my attention is drawn towards the readings and the sermon by The Priest. This is unprecedented because I never really cared for the liturgy of the word. I never really understood what is in it for me!
Today I can say that your meditations help me to be present at The Mass from the very start and this prepares me well for that most precious moment of my day... The Consecration.. The coming of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ Himself! Oh how much joy and understanding you have brought into my day! I Thank you and pray that God will continue to bless you!
Kato, Internet
Note from Website Special Appeal Donor
Love and prayers! This ministry has been a gi-normous blessing in my life. We started meeting once a week in Beaumont 20 years ago and I recently popped in to find they're still going strong with One Bread, One Body as the centerpiece of the fellowship.
I started a similar group in Austin and we're now closing in on 10-years of weekly scripture sharing.
Thanks Presentation Ministries! What you guys are doing is making a difference, and I am grateful.
Austin, Texas