presentation ministries newsletter, vol. 15, issue 1 »« presentation ministries newsletter, vol. 14, issue 1
presentation ministries newsletter, vol. 14, issue 2
Octubre 1, 2012
Presentation Ministries Newsletter
![]() ![]() Maria Stein Retreat |
Attendees at the September Maria Stein Retreat... Find Spiritual Refreshment!
John Bosco Youth Group Takes A Giant Step Forward At the Beginning of the Year of Faith
Prophecy for Presentation Ministries Communities' Mass August, 2012
Correspondence From Our Readers and Listeners
Discipleship Center Resumes Retreats
Progress Report for the Building Project at the PJDC
One Bread, One Body Available in Spanish!
PM Website Traffic Reaching Around the Globe
Fond Remembrances of Past Mission Trips
Attendees at the September Maria Stein Retreat... Find Spiritual Refreshment!
The Year of Faith begins October 11, 2012, the 50th anniversary of the commencement of the Second Vatican Council, and runs through November 24, 2013 The Feast of Christ the King
"Keep your eyes fixed on Jesus" was a jumping off point for Vivian Jansen who presented the first talk at Presentation's recent retreat held at Maria Stein Spiritual Center in West Central Ohio on the weekend of September 21, 22 & 23. The focus points for the three talks were "faith", "love", and "hope".
Using several verses from the Book of Hebrews, and especially Hebrews 3:1-8, Vivian reminded listeners to whom much has been given by God, much will be expected of that person (see Luke 12:48). Many of Presentation Ministries (PM) members have been given a generous amount of solid Catholic teaching throughout the years. So, it stands to reason that we, in turn, should be ready to give much back when sharing the faith and building others up spiritually. Hebrews 11:1 speaks of faith as "confident assurance of things not seen." As we all enter into this Year of Faith, begun Oct 11, 2012, we recall what Pope Benedict XVI called a "profound crisis of faith" in which we find our world, and maybe even ourselves.
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In order to accomplish the tremendous growth in faith that this particular year is calling for, we may have to share in the same sufferings of Jesus. The Book of Hebrews makes good reading for those who need to be encouraged. The Lord can work in mighty ways through those of us who "do not harden" our hearts (see Heb 3:8). We only need to rediscover a taste for feeding on the things of God in order to be nourished and strengthened for the year ahead. But take heart, "Christ was faithful as the Son placed over God [the Father]'s house. It is we who are that house..." (Heb 3:6) Jesus takes care of that house. He takes good care of us.
Dave Noe spoke about "love", bringing forth the scripture from Ephesians 4:1-8. We are to preserve unity; we are to bear with one another lovingly. We are all called to be saints, sanctified and called to share our spiritual gifts (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 1695). We are not our own, but chosen by God. Sometimes we can get charged up at a retreat and it will last for a few days. But God wants to take it further.
Janet Willig quoted Jeremiah 29:10-11: "I know well the plans I have in mind for you, says the Lord, plans for your welfare, not for woe! plans to give you a future full of hope." She mentioned the Year of Faith also, explaining its twofold purpose of renewing personal faith, and renewing ecclesial faith. God has a future full of hope for PM. Will people see our joy and courage even though the culture seems to crumble all around us? We must prioritize and set goals this year. Ask God for increased faith. It is a gift. God will do it. Like tennis players, we need to be ready for what the Lord serves us. Be alert. Make time for study this year. Perhaps keep a journal. Think of some concrete action to set this year apart. Exercise your faith like you exercise muscles, to make them stronger. Step out in faith. Janet quoted Mother Angelica's definition of stepping out in faith: "having one foot on the ground, one foot in the air, and a queasy feeling in your stomach."
"One of the major weapons of the evil one is discouragement. He piles discouragement on discouragement to soften us up and manipulate us to quit proclaiming God's truth in its fullness...The good news is that we did not give into discouragement. We are still proclaiming the gospel of Jesus."
(Excerpt from: "The Lord Laughs" Anecdotes on My Ministry of Evangelization)
Three testimonies were imparted, one after each talk, by Marianne Lander, Shelley Meade, and Mark Mussman. The prophecy on the September, 2012 PM calendar spoke of God's "mighty miracles". Marianne recalled some of the mighty works done by God for PM in thirty years' time, the foremost being all the astonishing monetary support. Recall that PM was recognized in 2007 by Catholic Relief Services for contributing over a million dollars. As our tithe represents 10 percent of our revenue, then it follows that God has channeled 10 million dollars through PM over the years. God is serious about getting His work done, even if sometimes our efforts are lackluster.
Shelley exhorted all to continue to spread the flame of Christ throughout the whole earth. Brothers and sisters are floundering; we need to do our part. Continue to build and finish the Our Lady of Guadalupe Chapel and dorms at the Discipleship Center, and revisit PM's Jubilee 2000 Pastoral Plan.
A surprising witness by Mark and Dave revealed their visit to a community of people in the New Orleans, LA area who had modeled themselves after Fr Al Lauer's teachings found on our website. After "growing up" on all these teachings, particularly about home-based communities, they finally called PM's Outreach Ministry to come and give talks on "Living in Reality".
Most uplifting, above and beyond the talks and witnesses, were the reports of each of the retreatants who stood up one by one, introducing themselves, and proclaiming what God has been doing in their own lives.
God does indeed have in mind for PM "a future full of hope." Let us continue to persevere, in faith!
John Bosco Youth Group Takes A Giant Step Forward At the Beginning of the Year of Faith
by Brittany Hein
This year the St. John Bosco youth group is participating in a Life in the Spirit seminar led by the core group, along with Dave Noe, and his team. Each session starts with praise and worship led by Paul and Nathanael Egan. A prayer follows and also a small introduction to the main talk which would be given subsequently. Every week a different core group member presents the talk, each with its particular theme. After the talk, in order to delve deeper into the theme, discussions take place. The youth assemble in specifically chosen small groups led by two core group members, along with a member of Dave Noe's team. On the fifth week, the seminar will culminate with a laying on of hands and the "Baptism of the Holy Spirit".
Our Lady of Lourdes Church has hosted the John Bosco Youth Group. We are grateful for their hospitality. As always, we are thankful for God's gifts and the willingness of Dave Noe and his team to help the youth group and the core group bring this all together. This seminar has helped the youth become more open to the Holy Spirit and more acquainted with their own spiritual gifts. We look forward to see what God has in store for our youth group after this powerful anointing!
Set Free!
"That is the title you should choose for the article about Carol," said Paul Sobie, in a conversation concerning his recently deceased wife. He was referring not only to her death, but to reaching a wonderful new understanding in their marriage.
![]() Carol and Paul Sobie of Rockford, Michigan |
Paul and Carol were no strangers to the Charismatic Renewal, having been involved with it since 1968. Members from their prayer group spontaneously came together in small groups to meet for praising the Lord, prayer, sharing their faith, and presenting Catholic teaching to each other on an informal basis. Participating in this small group met their social needs and kept them growing spiritually.
Finding a wealth of knowledge at their first Bible Institute they decided to return year after year, always trying to bring others along. Paul and Carol eventually formed a Small Christian Community that networked with PM.
Paul said that he and Carol had had conflicts in their marriage which led Paul to receive counseling. A breakthrough came not too long before Carol's death. Having participated in a parish program which identified each person's strengths, their eyes were newly opened to truths about each other. The very quality that Paul had had such a hard time accepting in Carol, and had thought to be a weakness, turned out to be her greatest strength. Acknowledging Carol's strength brought so profound a closeness between them that it caused Carol to do a little dance in the kitchen that night when they arrived home. She told Paul that she "felt so free!" They both had the distinct awareness that their marriage had reached a wondrous completeness.
The Lord took Carol a few months later on April 21, 2012 during the Easter season. Paul and their eight children were able to be present at the end as she died peacefully in her own home. She was well loved by many as attested to by the full church at her funeral.
Co-Worker Corner
Greetings Co-Workers, we hope you are as excited as we are about the Year of Faith that began this October. There are many ways available to us to grow in our faith through the help and resources of Presentation Ministries. In fact, one of the side effects of being a member of Presentation Ministries is an increase in faith for those who live their commitments in service to the Lord. Speaking of commitments, we are looking at another responsibility of being a Co-Worker; that is attending the annual retreat for Co-Workers. The retreat for 2013 is January 26th. Co-Workers living within a 100 mile radius of Cincinnati commit themselves to participate in it. Exceptions can be made by the leaders of the co-workers for those who are elderly, sick, or have other special circumstances. You will receive a mailing about it if you are a Co-Worker, or you can check the web site for more information.
The reason for this responsibility is twofold. It is a way to connect more closely with Presentation Ministries and its mission and the yearly retreats fortify us and equip us for continued service to the Church through Presentation Ministries.
Hopefully all readers of this newsletter will take advantage of the activities, teachings and studies your parish and diocese present. And don't forget Presentation Ministries' website has an abundance of inspired teachings that will increase your faith and love for the Lord and His Church.
We would like to hear from you. How are you living the Co-Worker promises, and what effect have you seen in your life? Contact Connie and Kevin Co-Worker at .
God Bless and have a good Year of Faith.
Prophecy for Presentation Ministries Communities' Mass August, 2012
[Here is a recent prophecy for Presentation Ministries and seems a very appropriate one to hang onto through the current political tensions leading up to and beyond voting day in the USA.]
"Fix your eyes on Jesus, Who inspires and perfects your faith." Hebrews 3:1
My little ones, there is indeed a trial by fire going on in your midst. Do not give in to discouragement or fear, but fix your eyes on Me and I will strengthen and perfect your faith. Do not give in or give up the battle, but rather give all to Me. Give Me the little loaves and fish of your prayers, sacrifices, and deeds done in love. I will multiply them and work mighty miracles through them. Fix your eyes on Me and pray deeply from your heart. Surrender everything to Me. I will do the rest.
Submitted by Word Gifts Ministry
Correspondence From Our Readers and Listeners
The Holy Spirit works through One Bread, One Body. If you wish to distribute this booklet, please contact us. No financial obligations at all. If you want to hear Fr Al Lauer's Daily Bread Radio on your local station, contact us to see how. Thank You, Holy Spirit, for working through our various ministries. Thank you, Fr Al Lauer, for your intercession!
I am canceling my subscription because I got married, then moved to become a missionary. We subscribed the other day under my husband's name. I have been reading since high school! OBOB has helped me to become a strong, faithful Catholic, constantly challenging me to draw closer to God and be more like Jesus. I have passed out your books to many people. Your ministry is changing lives for sure.
Thank you for all that you do!
Anna, Massachusetts
I picked up a copy of One Bread, One Body at a church in Whidbey Island, Washington. I was on vacation with my family. I have read the August/September issue every day, and it has been a life-changing gift to me. I recently converted to Catholicism this year at Easter, and I was looking for a daily devotional.
This book has guided me through the Mass readings of the day, made me feel more connected and inspired by our Church, and guided me along the journey of being Catholic.
Thank you! This book was much-needed.
Katharine, Arlington, TX
I am also listening to EWTN radio and they play short programs from your founder Fr Al.
I know he is with God now. But I just want to say what a wonderful man he was. He was on fire with love of God and you can hear it through the radio!
Frank from Palm Bay, FL
Patrick, a college student in Benbrook, TX, says:
Fr Al Lauer's reflections on the Mass readings are one of the best things that have happened in my daily life.
Thank you PM!
Dennis, a phone caller from Queens Village, NY, reports:
He unexpectedly ran across OBOB and just loves it! He has read other devotionals before, but likes OBOB because it always brings a great message. Not only that, but it gets the point across very succinctly, so there are no excuses not to take the time to read it.
He is now passing the books out and introducing them to others.
They are catching on real fast. The feedback about
One Bread, One Body is tremendous!
I was fortunate enough to get a copy of One Bread, One Body at church. It has definitely changed my life! I enjoy the daily reflections and it is the perfect way to get through the day. I have also shared it with all my family and they all agree...IT'S GREAT! Thank you to all the volunteers and staff that help put this together! You all are certainly a testament to the Lord's love. Thank you again and please continue touching lives!
Discipleship Center Resumes Retreats
By Vivian Jansen
"Come by yourselves to an out-of-the-way place and rest a little" Mark 6:30
On September7th participants from the areas of Akron, Chillicothe, Cincinnati, and Cleveland in Ohio and from Lansing, Michigan gathered at PM's Paul Jansen Discipleship Center (PJDC) for the reopening of the Discipleship Formation Retreats. The retreat "Who Do You Say That I Am?" was presented by the St. Anthony Home Based Community (HBC) from Cleveland in collaboration with the Guadalupe Bible College (GBC) leaders. Our Lady's Holy Mountain HBC, the PJDC resident community, hosted the weekend on Christian relationships and vocations: child-parent, brother-sister, husband-wife, parent-child, single, married, etc.
Fr. David Endres, professor of Church History at Mount St. Mary Seminary in Cincinnati and nephew of PM's beloved founder, Fr. Al Lauer, celebrated Holy Mass and administered the Sacrament of Reconciliation during the retreat on Saturday. Fr. Endres said he enjoys the drive through the farmland and scenic views along the roads leading to the Discipleship Center.
"If anyone thirsts, let him come to me; From within him rivers of living water shall flow" (John 7:37, 38)
A married couple from the Akron area who attended a number of Discipleship Retreats fourteen years ago enjoyed the "trip back in time" which brought memories of the love they experienced through God's Word and Christian community during those earlier retreats. A Cleveland couple was introduced to the GBC and the gift of Christian community while attending a retreat in the mid 1990's. Since that time they have returned many times with their community to participate in or to witness and teach numerous Discipleship Retreats and GBC courses on the Bible.
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Some faithful PM coworkers who serve at the Ministry Center in Cincinnati came to this "out-of-the-way place" to be refreshed, nourished through God's word, the Eucharist, and community prayer. A PM Communities Networker had attended the "Retreat for Widows" here and was encouraged to join an HBC in Cincinnati. She is now reaching out to others as a networking leader for HBC's.
Another guest traveled from Chillicothe to the PJDC for the first time not only to attend a retreat but also to learn more about the Guadalupe Bible College. The Discipleship Center will be the future campus for the GBC. Is God calling you to" come to the water"? Is He knocking at your door (Rev. 3:21)?
"All you who are thirsty, come to the water! ... Come to me heedfully, listen that you may have life" (Is. 55.1, 3)
The next Discipleship Retreat "Worship: Key to Evangelization", will be held on November 7-9, 2012. To register for this retreat or for information, visit our retreats page or call 937-587-5464.
We Did It!
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We have three new decks and wheel chair ramps on three of the trailers at the Paul Jansen Discipleship Center, using the remains of a deck from Mercy House and all the wood salvaged from the deck that had to be removed from the Crisafi family home (Betty Orlando's family) because of additions being made to their home.
Carl Fox engineered the one on St. Philomena's trailer with the help of neighbors Bart Fortune, and Michelle Jansen, Bernie Welch's nephew, and also community members: John Dunn, Debbie Haas and Sylvia Hardewig. Carl also engineered the building of the deck at St. Lucy's trailer with the assistance of Paul Wood. Tom Bauer planned and built the one on St Faustina's trailer all by himself. Thanks to all for your dedication, hard work and generosity.
Progress Report for the Building Project at the PJDC
We need your help...
Now that county water lines are in place, we have decided to forge ahead with plans to install a septic system. That process has proven to be very slow but things are at least going forward. Once we determine how much that will cost, we plan to proceed with a bathroom, conference room and as many guest rooms as we can with the money left, which is $144,500.17 as of Oct. 10, 2012.
We are letting our needs be known as Father Al Lauer, our founder, had instructed. It will probably take six to seven times the amount of money we have on hand to actually finish the project. We are fervently praying that we will not have to halt progress any more, but will receive the all the funds necessary to bring it to completion.
You can donate online and then select Chapel Retreat Center Building Fund in the "apply donation box". Or you can mail a check to Presentation Ministries (writing "New Chapel" in memo line) to 3230 McHenry Ave. Cincinnati, Ohio 45211.
One Bread, One Body Available in Spanish!
by Mary Cappel
Aug 2012 through Nov 2012 on the Website
(Dec-Jan to follow)
Printed version begins Feb-Mar 2013
Praise the Lord, One Bread One Body (OBOB) is now available in Spanish! Thanks to the Holy Spirit for orchestrating the process. Jerry Cappel, former director and long time member of PM has been blessed to head up the ministry known as the Foreign OBOB. Jerry was given the vision to move forward on a Spanish version of OBOB for distribution in the United States. There is a large population of Spanish speaking Christians in the United States who are hungry for the Word of God and its application to their life. One Bread One Body has been feeding that need to English speaking Americans for 30 years. And now it can serve our Hispanic brothers and sisters in Christ.
It started with a woman calling and asking about a Spanish OBOB. Jerry asked her to pray about translating it because it wasn't available yet. She agreed to translate and along with her sister and niece they were able to translate the months of August through November, which are now posted on the PM's web site. A note went out to all electronic subscribers of the OBOB email asking for additional volunteers to translate the book and within days calls were coming in with offers to help. Within a month there were 12 volunteer translators and the December/January issue was translated and after the rescript is given, it too will be posted on PM's web site. More translators called to offer help and Jerry now has about 15 translators and three editors. But most exciting of all the February/March issue will be going to press and now hard copies of Un Pan Un Cuerpo (the Spanish title) will be distributed throughout the US.
With this translation being on the website, it allows for Spanish speaking people throughout the world to read it and download it for potential printing of the book in other countries. Please pray that this book will be printed, distributed, and read by those in Latin America and in Spain.
If you are interested in helping Jerry in this ministry, please e-mail him @ or call 513 659-9270. In addition, if you know of a Spanish speaking parish that could use this book, please share the Spanish OBOB book with them and let Jerry know how many they want.
We pray that God will remove all obstacles that will arise in this great tool of evangelization and the God will bless and protect all the laborers in this field and their leader Jerry Cappel.
PM Website Traffic Reaching Around the Globe
Information borrowed from the recent PM Website Ministry Leader's Report Recounted by Chris Jasek
"Put out into the deep" (Lk 5:4) on the Net and "make disciples of all nations, Baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you" (Mt 28:19-20).
"Help those who first make contact [with the Gospel] through the Internet to move from the virtual world of Cyberspace to the real world of Christian Community" (Message for the 36th World Communications Day, issued 1/24/2002.)
Find One Bread, One Body on a Free APP!
The app is called "Laudate" It has prayers, missal changes, Liturgy of the Hours and much more.
One of the features provides the readings of the day and some reflections.
One of the reflections is taken from the daily teaching from One Bread, One Body.
The app is free to download and is a tremendous source for continued growth in our relationship with Jesus and His Church.
These two heavy-duty ideals form the mission statement for the PM Internet Ministry, headed by Chris Jasek. Shaping a team of persons from Cincinnati, Cleveland, Philadelphia, Rockford, IL, and even Mexico, he has made strides in accomplishing various goals. The team uses the latest technology to spread the Word of God, make audio and literature materials easily available, and increase website traffic and email list membership.
According to the numbers gleaned from website statistics, people from around the world as well as the USA are utilizing 12,189 readers receive One Bread, One Body electronically each day, while 24,820 people per month find and read it or other materials at our website. In total, various PM website pages are visited 195,232 per month. On a different perspective, the audio MP3 usage has topped 2.6 million downloads to date. Those countries visiting the PM website include USA (64%), Philippines (7%), India (4%), Canada (3%), UK (3%), Australia (2%), Singapore (1%), South Africa (1%), and Ghana (1%). The numbers of those listening to MP3s closely follow these same percentages, except for the intriguing addition of China (6%).
Chris lists some prayer needs for this ministry. Please pray for him and his family to always do God's will. Remember to pray for all the workers in this ministry as well as their families. It would be a big, big help to garner additional help to run the various portions of the website or update publications and audio as they become available on a daily, weekly or monthly basis.
Anyone skilled in visual design? Contact Chris through the website. Lastly, PM has always had a great, great need for a local volunteer to come forth as computer administrator. Someone versed in keeping computers clean and orderly, and able to trouble-shoot when necessary.
Chris has future plans for the website, enough to make one's head spin! But he considers it a joy and a privilege to be able to impact the world with God's Word
Thanks, Chris, and all the faithful workers who make our website possible!
Fond Remembrances of Past Mission Trips
Information gleaned from the Fr Beiting Appalachian Mission Center website,
![]() Fr Ralph Beiting |
Father Ralph W. Beiting was the founder of Father Beiting Appalachian Mission Center which began under a different name in 1991. Previous to this, he had established the Christian Appalachian Project which grew into the largest non-profit service organization in Eastern Kentucky and is now the 15th largest human services organization in the nation. The humble beginning to such an expansive ministry was a summer camp in 1957. Fr. Beiting was then a priest of eight years. In 1964 he added more services including Bible schools, used clothing stores, and emergency assistance. His outreach stretched not only to Catholics, but all the impoverished in several counties, following the ideals taught in his seminary training. He found great needs going unmet in the mountain areas of the Appalachian region, and sought to supply both physical and spiritual answers.
Among other works, Father Beiting built the first Catholic churches in ten Eastern Kentucky counties. He acquired land, designed, and acquired financing for six others.
His energetic service to great numbers in the Lexington, Kentucky Diocese is an extraordinary witness to Christ's power and love. He will be fondly remembered by many of Presentation Ministries' teens and young adults who garnered much through his example.