presentation ministries newsletter, vol. 17, issue 2 »« presentation ministries newsletter, vol. 16, issue 1
presentation ministries newsletter, vol. 17, issue 1
Abril 1, 2015
Presentation Ministries Newsletter
![]() Members of Presentation Ministries attended the March for Life in Washington D.C. |
Archbishop Schnurr Sets Date for the Dedication of Our Lady of Guadalupe Chapel
Inspired by the Saints We Grow in Faith
Tithing and Almsgiving Reveal the Heart of God
Meet Our Lady of Loreto HBC in Defiance, Ohio
PM Home Based Communities and Coworkers Sponsor Discipleship Retreats
Speak, Lord, Your Servants are Listening
Five Faithful PM Co-Workers Extend the Ministry of the Bible Telephone Line
"The Souls of the Just Are in the Hands of God..." (Wis 3:1)
2015 Upcoming Retreats at the Paul Jansen Discipleship Center
Archbishop Schnurr Sets Date for the Dedication of Our Lady of Guadalupe Chapel
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"Go therefore, and make disciples of all the nations. Teach them to carry out everything I have commanded you. And know that I am with you always, until the end of time." —Matthew 28:10a-20
On June 6, 2015 Archbishop Dennis Schnurr will dedicate Presentation Ministries' (PM) new chapel in Adams County. The chapel will be named in honor of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Mary is the "star" of evangelization, especially in Mexico where over eight million people were brought to the Lord as a result of her apparition and her miraculous image imprinted on St. Juan Diego's tilma. Our Lady of Guadalupe is patroness of the Americas and great intercessor for the protection of human life, especially of the unborn. The chapel's name will reflect the need to evangelize, intercede and stand up for life.
The chapel is the centerpiece of the new complex of guest rooms and conference rooms where Discipleship Retreats and other events will be offered. The new center will be the future campus of PM's Our Lady of Guadalupe Bible College (GBC). Many GBC courses are already offered through the Discipleship Forty Day Formation Retreats.
Inspired by the Saints We Grow in Faith
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Brother Andr expressed a saint's faith by a lifelong devotion to St. Joseph. In his little room near the door, he spent much of the night on his knees. On his windowsill, facing Mount Royal was a small statue of St. Joseph, to whom he had been devoted since childhood. When asked about it he said, "Someday, St. Joseph is going to be honored in a very special way on Mount Royal!"
For many years the Holy Cross authorities had tried to buy land on Mount Royal. Brother Andr and others climbed the steep hill and planted medals of St. Joseph. Suddenly, the owners yielded. Andr collected 200 dollars to build a small chapel and began receiving the sick theresmiling through long hours of listening and applying St. Joseph's oil. Some were cured, some not. The pile of crutches, canes and braces grew.
The chapel also grew. By 1931 there were gleaming walls, but money ran out. "Put a statue of St. Joseph in the middle. If he wants a roof over his head, he'll get it." The magnificent Oratory on Mount Royal took 50 years to complete.
Inspired by this story of faith, on January 7, 2012 Carl Fox and Betty Orlando carried a statue of St. Joseph to the uncompleted Our Lady of Guadalupe Chapel in Peebles, OH to ask his intercession for the seemingly impossible completion of the work which had been started over fifteen years ago. God blessed this prayer of faith with an overwhelming response to the appeal for funds and a very significant donation which covered the total remaining cost for the completion of the chapel.
On June 6, 2015 the completed chapel will be dedicated by Archbishop Dennis Schnurr. The statue of St. Joseph, a sign of faith in his intercession, is being restored and will be placed on the left side of the altar. We thank St. Joseph, St. Andre Bessette and all the PM Saints in heaven for their intercession for the completed work on this beautiful chapel.
This article is a composite of biographical information on St. André sent by Nancy Kenny and Betty Orlando's witness about faith and this awesome answer to prayer.
Tithing and Almsgiving Reveal the Heart of God
"Give and it will be given to you. Good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over" — Luke 6:38
In a comment on Luke 6:38 the author of One Bread, One Body wrote, "This means that you who give to Jesus will receive even more work to do. However you will be given more resources with which to serve Him and your work will result in a great harvest, even a hundredfold one" (Mk 4:20).
Presentation Ministries' founder, Father Al Lauer, obeyed God's word to tithe 10% of our income. He believed tithing is a debt of gratitude we owe God for all He does for us. In addition, he chose to love God even more by giving alms, an offering beyond the tithe, to provide for the needs of others. (PM gives an additional 5% as alms)
The finances of these past several months have raised concerns, due to the growing tendency of revenues not keeping abreast of the expenses, particularly the costs of printing and shipping the One Bread, One Body. The policy to tithe and give alms can be a source of concern for some, but through the years the saying "you cannot out give God" has become obvious to the PM leaders and volunteers as they see God "multiply the loaves and fish" of the ministry. Not only has He generously provided through gracious donors, but He has also multiplied the work and the outreach which now extends "to the ends of the earth".
For over thirty years this ministry has continued to support various missions who serve the poor. Currently, PM tithes to the Missionaries of Charity, a chapter of Mother Teresa's order which is located in the Bronx, New York. Further alms go to a Franciscan Order in Cincinnati who then forwards these monies to their missions in the Philippines and in Jamaica. PM recently sent a significant alms to the missionary outreach in Haiti, "Rich in Mercy", founded by Dr. Rich Gosser (a guest teacher of the Church's Social Doctrine at PM's Bible Institute).
At the PJDC Retreat Center
- Help clean and prepare facilities for guests before retreats
- Help purchase food for one or more meals. (Keep the receipts for reimbursement.)
- Help prepare food for the meals.
- Help provide clean up after meals.
- Help clean discipleship center after the retreat.
- Encourage PM community members to participate and help publicize the retreat: Invite friends, relatives, and others to attend the retreats.
- Help provide transportation for guests to and from the bus terminal, airport or train station.
For information or to volunteer call (513) 373-2397 or email
At the PM Ministry Center
- Help fill mail orders weekly
- Help with book packing every two months
Many other tasks for various PM ministries are needed. For information or to volunteer call (513) 662-5378 or contact Judy Erwin, Director and Coworker Leader, (513) 451-2908 email .
Meet Our Lady of Loreto HBC in Defiance, Ohio
![]() Meet Our Lady Of Loreto HBC members left to right: Francis Commisso, Mary Batt, Maureen Kennerk, and Mike Westrick. |
Our Lady of Loreto Home Based Community (HBC) started out as a prayer group and functioned in that capacity until we attended a community discernment retreat in 1991 at the retreat center in Peebles, OH. After experiencing the weekend with Fr. Al and our brothers and sisters in Christ, it became very clear that God was calling us to the communal way of life. Then in the spring of 1992 on February 2nd we finalized and signed our covenant agreement. Our community currently consists of: Leader Mary Batt, Co Leader Michael Westrick, Maureen Kennerk and Francis Commisso.
As a covenant community our main corporate ministries are: visiting surrounding parishes and presenting the St. Louis De Montfort Consecration to Jesus through Mary Retreat. We also, sponsor First Saturday Devotion to our Blessed Mother at St. John Church in Defiance, Oh. We begin with Mass at 8:00am, followed by a video teaching, recitation of the Rosary, while two priests hear confessions. Once a year we join with our sister community Totus Tuus from Paulding, OH, for a retreat. We also provide One Bread, One Body meditation books to the surrounding area parishes. On the second Saturday in October, we conduct a rosary rally at noon on the Defiance courthouse lawn. There we recite the rosary and other prayers in union with other rallies all over America praying for the conversion of our country.
Our weekly community format consists of attending Mass every Thursday evening at 6:30 pm. We recite the rosary before Mass and then after Mass we come together at our community House of Prayer for our meeting which begins with the Consecration Prayer, Litany of the Blessed Virgin, and the Liturgy of the Hours. Next we have a teaching and time for sharing, occasionally followed by a video. Once a month we enjoy a dinner together, with everyone providing part of the meal. Each week during Lent we take turns bringing our favorite soup to share, before the meeting.
Being a part of the prayer life of Presentation Ministries is a great source of grace and strength for our community, as we journey together as "one body" to our eternal home. Thank you Fr. Al for all your prayers and sacrifices.
PM Home Based Communities and Coworkers Sponsor Discipleship Retreats
Great News! Many coworkers and home based communities (HBC's) are sponsoring retreats at PM's Paul Jansen Discipleship Center. Their enthusiasm for sharing God's Word is contagious. Guests who attend the retreats have been impressed with their solid teachings, genuine hospitality, and Christian brotherhood and sisterhood.
Is God calling you to help? As this ministry grows many more Coworkers and HBC's will be needed to sponsor retreats. "We must consider how to rouse each other to love and good deeds not absent ourselves from the assembly but encourage one another." (Heb 10:25)
The Coworkers and HBC's listed below literally go "the extra mile(s)" to radiate the "Light of the Gospel":
Gone Fishing HBC sponsors the Annual Discipleship Retreat in Greater Cincinnati. This year the retreat is "Extreme Makeover Who Am I in Christ?", Feb. 20-21 at St. Bernadette Church, Amelia. These retreats have been very successful and extremely well attended.
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New Creations HBC Some members sponsored a Women's Retreat in 2013 and the annual Retreat for Widows and Widowers, Consolation in the Spirit, in September 2013 and 2014.
"HIS" HBC sponsored the April retreats in the Easter season and the Men's Retreat during Advent in 2013 and 2014. They will share their spiritual gifts in the April 17-19 retreat, "The Most Magnificent Fruit": Christian Community. The next Men's Retreat, Modeling Joseph, will be held on Dec. 12, 2015.
Lumen Christi HBC has sponsored retreats in May in 2013 and 2014. The 2015 retreat on May 15-17 is "Where the Rubber Hits the Road": Facing and Living in Reality.
John Bosco Youth Group and Our Lady of Guadalupe HBC have worked together to sponsor the 40 Hours and Family Campout in June 2013 and 2014. These weekends provide a great opportunity for families, communities, and coworkers to worship Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament and enjoy fellowship with each other.
![]() Pope Francis and John Paul Hennessey after Christmas Mass in St. Peter Basilica in Rome. John Paul is the son of Mark and Mary Hennessey and a seminarian studying for the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. He served as a leader of PM's John Bosco Youth Group. |
St. Anthony HBC from the Cleveland, OH area travels 200 miles each way to sponsor a yearly Discipleship Retreat and GBC Seminar on a book of the Bible. This year "The Joy of the Word Revealed"; the Gospel of Luke in October 2014.
The PM Young Adults Group sponsored a weekend retreat on The Introduction to the Theology of the Body, in November 2013. This was an anointed event we plan to repeat in the future.
St. Pio HBC from the Cleveland area sponsored a retreat, The Spiritual Gift of Healing, in November 2012.
Holy Family HBC from Indiana sponsored a retreat in November 2013. In 2014 they presented Discipleship, Leadership, Redemptive Suffering and Mary.
PM Coworkers have generously sacrificed time and some drive many miles to help "behind the scenes" cleaning, cooking, welcoming, recording, interceding, and other labors of love.
Speak, Lord, Your Servants are Listening
Attendees at the Summer Bible Institute annually hear the announcement that all prophecies they might receive be handed in at the Registration Desk. In turn, these will be submitted to the Word Gifts Ministry for discernment. Does this ever bring questions to mind? What exactly is "Word Gifts"? What is its function, and who takes part in this ministry?
In August 2002, two months before his death, Fr Al Lauer called a special meeting for members of Presentation Ministries (PM) in order to launch a brand new ministry. His illness reaching a certain stage, he must have felt the need to hand on the torch of discerning the "now" word of God for PM. Since that time, faithful members of Word Gifts have joined monthly at the Ministry Center to carry that torch. They begin the evening with prayer and praise which they are not in a hurry to "get through," but linger, allowing time to delve into God's presence and bask there awhile. Sometimes intercessory prayer will follow. Next they devote themselves to quiet listening. Often a word from God will emerge. Sometimes members bring forth a word they previously heard during personal prayer at home. Listening for the "now" word of God is crucial to keeping a ministry, such as PM, on course: always moving forward, but remaining true to the original mission. Fr Al exemplified the gift of prophecy. The day he initiated a new vehiclea separate ministry to continue hearing the Lord's directives, was an important day for all of Presentation Ministries.
How are these words from the Lord applied? Past discernment from Word Gifts includes the notion that we need to "get back to basics." It was realized that some PM members had never heard various foundational teachings of Fr Al Lauer. This resulted in the launching of a "Back to the Basics Program" which focuses on the core teachings of PM.
Word Gifts serves as a sounding board for the Directors of PM. Whether or not they hear a specific word from the Lord, they certainly pray for the Directors' discernment when asked to do so. They serve other ministries, (i.e. Outreach and Guadalupe Bible College) in discerning various questions and answers. They have helped to confirm themes for past Bible Institutes. The Paul Jansen Discipleship & Retreat Ministry was guided by Word Gifts to take a sabbatical year of prayer and discernment. Even though it was a struggle for some of the members to accept this word, in hindsight it proved to be very fruitful, bringing new clarity and focus to their ministry. Any of the particular ministries or HBCs can go to them to ask for prayer and discernment.
Another critical function of Word Gifts is to serve as a review board for all new teachings submitted for One Bread, One Body. Of course, all teachings must align with authentic Catholic teaching, but Word Gifts members review new teachings to see that they match the caliber and challenge of Fr Al's body of work written over the course of twenty years, and which readers have come to expect.
Prophecies for discernment come from a variety of sources: PM Home Based Communities, Coworkers, Bible Institute attendees, and those who take part in the 40-Hours devotion and family campout at the PJDC. Occasionally, they might be asked to discern prophecy from an outside group, but have always declined, limiting their focus entirely to PM matters. If you want to know the recent prophetic words for PM each month you can find it on the printed monthly calendar disseminated at the PM Communities' and Coworkers' Mass at St. Antoninus. It is also listed on the PM website at
Recent Prophetic Themes for PM
Each year the Word Gifts Ministry reviews the compiled prophecies received throughout the year and tries to discern the theme for these prophecies. It is a way to put in a "nutshell" a theme easily memorized, of what the Lord has been saying to PM. Some themes for recent years are as follows:
2011: "DARK TO LIGHT, OLD TO NEW" Haggai 2:9 "Greater will be the future glory of this house than the former, says the Lord of hosts."
2012: "CONFIDENCE, COURAGE, COMMITMENT!" Summary: "My little ones, there is indeed a trial by fire going on in your midst. Prove yourselves innocent and straightforward, stir into flame the gift of God bestowed on you. Beware that your hearts do not become drowsy: stay calm, confident and unafraid. Keep your eyes fixed on Me. Do not give in or give up the battle. The Body of Christ, His Church is marching. The Lord of hosts, your stronghold is with you."
2014: "BE A LAMP SET AFLAME AND BURNING BRIGHT". (See John 5:35) Summary: We are called to shine with the 'Joy of the Gospel' (Pope Francis) and share our holy faith and our love for Jesus with everyone around us.
Throughout the years, participants in the Word Gifts Ministry have included: Janet Willig, George & Kay Schmidl, Betty Orlando, Paul Egan, Judy Erwin, Dave Noe, Mark Mussman, Diane Autenrieb, Vivian Jansen, and Bob Celia. If you should receive a prophecy specific for Presentation Ministries you can email , and it will be forwarded. Otherwise, it could be mailed to the office.
Five Faithful PM Co-Workers Extend the Ministry of the Bible Telephone Line
![]() BTL teachers: Deacon Wayne Davis and John Smith |
Are you looking for a quick, dependable 3-4 minute teaching on the readings for daily Mass? Why not resolve, while it is still Lent and heading into the expanse of the Easter Season, to plug into this easily accessible Scripture treasure? Establish a good habit. It could serve as your "spiritual dessert" after lunch. This scriptural teaching could be your travel companion during your morning commute. If it fits in at the end of the day, try it as a "spiritual bedtime snack."
Since 1991, the Bible Telephone Line ministry (BTL) has been available to anyone willing to take the time to call and listen. Fr. Al Lauer handled the daily teachings almost exclusively for the first eleven years. At Fr Al's invitation and shortly before his death in 2002, Deacon Wayne and Darlene Davis, both PM Co-workers, began teaching the daily messages. In a few years Jon Smith, also a PM Co-worker, joined them in the ministry. Deacon Wayne is a permanent deacon in the Archdiocese of Indianapolis and Darlene and Jon are both graduates of PM's Guadalupe Bible College. All three are frequent teachers at the annual PM Bible lnstitute. Callers have the opportunity to leave a prayer request at the end of each daily teaching. Those prayer requests are then recorded daily on a separate number by Mike Kattau, another PM Co-worker. The PM intercessors pray for the BTL requests and also the callers are encouraged to pray for them.
Praise Reports
"I only recently discovered your One Bread, One Body publication (which I usually follow now via the Web). I've always loved spiritual reading, but could never make a habit of it. Fortunately your work challenges and enlightens with such great speed that even procrastinators like myself can take something away with them to last the whole day through." God bless you. —McKinney, Texas
"May you know the blessedness I receive from your ministry all the way (here) in Australia ... I am seeking the gift you present to us believers; even though not participating in worship with our Roman Catholic brothers and sisters I have been multitudinous blest from Fr. Al Lauer over these years For each of you I send you blessings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Keep it (One Bread, One Body) coming to me, please." —James, via email from Australia
Dear PM Brothers and Sisters, "I give thanks to my God every time I think of you which is constantly,rejoicing, as I plead on your behalf, at the way you have all continually helped promote the Gospel" (Phil. 1:3-5). Thank you for the many ways you have made the "joy of the gospel" available on the internet. Christian radio is not available where I live, but as a Catholic Christian hungry for God's Word I am delighted to be able to hear Fr. Al's voice providing spiritual nourishment through the Daily Bread Radio Program via —VLKJ, Southern Ohio
"The Souls of the Just Are in the Hands of God..." (Wis 3:1)
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Charlotte Hirt Charlotte and her husband Charlie were the first lay couple to accept the administration of the How to Teach the Bible Seminars at Presentation Church and at St. Ignatius Church. They led the Servants HBC and pioneered the first PM Bible Institute. Charlotte had a beautiful gift of hospitality and was very generous in opening her home to ministry workers and immigrants, including a family who was forced to flee persecution in Eretria, Africa. Charlotte was the leader of the PM Intercessors until she was recently called home to the Lord.
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Marge Heyob Marge was a Secular Franciscan, and a faithful servant of God's beloved poor. She served in the St. Vincent de Paul Society for many years both in Presentation Church and St. Leo's Church. After she retired as a nurse in the spirit of St. Francis she chose to live a simple life-style, living close to those she served in North Fairmount and English Woods. As a co-worker she worked at the PM ministry center every Tuesday with the mailing crew, filling orders for OBOB and various PM publications written by Fr. Al and was a dedicated intercessor for the parish and PM.
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Liz Donovan – Liz was a long suffering witness and intercessor for the Lord. She served Him through her dedication to the New Creations HBC. Liz became an early supporter of PM and a faithful student of the Bible, attending Fr. Al's Bible Studies for many years. Her patient endurance during her long physical illness and trials of grief and loss, has been an inspiration to many.
Eternal Rest Grant Unto Them, O Lord
2015 Upcoming Retreats at the Paul Jansen Discipleship Center
* Indicates retreats which give course credit in Our Lady of Guadalupe Bible College.
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Mar. 21, 2015 Women's Retreat: Modeling Mary
"I give you praise, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because what you have hidden from the learned and the clever you have revealed to the merest children."(Luke 10:21) "For in weakness power reaches perfection." (2 Cor. 13:9)
In Mary's lowliness God's power reached perfection. He chose to entrust His only Son, Jesus, to her care. God entrusts human beings to women who bring the "feminine genius" of nurturing and caring for others. When women model Mary, the perfect woman, they can become an "irreplaceable support and source of spiritual strength for families and even the world." (St. John Paul II) Come soak in the power of God's Word and His Holy Sacraments. Come be refreshed and inspired by the Holy Spirit, through Mary. Be a source of God's strength, healing, and light to a dying world.
April 17-19, - *The Most Magnificent Fruit Christian Community
"Along both sides of the river fruit trees of every kind shall bear fresh fruit every month they shall bear fresh fruit for they shall be watered by the flow from the sanctuary." (Ez 47:12)
These prolific and fruitful trees are like groups of God's holy people gathered in numerous Christian Communities, nourished by Jesus in His Holy Word and Sacraments, watered by the Holy Spirit. In today's challenging culture we need to grow stronger and bolder in our faith. In a culture drowning in confusion and doubt we need the support of small groups of people "of one mind and one heart", planted firmly in the "running waters" of the Church. These Christian Communities are the most magnificent fruit whose leaves never fade and who bear fruit every month.
May 15-17, 2015 *Where the Rubber Hits the Road Facing and Living in Reality
"So strip away everything vicious, everything deceitful, pretenses, jealousies, and disparaging remarks of any kind. Be as eager for milk as newborn babiesCome to Him, a living stoneprecious in God's eyes." (1 Pt 2:1-2a; 4a)
Facing reality in our lives is the key to health, maturity, and victory. Many Christians are not in touch with reality because sin and a secular humanistic culture cause spiritual blindness. In reality we are utterly dependent on Jesus for life and for that eternal life we so desire. By immersing ourselves in God's powerful and saving word, we can discover the areas where spiritual anorexia and blindness are robbing us of health, maturity, and victory in the freedom of life in Christ.
June 19-21 Worshipping Together 40 Hours Devotion and Family Campout
"They devoted themselves to the apostles' instruction and the communal life, the breaking of bread and the prayers." Acts 2:42 "All of us gazing on the Lord's glory with unveiled faces are being transformed from glory to glory into His very image by the Lord who is the Spirit." (2 Cor 3:18)
Come away for a little while to praise, worship, and thank God in the Eucharistic liturgies! Bask in the "Son"shine of Eucharistic adoration. Soak in the refreshing, life-giving Word of God. Bathe in the beauty of God's creation; enjoy the gift of family and of brothers and sisters in Christ. Ply your skills in volley ball, corn hole, croquette, hiking, and board games. Gather around the campfire for the rosary, s'mores and a "praise-along" and feast on the "World's Largest Omelet".