presentation ministries newsletter, vol. 17, issue 3 »« presentation ministries newsletter, vol. 17, issue 1
presentation ministries newsletter, vol. 17, issue 2
Agosto 1, 2015
Presentation Ministries Newsletter
![]() 2015 Communities and Coworker Retreat at St. Antoninus in Cincinnati, OH |
Archbishop Dedicates PM's Our Lady of Guadalupe Chapel
Attention all Guadalupe Bible College Students!!!
Change in OBOB Book Packing Saves Money
Was It a Pipe Dream or a True Spiritual Vision?
Bible Telephone Line on a Single Phone Number
Home Based Communities (HBC) In Action
Jacob Willig's Reflection from Calcutta
"The Souls of the Just Are in the Hand of God..." (Wisdom 3:1)
2015 Fall & Winter Upcoming Retreats at the Our Lady of Guadalupe Discipleship Center
Archbishop Dedicates PM's Our Lady of Guadalupe Chapel
![]() Archbishop Dennis M Schnurr at the dedication. |
Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr dedicated Presentation Ministries' Chapel of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Adams County, OH on June 6, 2015. Almost 200 people attended the beautiful ceremony and glorious Mass.
Four priests concelebrated with Archbishop Schnurr: Fr. Jason Bedel, pastor of the Adams County, OH Parishes; Fr. Robert Hater, Professor at the Athenaeum of Cincinnati, OH; and Fr. David Glockner, Glenmary Home Missioner; Fr. Daniel Hunt, Parochial Vicar of the Petersburg, OH Region. The Archbishop was assisted by Deacon Francis Wagner, Master of Ceremonies; Deacon Kenneth Meade of Cleveland; and Deacon George Schmidl of Cincinnati. The Church was filled with the sweet aroma of Chrism oil and incense, the walls resounded with Gregorian chant and joyful hymns of praise led by Anna Little and PM's music ministry, the lights were turned on and the tabernacle was inaugurated. The celebration was followed by a reception in the courtyard and a concert by Easter Rising Irish Band.
Online Video of the Beautiful Dedication Ceremony and Mass
You can now view the Our Lady of Guadalupe Center dedication ceremony on the PM YouTube channel. On the link below you will see a summary which is about 15 minutes long and it links to the full Readings, Sermon, Litany of Saints, Anointing of Altar, Incensations and Prayers of Dedication. (It's almost like being there!) Here's that link:
Praise Report
Praise Report for PM's Daily Bread Podcast
This following note of thanks and encouragement was received by the PM Webmaster: "I would like to thank you all for the wonderful work you are doing, I have been listening to the daily podcast of Fr Al Lauer's talks for the last two years and it has brought me closer to the Lord. The talks have also strengthened my understanding of the Bible. God bless you all." — Durwin
Reader Addicted to Online One Bread, One Body
I have an e-mail list of about 20 contacts where I send out the daily reflection. I owe you Presentation Ministries and the late Father Al Lauer more than a million dollars because that is how I feel I have been blessed with your readings. Last year on July 1st, due to the Holy Spirit, I started the plan of Father Al, Thru the Bible in One Year. The Bible will be the only Book that I will have finish entirely and have learned in abundance. Thanks to God for all the blessings bestowed on Presentation Ministries and my family, friends, relatives, in-laws, and people I meet and people God puts in my path. Thank You, Holy Trinity for Presentation Ministries.
Attention all Guadalupe Bible College Students!!!
Are You Bogged Down With Your Studies? Do You Need a Spiritual Boost? Come to the new primary campus for PM's Guadalupe Bible College (GBC) at the Guadalupe Discipleship Center in Peebles, Ohio. This beautiful setting is an ideal place to complete your independent study courses away from the distractions and noise of everyday life. The facilities include the availability of Eucharistic adoration in the newly dedicated OLG Chapel, daily Mass in the local parish, communal and private prayer, a library with Catholic reference materials, and a restful place to stay. Some resident GBC teachers are on hand for informal consultation if needed. Guests are welcome to share in scheduled prayer and meals with the center's residents of Our Lady's Holy Mountain Home Based Community. For GBC information contact Shelley Meade or email
Change in OBOB Book Packing Saves Money
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Presentation Ministries made a final decision to switch to USPS shipping (US mail) away from UPS shipping. To do this, packages must be packed a certain way and picked up from a building which has a loading dock. Even though you would think this would cost PM more to have others do the packing, this will actually save PM a significant amount of money.
For the time being, the packing will be done by a mailing group closer to the press. If, in the future, we ever decide to take back the labor part of the operation, (a further increase in savings) it would be done at a location other than our own building -- one with a loading dock probably somewhere in Cincinnati. This commenced in May, and will continue into the foreseeable future.
Meanwhile, we are so grateful for all the hours and hours of hard work over these past thirty years which were donated by members of PM to accomplish this monumental task every two months. Pray for this operation to be successful without any glitches, or at least as few as possible!
Was It a Pipe Dream or a True Spiritual Vision?
By Beth Dunn
Old MacDonald may have had a farm with an oink, oink here and a moo, moo there, but Paul Jansen had a dream about a retreat center on his farm with an "Alleluia" here and a "Praise Jesus" there. On June 6, 2015, Archbishop Dennis Schnurr dedicated the new Our Lady of Guadalupe Chapel on the grounds of Paul Jansen Discipleship Center in Adams County, OH. For a long time however, it seemed that Paul's and Father Al Lauer's dream was only a pipe dream and would never become reality.
Paul Jansen and his wife, Vivian, moved from Cincinnati in 1973 to raise their six children in the country. They bought a farm high on a hill covering 118 acres near Peebles, Ohio. The Jansens' lives had been touched by God in the Cursillo; a Day of Renewal given by Father Al Lauer; and later at a Catholic Charismatic Conference on the Year of the Family at the University of Notre Dame. They became not only active members of their parish but also active in the community-based apostolate, Presentation Ministries (PM). They worked closely with Father Al Lauer and offered their farm for inner city youth from Our Lady of Presentation Church, near the English Woods Housing Project in Cincinnati to visit and enjoy.
Then tragedy struck. Paul had a heart attack at the age of fifty-four and though he appeared to recover, he died a few weeks after surgery. His last wish was that the farm would be used by Father Al as the Lord directed. Vivian saw to it that her husband's deathbed gift was honored by using their home as a retreat center including camps for inner city youth. God blessed every effort and Father Lauer led many retreats in the Jansen's old home and later in the remodeled dairy barn before he too died.
The dairy barn structure which had been gutted and transformed into the Paul Jansen Discipleship Center (PJDC) was used for thirty years until a new building holding a chapel, classrooms and guest rooms could be completed. However, the large structure stood empty, a shell with nothing inside, waiting ten years for the township water system to become available. After Father Lauer's passing the funds dried up and the building project ground to a halt. The retreat center staff diligently kept retreats going but over time attendance dropped.
Presentation Ministries' Word Gifts Ministry, Directors, and ministry leaders discerned that the staff at the retreat center should take a sabbatical. Under the direction of Betty Orlando, the meager staff at the farm devoted themselves to prayer, fasting and seeking the Lord for a breakthrough. This progressed for two years. Meanwhile Presentation Ministries continued to function with its many other avenues of ministry. One of them, the Outreach Ministry, visited a church in Indiana where they gave a Life in the Spirit Seminar in 2013. One of the seminar participants was so grateful for God's action in her life that she wanted to give back. When she read about the need at PJDC on Presentation's website, she decided to give what was required to finish the chapel building. It was a very large donation!
In 2014 construction began and the empty shell finally got its innards: 23 guest rooms, two conference rooms, a lounge area, an activity room for children, and the beautiful Our Lady of Guadalupe Chapel. It will host events throughout the year. Many of the retreats are mini conferences which cover Fr. Lauer's thirteen discipleship courses based on the Bible, Church documents, and the Catechism of the Catholic Church. The cost is a free will offering so that anyone can afford to attend. Some retreats can receive credit through PM's Guadalupe Bible College. Now the primary Guadalupe Bible College campus is located at the discipleship center, as Father Lauer envisioned many years ago. Other special events, such as the annual 40 Hours Devotion and Family Campout, are held at the new Our Lady of Guadalupe Discipleship Center.
Once again Vivian Jansen lives on the premises, and even though she is retired from teaching students in Over the Rhine in the inner city of Cincinnati, OH, she uses her classroom skills and spiritual gifts teaching at the retreat center and at PM's annual Bible Institute. With Betty Orlando, the Discipleship Center Leader, the building committee, faithful staff, and many generous donors and members of PM, Vivian is rejoicing to see her husband Paul's and Father Lauer's dream finally come true.
For information about events or to make reservations contact or email:
Bible Telephone Line on a Single Phone Number
By Darlene Davis
These three powerful minutes will lift your spirit day or night.
The Bible Telephone Line (BTL) receives roughly 100 calls per day and sends out the message by email to an additional 48 people daily. We record on a separate line about 30-40 prayer requests which are received every day. This line receives about 11-12 calls per day of those who want to hear the prayer requests and pray for them.
In doing some research we have discovered that most people have unlimited long distance capability. As a result we are going to a single number for callers on the BTL. It is the number that has a Cincinnati area code: (513) 823-3111. This is being done to help cut cost and will begin July 1. The estimated saving is about $75 per month. Since we have, for the past month, been urging listeners to change the number in their speed dials, currently just over 52% of our callers are now using this number. Hopefully as we remind callers daily they will be changing over during this next month.
Home Based Communities (HBC) In Action
Acts 2:42 Prays, Works, and Shares Daily
By Mike Halm
Acts 2:42 Home-Based Community is comprised of both single people and families with children. Five adult members signed the covenant this year (2014-15). Many of the children who grew up in the group are now adults starting their own families. All the members have an opportunity to share their finances concretely on a month-by-month basis. This financial sharing supports one of the members who has been called to volunteer full time at the office of Presentation Ministries in Cincinnati, Ohio.
The group commits to meet two Fridays per month for Liturgy of the Hours, other prayer, and Bible teaching. They are currently studying The Gospel of Mark. The first Saturday they enjoy fellowship together and on the last Sunday they get together for a rosary, praying for the pre-press One Bread, One Body ministry. Additionally, two households take turns hosting dinner on two Tuesdays per month and we often see each other at daily Masses or get together for other activities.
Marty Doucette, HBC Member, Witnesses on EWTN
Recently Marty Doucette was a guest on Marcus Grodi's 'Coming Home' program on EWTN. On the program which aired Monday evening May 11, he shared his and his wife Lorita's journey home to the Roman Catholic Faith. In the one-hour interview, he had the opportunity to explain the importance of Father Al Lauer's influence, his teachings on Small Christian Communities and of Presentation Ministries in their lives and in the life of Holy Family Community HBC in Indianapolis, Indiana.
If you would like to watch this presentation of his witness (or if you know someone who needs a compelling conversion story) here is the link:
"Only love which is objective and practical is beneficial", Maximus the Confessor (paraphrased)
Jacob Willig's Reflection from Calcutta
By Jacob Willig
![]() Archdiocese of Cincinnati Seminarian, Jacob Willig, is on mission in India. He is shown here with his parents, David and Janet Willig, who lead PM's Our Lady of Guadalupe Home Based Community. The Willigs, including the children, have been members of PM since the 1980s. |
About a week and a half ago, I was privileged to serve at the funeral of Sister Nirmala. Sr. Nirmala was the superior general of The Missionaries of Charity (MC) directly succeeding Mother Teresa. Her story is simple, yet nothing short of amazing. She was born into a Hindu family of a very high caste, but was drawn to Mother Teresa. Despite strong opposition from her father this woman became a Catholic and eventually joined the MC's. Sr. Nirmala, whose name means 'pure' wanted to become a contemplative sister, living a life of prayer. Mother Teresa believed that she could still be a missionary of Charity and let Sr. Nirmala lead the first contemplative house for the Sisters.
Years later Sister Nirmala become the superior general of the entire MC order upon the death of Mother Teresa. She lead the MC's from 1997 to 2009, and then retired again to a life of prayer when she could no longer lead because of illness.
A few days before Sr. Nirmala passed away many of the sisters here in Calcutta were going to visit her during this holy time. When I arrived at the Motherhouse early on June 23rd, I saw the message on a chalkboard "Sr. Nirmala has gone home to God."
I was sad to hear this news, but I knew it would also be a blessing to be here in Calcutta during this special time. I told the sister in charge of volunteers that I would be willing to help in any way to prepare for the funeral which would be a large-scale public event. On the day before the funeral I was honored to be asked to serve as an acolyte at Sr. Nirmala's funeral. What an honor to be a part of the funeral of this holy woman of Christ!
While the celebrations and the Holy Mass of Sr. Nirmala were a very public event with many news photographers, it is indeed most important to remember the simple and holy life of this sister. Sr. Nirmala's mission was to be an instrument of God's Mercy. Indeed, much of this was done through a seemingly simple, yet profound life of prayer. (Mt. 9:13) How important it is not to discount our time before Jesus in the Holy Eucharist or our prayers that we offer throughout our daily routine. Surely, the words of Mother Teresa also echo so truly here:
"It is the intensity of love which we put into our gestures which makes them into something beautiful for God."
29th Annual Bible Institute
![]() The Light of Christ Shines in the Darkness! |
July 24 - Aug 1, 2015
Cincinnati, Ohio
The Light of Christ Shines in the Darkness!
Join us for over 20 seminars, stirring liturgies, healing and worship services and more! Featured speakers include Bishop Joseph Binzer, Fr. Rob Jack, Fr. David Endres, Fr. Chris Clay, Deacon Ralph Poyo, Chris Padgett and Bill Richart, worship leader.
Why Attend A Bible Institute?
The Bible Institute provides a unique opportunity to hear pertinent teachings, personal witnesses, and above all to be equipped as a disciple for Christ. Come learn to imitate Jesus in His character and ministry.
The Bible identifies more than thirty spiritual gifts of the Holy Spirit. The seminars through the week offer teachings on the gifts of healing, prophecy teaching, intercession, leadership, encouragement, and others. You will learn how to identify them, and use them to impact the world around you. Gifted lay people who have been formed and equipped through Presentation Ministries provide anointed teachings. They model for you how the Lord can move powerfully in those who open themselves to God's plan in their lives.
Contact Information:
Presentation Ministries
Bible Institute Committee
3230 McHenry Ave.
Cincinnati, OH 45211
(513) 922-0923
"The Souls of the Just Are in the Hand of God..." (Wisdom 3:1)
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Emma Geyer -- Many members of Presentation Ministries did not have the privilege of meeting Emma Geyer, 91, who passed away peacefully in Prescott, Arizona on March 27, 2015. Emma and her late husband, Bernard, were very dedicated benefactors of Presentation Ministries and St. Peter Claver Latin School for Boys in Cincinnati. These ministries were both founded by her nephew, our beloved Fr. Al Lauer. She was the sister of Antoinette Lauer, Father Al's mother, and great aunt of Father David Endres. She was a joyful, sincere, thoughtful, giving person who encouraged the good she saw in others. May she join her husband Bernard, Fr. Al, his wonderful parents, Antoinette and Albert, and a host of other PM intercessors in prayer for religious freedom, and the worldwide proclamation of the Gospel through Holy Mother Church and Presentation Ministries.
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Mary Frye Before Presentation Ministries was developed as a Lay Association of the Faithful under the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, Mary Frye gifted Fr. Al's early ministry with clear prophetic vision in the early 1980's. She strongly encouraged the publication of One Bread, One Body and supported the beginning of "How to Teach the Bible Seminars" at Our Lady of Presentation Church in Cincinnati, OH and started one of the first PM Bible studies in her home. She was among the first "holy women" who supported Father Al with her prayers, wisdom, and means. Mary, Bert Oberding and Larry Cafazo, formed the initial Radio Ministry. They performed the "hands on" tasks to prepare recordings of Daily Bread Radio to local radio stations, and beyond.
Eternal Rest Grant Unto Them, O Lord.
2015 Fall & Winter Upcoming Retreats at the Our Lady of Guadalupe Discipleship Center
* Indicates retreats which give course credit in Our Lady of Guadalupe Bible College.
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August 19 - What are You calling me to, Lord? (Silent Retreat)
"And Mary kept all these things, reflecting on them in her heart." (Lk 2:19). A time to "be still", ponder, and reflect on teachings of the Bible Institute and Discipleship Retreats.
September 19 - Healing the Broken Hearted (Divorced & Separated Conference)
"The Lord is close to the broken hearted and those who are crushed inspirit He saves" (Psalm 34:19). Come receive healing and "a future full of hope". (Jer. 29:11)
September 19 - Comfort and Challenge (Widows and Widowers Conference)
"Look to Him that you may be radiant with joy" (Psalm 34:6). Come consecrate your widowhood to the Lord. "Cling to Him" that you may find greater freedom of heart, body and spirit. Let the Holy Spirit console and strengthen you.
*October 16-18 - The Joy of the Word Revealed: The Gospel of Luke
"The spirit of the Lord is upon me... He has sent me to bring glad tidings to the poor ...liberty to captives ...sight to the blind ...release to prisoners, to announce a year of favor from the Lord." (Lk 4:18-19). Come be filled with the "Word of Spirit and Life", in the study of Luke's gospel. This seminar will be presented by GBC faculty members.
*December 5-6 - The NOW Word of God Breaks Chains: Spiritual Gifts of Prophecy and Deliverance
"The Lord God does nothing without revealing His plan to His servants, the prophets" (Am 3:7). "Without prophecy the people become demoralized" (Prv 29:18). Deliverance dispels evil when we praise God and speak God's Word (Mt 4:4ff). Some demons are driven out only through prayer and fasting (Mt 17:21). "Prayer and fasting are the first and most effective weapons against the forces of evil" (The Gospel of Life, St. John Paul II, 100).
December 12 - Modeling Joseph: The Great Guardian (Men's Conference)
"Our opponent the devil prowling like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour" (1 Pt 5:8). We certainly need all the guards we can get, considering the diabolical threats on our livers ...Possibly the greatest guardian of all time is St. Joseph. We need St. Joseph more than ever, and we need bold Christian men to be "other Josephs" more than ever.