presentation ministries newsletter, vol. 11, issue 2 »« presentation ministries newsletter, vol. 10, issue 3
presentation ministries newsletter, vol. 11, issue 1
Abril 1, 2008
Presentation Ministries Newsletter
![]() My Father's House in Moodus, Connecticut sponsored Presentation Ministries' Mini Bible Institute in November, 2007 and drew many brothers and sisters eager to learn. |
The Bible Institute Travels to Connecticut in Miniature Form
In Memoriam: Charles Francis Mallory
Alpena Michigan Sees The Birth of a New Home Based Community
"Mary, Morningstar" Home Based Community AKA "The Water Family"
The Indiana HBC Network Continues to Grow
2nd Annual Prayer on Fountain Square
God Relocates a 24-Year-Old Ministry
The Bible Institute Travels to Connecticut in Miniature Form
by Diane Autenrieb
The Mini Bible Institute held at My Father's House in Moodus, Connecticut November 2nd to the 4th, 2007 was truly a work of the Holy Spirit. Jack and Sue Elsaesser came as part of the giving team to teach "To Heal As Jesus Heals." "Discovering Your Spiritual Gifts" was taught by Mark Mussman and Bob and Evelyn Olson. Mary Handermann and Diane Autenrieb collaborated on the teaching "The Sword Of The Spirit."
Whether they were aware or not, many of Presentation Ministries' (PM) members traveled along to Connecticut with the teaching team in spirit! We freely mentioned you in our teachings, giving examples of your dedicated service to the Word of God and to PM, and how you daily live in the power of the Holy Spirit.
It was very apparent that many of you were praying for us and for the success of this Mini Bible Institute. When the word spread locally of our presence that weekend at My Father's House, others ventured in to seek prayers and teaching. The participants were very excited about Presentation Ministries and its caliber of teaching, some entertaining the idea of traveling to Cincinnati next summer to attend the Bible Institute held at Xavier University. Many of our sisters and brothers are hungry for the Good News, and eager to receive it and share it with others. There was talk of future institutes in Moodus. Many attendees would welcome another opportunity to bring family and friends.
The participants were very excited about Presentation Ministries and its caliber of teaching...
After welcoming the team speakers and all the participants on Friday evening, Fr. Bill McCarthy lead the opening celebration of the Mass. The schedule for the weekend was patterned after the Bible Institutes held at Xavier University each Summer. Morning Prayer and Mass wonderfully launched both Saturday and Sunday. Four classes filled Saturday's morning and afternoon sessions, and meal times with fellowship completed the daytime segment.
Resuming at 7:30 in the evening, all prayed and praised God through music. As featured speakers, Jack and Sue Elsaesser conducted a most powerful healing service, rounding out the Saturday evening program.
Sunday saw the continuation of teachings which followed communal prayer and breakfast in the morning, and the closing Mass commenced at 1:30 PM after lunch.
The Ria Music Ministry shared their gift of music with us, and some of their members also attended the program and were impressed by the depth of teaching.
As is most often the case, the giving team received much more than they gave, and the Holy Spirit's presence was evident throughout the Institute.
Thanks be to God for all the captives who were set free, and the broken hearts that were healed through this Institute, and also for the many brothers and sisters we carried home in our hearts.
"Let us not grow weary of doing good; if we do not relax our efforts, in due time we shall reap our harvest." Galatians 6:9
Recent Prophecies For PM
January-February, 2008
"This is the year of open doors. Doors which before were not open to you, you will now easily pass through. Bondages that hindered you from passing through are
now no more. Watch for the open doors."
(Submitted by a guest at the Discipleship Center)
December 2007-January 2008
Be still and know that I am God. Take moments frequently out of your day and rest in my love. Know that I am with you; receive my love. Be still and know that I am your God.
(Submitted by Our Lady's Holy Mountain Community)
December 2007-January 2008
"The first man never finished comprehending wisdom, nor will the last succeed in fathoming her. For deeper than the sea are her thoughts; her counsels, than the great abyss. Now I, like a rivulet from her stream, channeling the waters into a garden, said to myself, `I will water my plants, my flower bed I will drench;' and suddenly this rivulet of mine became a river, then this stream of mine, a sea. Thus do I send my teachings forth shining like the dawn, to become known afar off. Thus do I pour out instruction like prophecy and bestow it on generations to come." Sirach 24: 26-31
September-October, 2007
While in prayer, I saw a torch that was burning. The torch represented Presentation Ministries. The torch bent over and started lighting fires in different places and the fires spread out into new areas. The central torch, however, remained small and humble in the center, but it remained strong.
(Submitted by Diane Autenrieb)
At the Mass on Tuesday at the Bible Institute, Father Marty was the main celebrant. He called up, "those of African descent, Chinese descent, Hispanic descent " The area around the altar was filled with people from "every nation and people."
Suddenly I realized this was a prophecy of the future of Presentation Ministries.
June-July, 2007
And now, brothers, I beg you through the mercy of God to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice holy and acceptable to God, your spiritual worship. Do not conform yourselves to this age but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, so that you may judge what is God's will, what is good, pleasing, and perfect. Romans 12:1-2
(Submitted by Word Gifts Ministry)
In Memoriam: Charles Francis Mallory
by Shelley Meade & J. T. Wittmann
![]() Chuck Mallory, and his wife, Connie |
Chuck Mallory, a wonderful brother in the Lord and member of the St. Pio home based community in Madison, OH, passed away Oct 19, 2007 from a blood cancer that affected his kidneys. Chuck attended the Bible Institute the past few years and was a student and posthumous graduate of Guadalupe Bible College. Chuck had a beautiful gift of worship and teaching which he lovingly shared with us all.
Chuck and his wife Connie were long time members of Immaculate Conception Church in Madison. They were active in our music ministry and youth renewal program. They have two sons and two daughters and several grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
Chuck had to take early retirement from his job due to his illness. Being home allowed him to devote all of his time to the Lord and family. He was always available to pray for healing for others and was instrumental in bringing "Life in the Spirit Seminars" to our diocese.
The following is a reflection about Chuck written by his good friend J. T. Wittmann.
This afternoon at Immaculate Conception Church (ICC) people shared wonderful stories of Chuck and how he had touched their lives. I could fill pages and pages, but I will spare you all. I only want to repeat one story heard today. Before doing that I have to mention that a cloud I saw today meant so much to me.
For those of you who never had the pleasure of having Chuck teach you "the right way" to sing Amazing Grace, let me fill you in. Chuck firmly believed that Amazing Grace was more than just a song. Chuck quoted time and time again, " `singing is just praying twice.' In order to sing Amazing Grace the right way you have to pray the words. You throw your head back, close your eyes, sing from your gut, and extend your arms to the sky. The key here is that you extend your arms to the sky. The reason that you do that is because you are reaching towards God. After all, it is His grace that is so amazing. You extend your arms as if you were a child reaching for your parents' loving embrace. God's loving embrace is exactly that amazing grace that you are singing about." So with Chuck, I also encourage you, the next time you hear the beautiful prayer, Amazing Grace, extend your arms and long for God's embrace.
Now, since you are wondering how that ties into the cloud I saw, I will put it all together for you. When I left ICC this afternoon heading back to work, I reflected on all the times that Chuck touched my life. Entering the on-ramp to I-90, I noticed a cloud that closely resembled a person reaching to the heavens. I instantly recalled Chuck's "right way" to sing Amazing Grace. That cloud symbolized Chuck's going home. He was reaching out for God's sweet embrace as God welcomed Chuck home.
Alpena Michigan Sees The Birth of a New Home Based Community
By Joe Brisson
![]() In November, 2007, the awesome presence of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament and the procession in His honor wound its way through two residential blocks toward the home of Marion and Joe Brisson. Those pictured are Fr. Patrick Maher, Joe & Marion Brisson, Bill & Jenny Burrone, Kyle Shatkowski, Joe Brisson, Jr., and Marion & Jim Pokorzynski. It was a day filled with much prayer and joy. |
Recently, as of October 1, 2007, another home based community (HBC) is coming to birth. They hope to network with Presentation Ministries soon. "Living In The Light" is their name and they reside in Alpena, Michigan. They are fifteen members strong, each one covenanted.
Early in the development of "Living In The Light" HBC a wondrous event took place. On November 7, 2007 twelve members of the community and seven members from their parish walked in procession behind the Blessed Sacrament carried by their pastor, Fr. Patrick Maher, the distance of two blocks. The procession initiated at their parish church and lead to the Brisson's home where they prayed Benediction, a home blessing, and more prayer and praise. Afterwards, a meal followed, but the prayers were not over yet! They capped the evening with the Chaplet of Divine Mercy, and the rosary.
Meeting once a month, Joe and Marion Brisson, and Bill and Genny Burrone comprise their core team. The whole community gathers twice each month for meetings on Sundays. During those precious times they pray a Divine Mercy Chaplet and a rosary. These prayers lead into spontaneous prayer and praise. They have the laying on of hands as they pray over members. A teaching is given next, followed by more prayer and praise. A shared dinner and fellowship rounds out their time together.
"Mary, Morningstar" Home Based Community AKA "The Water Family"
Based on an interview with Leader, Jane Grodem
Let us introduce you to "Mary, Morningstar" Home Based Community (HBC). They live in Batavia, New York. Their spiritual director, Fr David Scheider, gives this HBC a nickname: "The Water Family." They are every bit as close to each other as they are to their blood relatives (playing off of the old adage: "blood is thicker than water").
Most members in this active "senior" HBC, are in their 70's and 80's. Fr David is a brother to one of the members, Ruth Gear, and so the celebration of Mass is a treasured element of their monthly meeting. Members further focus on Scripture by sharing their own inspirations from the readings. No meeting would be complete without the fellowship, starting with a "happy hour" as they share a glass of wine. Dinner comes next, and furnishes a chance for all to catch up on the latest events and news from each others' life.
Jane Grodem, one of the leaders of this community, recalls that the origins of their HBC were simple "get-togethers". Friendships grew and then advanced as they became "family" to one another. They assisted each other with daily needs (doctors' appointments, hair appointments, a shoulder to cry on, etc). According to Jane, they formed themselves into an "official" HBC as a result of Fr. Al Lauer's teaching in One Bread, One Body in 1995.
In order to spur their spiritual growth they plan their own retreat once a year. Belonging to the Legion of Mary happens to be a common outreach ministry among the members.
"Mary, Morningstar has continued to thrive as a home based community.
The Indiana HBC Network Continues to Grow
by Darlene Davis
![]() Fr. John Maung presents a teaching on the virtue of love at the Indiana Network Retreat. |
Indiana Network has a new community! Image of God Community in Greenwood, IN has branched and a new community is forming. Praise the Lord! The new community does not have a name as yet, but their outreach ministry will be: to pray for priests. This brings the number of communities in the Indianapolis area to nine.
Indiana Network Communities Retreat "Living the Virtues of Faith, Hope and Charity" occurred March 1, drawing approximately thirty people in attendance. Fathers John Maung and Paul Landwerlen were the presenters.
2nd Annual Prayer on Fountain Square
by Dave Willig
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Our Lady of Guadalupe HBC members held their 2nd Annual "Prayer on Fountain Square" in downtown Cincinnati at noon on the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe 12/12/07. This year there were 50 faithful Catholics in attendance to pray the rosary for an end to all violence in our city, and to place Cincinnati under the protective care of Our Lady of Guadalupe.
In December 1531, Our Lady of Guadalupe visited St. Juan Diego and promised to bestow on him her "love, compassion, aid, and protection."
She left her beautiful image on the tilma of St. Juan Diego. This miracle resulted in 6 million conversions to the Catholic faith and an immediate end to the pagan practice of tens of thousands of human sacrifices made annually to the sun and moon gods.
The Our Lady of Guadalupe HBC members firmly believe that through the intercessory prayer of Our Lady of Guadalupe, peace will be restored to our city, and an end of all violence will result.
Guadalupe Bible College News
Planning A Vacation?
We pray in thanksgiving for Our Lady of Guadalupe Bible College (GBC), the Paul Jansen Discipleship Center, and the Presentation Ministries Bible Institute. These three PM ministries work in cooperation to make disciples who make more disciples for Christ.
I encourage all members of PM, when planning their vacation, to include attendance at the Bible Institute or Discipleship Retreat Center. Those who have attended PM programs in the past, give witness that they have been greatly blessed by the Holy Spirit.
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Fr. Al Lauer developed the Discipleship Retreats, Bible Institute, and Bible College to equip people and form them as disciples of Jesus through study of the Church's teachings and the Bible in the context of the Sacraments and Christian community. These disciples are then called to go forth and make disciples of all nations (Mt 28:19) and transform the culture of death and into an authentic civilization of truth and love.
Fr. Lauer desired the Paul Jansen Discipleship Center to be the primary campus of Guadalupe Bible College. Although, most of the GBC curriculum can be taken as home study courses, students are required to attend seminars at the Paul Jansen Discipleship Center or Bible Institute annually for formation in Presentation Ministries and Christian community. Credit for the college is given for seminars offered at the retreat center and Bible Institute.
Donation to Guadalupe Bible College
Last summer before the PM Bible Institute, Fr. Marty Mannion, GBC class of 2006, made a pilgrimage to the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico City. He returned with an image of Our Lady taken from the Tilma, and generously donated the image to the Bible College. It has since been framed and will be given to the Paul Jansen Discipleship Center, the primary campus of Our Lady of Guadalupe Bible College.
God Relocates a 24-Year-Old Ministry
Where In the World Are Jack & Sue Elsaesser? Here we are! In the vacation land of America, the Great Smoky Mountains! How did we come to be here? It could be nothing but the hand of God.
Often through the years we had visited here but never dreamed we would actually take up residence. Last March (2007), God put a call and a plan of how to answer that call on Sue's heart. God showed her how we could retire, move to Tennessee, and still remain debt free. At the same time, God put it on my heart to take her seriously and begin to focus on this plan. Everything worked together so well, it proved that the "God of impossibilities" is still in the business of doing the impossible.
![]() The Elsaessers, Jack (top row, far right) and Sue (bottom row, far left) began a healing service at Holy Trinity Parish in Jefferson, Tennessee at the request of their new pastor. |
Despite moving away from Hamilton we fully intended, when called upon, to return to Ohio and remain active in many of our ministries. One main concern, though, was for the monthly healing services which we established so long ago at St. Ann Parish to continue in our absence. This piece of the plan was very perplexing. Why would God call us away from a healing service that had been going strong every month since June, 1983? I always taught, God doesn't call you from something, He calls you to something. Regardless of puzzlement, we put our plan in motion little by little.
As we continued to search for new leaders, the current pastor retired in June, 2007. The new pastor made an unforeseen announcement that the healing services would be discontinued! However, it was not unforeseen to God, Who was sending us on rather than calling us away.
I retired from 17 years with Mercy Hospital
(previously retired from 29 years as a State Highway
Patrolman), and on August 20, we left Hamilton, Ohio
bound for our new home in Kodak, Tennessee. Previously,
Sue and I had been visiting Tennessee to find a new parish and a new home. At this same time, my son who had been living
in Kodak, transferred to a new job in the Florida Everglades. He found himself "stuck" in
Florida, not able to sell his Tennessee house, while his family remained there. This frustration persisted
for months. Even as we all desperately prayed for the sale of his house, part of God's "plan"
became clear. Sue and I were meant to buy his house so his family could be reunited. That stage of
plan evolved smoothly, and we moved in.
What about our house in Hamilton? It had to sell! Our neighborhood sported many sale listings, but the market was bad. The breakthrough came in December. Curiously, a young couple had specifically set their hopes on buying our house. They had even asked their church members to intercede for them in this matter. Other houses in the area are still not sold. We consider it a miracle. God is good!
Our choice of parish fell to Holy Trinity in Jefferson City. We soon discovered that the pastor is the Charismatic Renewal liaison to the Archbishop. He allowed us to start a monthly healing service following an evening Mass and he joins us to form a prayer team. The other two prayer teams are lead by two deacons and their wives. WOW! Next, our pastor requested that we also start a weekly charismatic prayer group.
Accompanying our pastor as he offered Charismatic Masses around the diocese, we found people who already knew us from the Bible Institute in Cincinnati. Through these connections, God has called us to minister in several new places. Subsequently, through a miracle, we were asked to start another healing service, this time at Holy Cross Parish in nearby Pigeon Forge.
Jesus has healed many. Last Tuesday, we prayed for a lady who, for a whole year, suffered a hole in her foot such that you could see the bone. In all that time, the doctors could not bring about healing so she was due for surgery that very Thursday. When she reported for surgery after the healing prayers, it was already healed! In Pigeon Forge we were blessed to be called to minister to a large Spanish community (using interpreters). A lady with back problems due to a short leg received prayers from Sue and it grew then and there! Her doctor confirmed this later.
In addition to these new opportunities to minister
healing, we are lay distributors, we proclaim, we participate in
two choirs, we cantor, lead in RENEW, and are involved in
an outreach ministry to the poor. There is so much more to
share and so much more in the planning, all I can say is; "God is
Good, listen to Him, taste and see what mighty works He can do."
In Jesus' Name, Brother Jack and Sister Sue
New Resident Brings New Look
by Marianne Lander
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Bringing a fresh look to the place, Patty Sommer took up residence in the apartment above Cincinnati's Ministry Center in August, 2007. Besides sanding and varnishing several hardwood floors, she spruced up the attic level by laying new flooring. Patty also painted lots of walls on both levels.
When David Menetrey planned to relocate last year, a plea went forth at the June Communities' Mass for a new resident for the Ministry Center apartment. In order to bolster her attachment to Presentation Ministries (PM) Patty submitted her request to fulfill that role, pursuing a desire which initially arose a few years earlier.
Her connection with (PM) began ten years ago (1997) when
Patty frequently listened to Fr. Al Lauer's message on the Columbus
Bible Telephone Line. During that summer, she attended PM's
Discipleship Retreats where she met Fr. Al in person, heard great teachings, and found
a crowd of people on fire for the Lord. Inspired by this, she and others
intended to start a home-based community in the Columbus, Ohio area. Even
though that did not materialize, Patty became a member in Presentation by
a Co-worker. She lived for eighteen months at the Discipleship Center assisting with
retreats as well as joining Carl Fox occasionally in
the never-ending task of clearing the land.
After some intervening years, Patty happened to meet Betty Orlando, Ministry Leader of the Discipleship Retreats. Through Betty's invitation, she became involved with summer camps which in turn rekindled her relationship with the Discipleship Center and the retreats. She now belongs to Our Lady's Holy Mountain Home Based Community as a nonresident.
Patty currently teaches full time at Royalmont Academy in Mason, Ohio in the Greater Cincinnati area.
We are glad you are here, Patty! Thanks, too, for all your labor of love in refurbishing the apartment.
Monthly Novena Project
"Where two or three are gathered in My name, there am I in the midst of them."
At the June, 2007 Annual HBC Leadership Training Day it was suggested that we harness the prayer power of our members to seek the Lord's help and direction in various aspects of Presentation Ministries. In time, the "monthly novena project" was conceived.
- Choose one intention per month (see below).
- Choose your own novena prayer.
- Begin on the 1st day of each month.
- Consider fasting during the novena (optional).
- After the daily prayer, listen for 10 minutes (individually or at the HBC meeting).
- Write down whatever "inspirations" the Lord brings to mind.
Follow through !! (This step is critical.)
- Report all "words from the Lord" or simple "inspirations."
- If praying as a group (HBC), designate a contact person to gather the fruit of the listening from each member.
- Email this information to the Word Gifts Ministry at for discernment. And PLEASE pray for the members of this ministry to discern the feedback properly.
Novena Intentions from Fall, 2007
- Workers for Presentation Ministries
- Effective networking system
- Success and protection of Presentation Ministries, One Bread, One Body, and the Ministry Center (in Cincinnati)
- Funds to complete the Discipleship Center
- Water at the Discipleship Center
- Growth in holiness and numbers of HBCs
- Formation of a committee for articulating the Vision of PM
Broadcast Ministry Updates
Portland Oregon Radio Station Adds Fr. Lauer's Program
by Dean Weber
KBVM-FM 88.3, "Catholic Broadcasting Northwest" heard in Portland, Oregon has now added Fr. Lauer's "Bible Teaching" radio program. It is on the air at 7:45 AM Saturday and at 5:45 PM on Sunday. We want to thank the management of "KBVM-FM 88.3" for starting a Catholic station and airing Fr. Lauer's program.
"Go into the whole world and proclaim the Gospel to every creature." Mark 16:15
Radio Witness
Dear PM:
I would just like you to know that I have been listening to the daily broadcast of Fr. Lauer, and it is exceptionally helpful in my spiritual life, and also in teaching my students in Religion. Our local 89.3 FM radio station was taken off the air to my dismay.
However, I am listening to the show on my computer. I understand that Fr. Lauer has passed away, and I am sure that he is interceding to our Lord for all of us.
Please also pray that our station will be reinstated.
Thank you.
"...The longing of the Spirit He sent to dwell
in us is a jealous longing." James 4:5
Audio Witness
Dear PM:
I love listening to preaching tapes.
When I'm finished I also love passing the "preached Word" onto others!
Fr. Al's teaching is so good. I believe these tapes are worth passing's like taking Jesus (the Word) on a mission journey!
Thanks for all you do at P.M.
And thanks for making it possible, working together in spreading Jesus"the Great Commission!"
"Then He touched their eyes and said, "Let it be done for you according to your faith."Matthew 9:29
Audio Witness
Dear Audio Tape Ministry:
Thank you for sending the tapes. I went through a disastrous time I never saw coming and thought it would end my life. It was the first time I really didn't know what to do. In fact, this was the first time I realized that I didn't have any control of my fragile life much less any one else's. God knows the suffering my family and I went through.
I read the book of Job several times and could only get the part of how Job suffered, which was much more than what I went through, and somehow I knew I'll get through this as did he. One day a sister of faith gave me this tape by Father Al Lauer on the book of Job. I heard this tape maybe fifty times, love it. Even though prayers sustained me to that point, Fr. Al Lauer's explanation just put it all together for me. That relationship with God! And that's what saved me.
This is a wonderful ministry you're doing.
Thank you and God bless.
"...and whoever does not take up his cross and follow after me is not worthy of me." Matthew 10:38